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Irony Being 
a lot of movies now tend to be like video games. 
Wot ?? 
I thought it was rather video games that tend to be like movie nowadays... did I missed something ? 
Left 4 Dead 2 Map Analysis Video 
Hey guys, I just uploaded part 1 of a new map analysis video I've made for my l4d2 map "cornered".

In part 1 we look at the 1st rough draft of the map and then go through a couple of revisions up until the pre-beta version of the level. In part 2 (I'll link it here when its out) we will look at the beta version of the map and then all the changes I made to it leading up to the full release.

I hope you find it interesting :) 
watch most blockbusters, they're more action than anything else. Good example, Sucker Punch. 
I Refuse To Categorize Sucker Punch As A Movie :-) 
How about really creepy music vid.

PS main character is OVER 18 WE JUST SLIPPED THAT IN. 
Yep, that's about right... 
... you are watching to much movies... 
Skyrim DOS Shaders 
That Looks Fuckign Awesome 
and sooo much better :D 
Hi! Can anyone link me to any up to date information on how to get worldcraft working with quake 1?

I can't seem to find anything about it. Can you use a more recent Half-life based version of it to edit Quake1?

Any advice much appreciated :-) 
There are two versions of Worldcraft, 1.6 commerial I thought, and 3.3

Whatever, here's a link from Baker, who made a handy tool to get the thing working for Quake1. 
yeah, that was 1.6
i forgot to write a subject. :P 
Thanks for the help! I'll check out the Quakeadaptor route 
Hello again!

Just been having some fun looking at some old unfinished maps in worldcraft, but I seem to be missing some textures I used way back when.

I think I used to have a .wad filled with lots of textures converted from Quake2. Can anyone send it to me? Or help me find it?
i see at least one q2 wad there 
The Marcher Fortress 
"released three, four years ago?"
try SEVEN. So damn impressive even now, but hard to believe it's been that long.

Btw I finally have some time so I'm going to do some Quaddicted reviews soon. 
oh shit, I'm getting old ;) 
Pure Epicness 
Daz, amazing playthrough, I am surprised you did not die! As you said 'the best Q1 level', I totally agree. What is especially good about this map is the design and texturing, it just feels so solid. :) 
No Risk No Reward Daz Heh (I Enjoyed Your Almost-death In Unf1) 
the average quality has advanced since Marcher, but if you're talking level-design power in a single bsp, Marcher has it. Maybe that's why Kinn never felt the need to make a sequel (cries!). But it is hard to imagine a Q1SP better than Marcher. 
it is hard to imagine a Q1SP better than Marcher.

Sorry but I tend to disagree on this point. Marcher is really a very very very good Q1SP map, I cannot deny it. But I think you are missing some other maps that can be considered as better than Marcher by other people.

Depending on the player, it can be felt differently. As example, I consider Marcher has one of the better architecture, that is comparable to Unforgiven (your stuff ;) ), Altar of Storm (necros) and The Living End (necros)...
But in term of gameplay, Marcher was a bitch for me (died too much times, and got pissed off at some time)... so either I am a poor player, or it is definitely not my gameplay cup of tea... In this area I'd rather prefer Ruined Nation (distrans), or The Rest is Silence (Hrimfaxi)... or bigger episodes like Beyond Belief, Zerstorer, or Travail.. anyway..

Well, please read me correctly, I am not saying you are wrong, I am just saying (at least) I think differently, and I might not be the only one ;) 
Well Yeah 
I definitely have my biases and blind spots (which people like negke have brought to my attention, and which was obvious when I reviewed Conflagrant Rodent) - mostly, prioritizing architecture, and not being as impressed by the more thoughtful side of things.

That said, like, dude, it's The Marcher Fortress!
I felt like it bordered on horde-i-ness, but it only really did that at the end... all I'm saying is that in a single BSP file, you aren't going to get more experience or better experience than it, in my view. But glad to hear your opinion. And of course Q1SP is really apples and oranges, much of the time. 
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