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I apologise for bringing it all up at this point...

This kind of thing has been increasingly getting to me what with the current state of politics in the UK (and the US). 
ZealousQuakeFan bring beer and we forgive you :) 
now go map... I want that base map! 
Thnx Starbuck 
I actually hate politics. To the extent I'm political I'm just a typical Swede and Social Democrat who shows up at the polls and then heads home for a shower. I love Quake and am a long time lurker. What I saw above was a lot of thoughtless, complacent nostrums, and complacency is boring. They needed a kick in the head for bringing up bullshit politics, and I think they know it. 
Reposted Article 
I'm reposting the quake article ron posted in the rage thread because I've got something to say about it and don't want to hijack that thread for it:

Particularly on page 4 there's this exchange:

Tech changes and trouble plagued Quake's early development. At one point, Carmack set up the engine so that every door in the game was stored in its own level. Romero explains, "Let's say that we build this whole space out and there's supposed to be a door that moves. Anything that's going to move had to have its own level by itself, lit up correctly, and whatever that lighting is getting put on that object has to look exactly the way it would inside of the [stage it's going into]. There's no way to replicate the lighting correctly from inside...there's no way to say, 'I'm a door sitting in a void with some lights hitting it. There's no way to match that so it looks good inside the other level too, that's just not right."

Although the point in the article is that Carmack changed this to be optional, it's worth noting that it's still the best way to make rotating objects because you can place the origin sensibly and give them direction-independent lighting. Cool article all round. 
Abrash now works at Valve according to that article. Doing what? Tired of the API wars, so they are adding software modes to their engine, maybe? 
Stalker 2 Permanent Internet Connection Required

What an asshole slap in the face for the players. I'm curious to see how the scene groups return the favor. 
seems good.

<quote>the most prolific mod scene in history</quote>

If i was feeling optimistic I'd guess NEW ENGINE!

Less optimistic - console optimisations/ports... the dude worked for intel and microsoft, so the 360 is no problem, and from what I understand, the PS3 is a massive whore to work with due to the way the graphics memory is set up, so someone with his low-level programming skillset would be solid gold. 
Worked on portal 2.

Speaking of portal 2, there was new free coop dlc last week, anyone want to play it? 
I Have To Reply To That Blimey... 
They needed a kick in the head for bringing up bullshit politics

Sorry that some people dare to speak ill of the church of the free market. Continue to suckle from the teat of Hayek and Rand.

Complacency? It's secure to consider that the entire society you live in is this screwed up? Blimey. I don't want to know how bad things have to get before you lot consider that the invisible hand of the market *might* possibly be complete bullshit.

Your post is so wacky that really to properly reply to it would need several hours and an overhead projector. But I'll sum it up very briefly:

You confuse decolonialisation with disinvestment. What we used to do militarily, we now do economically.

Anyway, this discussion clearly isn't wanted here but I had to reply to a claim I needed a 'kick in the head'. I won't say anymore on the subject here. I will reply to Tronyn though because his question was sincere and not barmy. 
Many a fracas hath there been on this forum about such quandrys of ethics, politics and religion etc. Shockingly, people rarely fully agree on such issues. There are reams and reams of similar posts and arguments in other threads, suich as the politics thread, and, er, the religion thread. There are even threads which were spawned from the afterbirth of other such battles, which are lacking in any decent name, some had other much worse names which were subsequently changed by moderators.

What I'm trying to say is this:

"If you're feeling it, go with it, dont be scared to tell 'em what u think" 
Arguing about politics on the internet is pointless. Also is a highly recommended read.

I hear bees are in danger of extinction? 
That's what I'm hoping for as well. I think the work he did on the third Unreal Tournament was fantastic and would love to see that taken up a few notches.

#20888 -- TLDNR 
Nice Article Spirit 
not quite done yet, but I have to object to this part:

"The researchers explained this is how one eventually arrives at the illusion of naive realism, or believing your thoughts and perceptions are true, accurate and correct, therefore if someone sees things differently than you or disagrees with you in some way it is the result of a bias or an influence or a shortcoming. You feel like the other person must have been tainted in some way, otherwise they would see the world the way you do � the right way."

This is obviously a product of human psychology (what that humans think isn't), but this phrasing makes it seem like we need a psychologist to tell us, which is not true. An ancient logician could easily point out that if I think X is true and you think X is not true true, one of us is wrong. It's also implicit (and obvious) that one thinks that one thinks X because X is correct, ie a literally accurate description of reality. If our psychology was perfectly rational, there would still be disagreements over what was true, at least on the frontiers of science and questions that could actually be debated using evidence (religion on the other hand would probably disappear except as literature and intellectual history).

levels were often created in weeks or even days

Unbelievable, as I stumble months or years for even one. Cheers to simple floppy level size! 
We should thanks the plains... now with more low-cost flights all the time puts more jet fuel in the atmosphere... is a step ahead to our extinction to... 
Horror Themed Quake Maps? 
Does anyone know of any which either focuses greatly on horror aspects (not necessarily gore/jump scares) or simply providing some form of creepy, tense or atmospheric experience? Thanks for any suggestions. 
Hell In A Can 
Managed to complete it, always got stuck at the same point.

Has a lot of atmosphere though. 
As in didn't know what I was supposed to be doing next. 
levels were often created in weeks or even days

I've grown an appreciation for vanilla Quake levels... I fancy creating something at the quality / detail level of e3m2, the Vaults of Zin, within a few weeks. One of my favourite levels, it is small, cramped and doomlike but pretty versatile, while construction is absolutely primitive.

Sometimes our own expectation of perfection (and oh, do I suffer from that...) makes us do things in a more contrived or complex way than necessary.

Desire for perfection kills the appreciation for simple things that did not take massive efforts to create, yet are still fun to play in this case.

My own approach to mapping is like planning a war or running a government... innocence was lost along the way.

Then again, expectations have changed dramatically, too. Something at the quality and detail level of id1 (sloppy texturing, no details, totally "macro-oriented mapping") would be belittled today. FFS, we even invented the term "environment design" at some point. Talk about overcomplicated. Spoiled. 
to me warpspasm is a very eerie and extremely lonely (can't think of the right word) episode.

ps: fuck all web browsers that hide the protocol or even parameters. 
how did you manage to get the string ellipses thing to show up on a link? 
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