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Please, take Spirits criticism with a grain of salt. Ask him who his previous sponsors have been. There was nothing wrong with what you did. No need to apologize. 
Main page (www2), section "The latest singleplayer maps": link's refer to old site verion. 
Spirit I Love It :D 
i wish it wouldn't have such an abismal ui :((( 
Seems OK In Windows 
Seeing as everyone is bashing 7zip, I will stand up for it.

How hard is this? -

1 - Right-click on the archive.

2 - Click '7Zip' on the drop down menu.

3 - Click on 'Open Archive'.

Really terrible and sooo difficult, I think I'm gonna go and cry about it........ 
Thank you Gus. In that case, Spirit, who have been your previous sponsors. 
err, and then the shitty gui starts, yes. I've had weird drag and drop behavior yesterday for instance. 
not sure what Gus is hinting at. I had a text link ad on my site which was just static text. there was a fixed agreement prior to that and there was nothing else. for the link target it was purely about Google ranking. nothing about sending traffic from my site to them nor any kind of tracking (eg to see how many people saw the text).

so I have no clue what that has to do with my critic of gawkers pay-per-view model.

digs: aye, many links point to www. thanks! I think I'll just flip the switch and polish later. 
I Liked What I Saw At The New Site 
Wider = better. I like the way the injector is situated in the header - everyone will see it now.

The page flows really well, and I like the thumbs at the top. I think that will generally make users think of playing the game, whilst their eyes subconsciously follow the F model, straight to Latest Singleplayer Maps. 
I also like the new look, especially the thumbs at the top. 
Tiny PC 
"Our first product is about the size of a credit card,"
The Raspberry Pi comes with a 700MHz ARM11 processor and 128MB/256MB of SDRAM, which is enough to run older 3D games like the original Quake at 1920x1080 resolution

PC Authority 
Raspy Berry 
I wonder how close that is to a cell phone actually in a hardware sense. A phone doesn't perhaps have easy big screen or keyboard connectivity though, but has good networking capability and a small builtin screen and many have tiny qwerty keyboards. The N900 could run Quake 3 just fine in 2009 already, probably modern cheap phones can do a lot too. is now pointing at the new server. Your DNS milage might vary right now. You can watch broken things live. 
i do miss the pink/orange link color though... 
I stole colours from func

god knows why the forum's css broke... 
I Miss The Comments 
No more anti Spirit hate trolling... 
you can comment on the forum posts as guest so there can be as much of that like before 
Steam Halloween Sale 
Can someone from outside Germany/Australia buy me a gift copy of Vampire The Maquerade? As so often only the Low Violence version is available here. I'd send the money through Paypal. 
Sure I can when I get home. 
I've got a physical copy of that. Email me your address to teamshambler MUTHAFUCKINGAT googlemail BITCHINDOT com and I'll send it. 
Sc2 Fan Made Cinematic 
its actually rather fucking awesome!

Some of the voices are hard to understand, especially the protoss ones, but dammmmmmn! 
"ERROR: Error Message Number 42" 
what's that metl? 
Very close but don't know that the actual SoC(System on a chip = brain and most of the system) is used in any phone. Most modern smart-phones are way more powerful than this $25 gadget. 
I Get Error Message 42 
someitmes too when I try to post from work. If I try again, it usually posts fine. 
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