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Have any links for those other files to add to my archive seeing as they're hard finds? Also, do you still have that q2.txt about? Doesn't load from the link anymore (I should have saved it) 
nice work on all the playthrough videos, lots of good choices of levels to show off.

I had a couple of suggestions -- if using fitzquake -- first, set scr_sbaralpha to 0.99 so that you don't have the brown bars on the bottom of the screen. (or viewsize 120 -- if playing back a demo, i guess you don't need the stats anyway.) Second, try setting scr_menuscale to a large number (2 or 3 or bigger) so that people can read the centerprint messages in the video.

Also, the rubicon 2 video dies halfway through! Where's the rest? :) 
Perfect, I was actually going to look through the fitzquake docs to see if there was a command for this. Menuscale is also awesome, thanks!

I don't know what happened to Rubicon 2's vid, it got b0rked somehow. I plan to do a full run of the maps soon as I've just finished my return to na pali playthrough.

Heh, even with only half a vid its the most popular video I've uploaded by a massive margin :) 
I've received the said maps by e-mail and I'll send them to you. The playlist has been updated and relocated:

Symbols next to the map names indicate the ones I like (or dislike):

+ Best of the best
~ Worthy
* Absolute crap
Doom2 In Quake Mod? 
Im looking for a Quake mod based on Doom2 using the high quality models - for example the ones you can see in this video (you can ffw to 1:00+ for the action)

Could be either TC or just doom weapons mod. If such thing exists at all?

I know of an old YPOD TC, but its of very low quality compared to the model pack for Doom2. 
not that i know of. it's definitely possible to convert those models from .md2 format to .mdl, but there's no mod that uses them. 
Rubicon 2 
Proper non-borked video ;)

2nd and 3rd maps coming soon. 
Doom In Quake 
There's The Hangar with most GlDoom models I converted to quake in a pak file, qc included.

Not sure what you mean with doom2 models. 
Merry Christmas! 
Yes, merry Christmas everyone! I just realized two things. First, I forgot to swap out the header image this year; I should really just write a script to automate that. Second, func has been alive for 9 years now (technically since the 23rd.) 
Merry Christmas 
Dammit, Sleepy beat me to it. And Happy Birthday Func_! 
Cheers To Both... 
And to you all!!! :-) 
Merry Christmas All 
hope you had a good one :) 
same thing to all, hope the rum and eggnog tasted good and there were some hilarious moments.
the func_birthday is pretty crazy, 9 years. Awesome; sad and inspiring and impressive and exceptional all at the same time. 
Dawn Of Darkness 
Anyone who has Quake II and likes Hexen should check this obscure, nearly forgotten yet extremely well produced TC. Too bad the team didn't have the resources to complete it as they had envisioned - in its current form it's a bit on the short side. Be sure to have your H2 cd in the drive to loop some Blackmarsh and Septimus tracks, they'll feel right at home.

dod1_10.exe - 
Now That... some weird-ass spam. The site it links to is some shallow faux-review/advice site, but it's not even selling stuff directly, only via sporadic text adverts?? How.....mild. 
If Anyone Needs Quake... 
It's on sale today on steam for $2.49 
Rubicon 2 Map 2 
Thanks Daz 
#func Reunion Party 2030 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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