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you forgot the page number! 
Hey, is Quaddicted gonna include mods now? what became of the discussion? 
I can't understand any single fucking words: she's speaking too fast.... but she has nice boobs !

PS: you need such breast in order to speak so fats I guess :P 
Fitzquake 16:9 
Is there a trick to make the weapon models draw fully on 1280*720? Right now the back parts are cut off. Increasing fov helps but it makes the rest look wrong. It's for video capture.

How do 4:3 fullscreen youtube videos look on a widescreen monitor - black borders on the sides? 
fov is the only trick... i have a 16:10 monitor and i use FOV 105 to give the same vertical space that a 4:3 monitor would show at FOV 90.

but customizing/fixing the gun position is one of the things that fitzquake still lacks... it's on my list of things to fix for the next version, not that that will help you much :P 
Quoth Sauce II 
Blatantly copying monsters... It's not nice to rip off other people's models, but the characteristics and behaviour can easily be transferred to other mods. I thought Rubicon's Dreadnaught was an awesome Pyro.

Re: berserk ogre; you could simply rip it out of the available source and put it into your own mod. Same for the shield ogre etc.

Better yet, rip it, and then improve it. That's evolution.

Re: Rubicon monsters in RMQ; I voted it down for equal parts "keeping the identity" and "huge respect for Metlslime and Rubicon".

Maybe someone makes a combined uber-mod a few years down the line. 
I'm Making A Megamod 
Includes monsters, traps &c from DoE and SoA (no weapons yet), most things from custents and extras, monsters and some other things from chapters, z-aware ogres, stuff from zer, the monsters, traps, &c from rubicon, maybe some stuff from SoE, and other miscellany. I haven't worked on it in a while due to school and other games. Needs a fair amount of testing. 
That Sounds Awesome :) 
If Anyone Wants To Take A Look At It 
I'll upload the src to my website. 
OK, So, Recursive Acronyms? 
What the heck is with that!??!

BBC stands for BBC Basic Computers apparently, so WTF was the term's creator thinking when he came up with it? It doesn't make sense. Anyone have an explanation?

and PHP - that stands for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor. Again, what the farck were they thinking of when they came up with that? Why 'P' at the start of the PHP in P.H.P?

I've gone cross-eyed. 
We're Witnessing: 
Ricky's slow drifting into madness. RDM.

I was under the impression BBC stood for British Broadcasting. But maybe Bread-Baking in Cumbria would be more fitting (an analogy!). 
Well I'm Glad I Used The Work 'apparently' 
because, after a bit of research on the net, it apparently stands for British Broadcasting Company, in this instance. As in the instance 'BBC BASIC'. Meh. Yay!

Doesn't explain WTF is with the 'P' in PHP standing for 'PHP'. I mean what does that 'PHP' stand for !??! 
K Is Nowhere Near D 
on my keyboard. WTF is with that?!?! 
'RDM'? - Requirements Decision Memorandum? 
While PHP originally stood for "Personal Home Page", it is now said to stand for "PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor", a recursive acronym. 
nobody tell Ricky about GNU... 
deep breaths, man! :D 
Ricky, you need more sleep! 
General Nuts Abuse? 
Oh no, something with lie sense? 
You Too MadFox! 
Big Brother Corporation. 
Even Better Than Recursive Acronyms 
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