Posted by SleepwalkR on 2013/03/01 18:37:12 |
Today I am releasing TrenchBroom 1.0 for Windows and Mac OS X. TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake.
- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Smart clip tool
- Move, rotate and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Automatic backup
- Support for .def and .fdg files, mods and multiple wad files
- Free (as in beer) and open source (GPLv3)
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux supported)
Check out a video of TrenchBroom in action here.
You can download the editor here.
If you would like to give feedback, please do that in this thread. If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please submit them at the issue tracker.
If you are wondering where the Linux binaries are then sorry, but currently there are none. The Linux version has a few problems which I could not fix before this release. I will get working on those right away so that the Linux version should be available in a couple of weeks, too.
Finally, I would like to thank necros for all his work over the past year. Without his tireless efforts, TrenchBroom would simply not exist. Or it would suck.
Alright, enough of this. Have fun with the editor!
Update: 2.1 here:
Features "cool shit". |
 Your Driver Is Very Outdated
I suggest you update it. I have seen crash bugs go away for several people after they updated their drivers. Just ask Scampie ;-)
#186 posted by digs on 2013/03/05 10:35:24
Yes, now run. Thanks!
 No Problem
Have fun with it!
 King Of The Outdated Drivers :D
#188 posted by - on 2013/03/05 10:47:38
 You're Missing Something
#189 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/05 10:48:30
A paypal donate button on the main Trenchbroom page.
 No-one Has Asked The Most Important Question...
Why is it called Trenchbroom anyway?
#191 posted by ijed on 2013/03/05 11:17:06
Ah, I forgot about Quark. Only used it briefly since I started with WC. Tree view sounds about right.
Maybe to mitigate the downside new logic entities could be offset 16 units, even though they're not seen.
This is just a hobby for me, and I'm happy if people like the editor (and use it to create maps). I doubt I'd get a lot of money from it, and I don't really need it, either. Not that I'm rich, but I have a job that's paid well enough to support me and my family.
Nobody has asked because these crusty Quake senior citizens already know the answer.
Back in the day, one of the most popular and respected deathmatch map review sites was RAMSHACKLE. You can view an archive of the site here: http://bit7.org/quake/mirrors/ramshackle/
The author of the reviews, Jeff Yost, was quite fond of using the term 'Trench Broom' to describe the double-barreled shotgun. Of course, the phrase has its origins elsewhere, but Jeff placed in the collective Quake consciousness via his entertaining reviews.
 The Name
The name "TrenchBroom" is in reference to The Ramshackle, a Quake DM map review site by Jeff Yost. He kept referring to one of the Quake weapons (either the Shotgun or the GL) as "TrenchBroom".
I like the sound of the word, also it's rare enough that it's google friendly, and it references a Quake website that has been defunct for > 10 years now.
What's not to like?
 Entity Properties
#195 posted by Toomaa on 2013/03/05 11:55:11
First of all, good work with the editor! I love the simplified 1-view only interface.
So, I decided to make something for Q1 again after 10+ years and one thing that confuses me are entity properties. I know I can add new keys, but shouldn't there be some predefined keys for let's say trigger_once? Is there any way to find which keys a specific entity has?
 Edit: Entity Properties
#196 posted by Toomaa on 2013/03/05 12:03:02
Ok, I was lazy and didn't bother to read previous comments.
Only the last question remains: Is there any way to find which keys a specific entity has? Or should I check other editors for reference?
Thanks and keep on with the work :)
Right now, this information is not displayed in TB. I plan to greatly improve entity editing support, but it will take a while. For now, you can open the Quake.fgd file and look at it.
 I Have The Answer To The Duplicate Dilemma.
It also brings about a decent productivity boost.
Firstly, the answer to the question of whether or not to translate an object created by using the standard duplicate operation is quite obvious. You should always move it away from the original object. Don't get me wrong, I fully understand why people want it to remain in place for faster re-positioning, but I don't think this is the answer - the danger of leaving objects on top of each other is too high. Yes, if you're paying attention you're fine, but there's always a chance that you'll hit duplicate accidentally (or repeatedly), or that you'll get distracted for a while and forget you've cloned the object when you return. You are then left with unwanted brushes which you will not be aware of - as far as I can tell, brushes in TrenchBroom don't z-fight if they are placed on top of each other either (even if they have different textures applied). This makes it impossible to know there's a problem if you're not looking for it.
Mr Fribbles, I don't want to hear problems, I want to hear solutions!
OK, here's the answer (or a suggestion, at any rate): an additional set of commands (and corresponding shortcuts) to duplicate and offset the selected object(s) in one go. I would suggest the hotkey set listed below (opinion alert, I'd also remap some of the current ones!)
LEFTARROW: move object left
RIGHTARROW: move object right
UPARROW: move object forward
DOWNARROW: move object back
CTRL+LEFTARROW: rotate object left
CTRL+RIGHTARROW: rotate object right
CTRL+UPARROW: move object up
CTRL+DOWNARROW: move object down
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFTARROW: duplicate object and move the clone left
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHTARROW: duplicate object and move the clone right
CTRL+SHIFT+UPARROW: duplicate object and move the clone up
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWNARROW: duplicate object and move the clone down
Naturally you'd offset the object by the current grid amount (if snap to grid is on). If grid snap was off, pick your poison (a sensible default distance, or perhaps something clever such as offsetting the object by its width in the chosen direction!)
Maybe the entire concept is not so good. Maybe it would be better to always duplicate objects just by dragging them, e.g. Ctrl+Drag will create a clone and move that.
OTOH, I wanted to use Ctrl+Drag to select multiple objects in a future version. But that could still be achieved if the drag starts with an unselected object. If it starts with a selected object, the selected objects would be cloned.
I could add keyboard shortcuts as well, of course.
 Let's Try That Again
(Because I done fucked up!)
LEFTARROW: move object left
RIGHTARROW: move object right
UPARROW: move object forward
DOWNARROW: move object back
CTRL+LEFTARROW: rotate object left
CTRL+RIGHTARROW: rotate object right
CTRL+UPARROW: move object up
CTRL+DOWNARROW: move object down
SHIFT+LEFTARROW: duplicate object and move the clone left
SHIFT+RIGHTARROW: duplicate object and move the clone right
SHIFT+UPARROW: duplicate object and move the clone forward
SHIFT+DOWNARROW: duplicate object and move the clone back
CTRL+SHIFT+LEFTARROW: duplicate object and rotate clone left
CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHTTARROW: duplicate object and rotate clone right
CTRL+SHIFT+UPARROW: duplicate object and move the clone up
CTRL+SHIFT+DOWNARROW: duplicate object and move the clone down
Combine these with well chosen grid settings and you will be an unstoppable Quake editing beast of righteous fury.
 Why Not Just
#202 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/05 12:38:49
have "duplicate offset" in the options menu
That way, (most i think?) people can set this as (0,0,0), whilst others who prefer it to be offset can give it a different value.
 Oh Wait
#203 posted by Kinn on 2013/03/05 12:40:24
Maybe the entire concept is not so good. Maybe it would be better to always duplicate objects just by dragging them, e.g. Ctrl+Drag will create a clone and move that.
OTOH, I wanted to use Ctrl+Drag to select multiple objects in a future version. But that could still be achieved if the drag starts with an unselected object. If it starts with a selected object, the selected objects would be cloned.
this sounds like an even better idea.
 RE: RE: Paypal
#204 posted by RickyT33 on 2013/03/05 12:47:02
Well I read the 'free for beer' part, and thought 'Well, I can't buy him a beer directly - where do I donate?!'. And I actually went looking for the Paypal donate button. But there was none. So....
If I thought of it, others must have (surely :)
Maybe there'll be a few beers in it for you if you give us the means to buy you one!
You see I tried the editor, and I was so impressed and excited that it's a live project, I thought it WAS worth a beer.
Fribbles, I think your proposal will interfere with other actions which are done using the arrow keys. Also I don't like the clone + rotate options because it can create the same problem as duplicate in place if the brush is symmetric. Also I'm not sure how often it's necessary to clone + rotate in place. And it's not much more work to clone-drag, then rotate.
Is always welcome, and if any of you guys is ever in Berlin (or I am near your place), you can buy me as many beers as you like (and I can drink).
I know I'm late to the party, but I wanted to thank you for making this, porting it over and continuing to support it!
This editor is full of win. I'm waiting till I have more time to fully dive into it (ok, full disclosure, I also really need the free fly mode before I can really get into it - I'm just too accustomed to it because of Radiant and my editor at work).
There's a lot to like here though! Quite frankly I'm amazed at how slick and easy to use this is. Top shelf!
Yeah, the last commands are just fruity bonus ones (although I do use the dupe + moveup/down a fair bit at work in our editor). I understand that some of what I proposed differs from or conflicts with the current paradigm.
Another limitation/difference you will note is that I favour moving the objects up/down using CTRL+UP/DOWNARROW which conflicts with the rotation commands in TrenchBroom. My reasoning is that moving up and down is a much more common activity than rotating up/down.
Of course, if the actions are there and can be remapped by the user, everybody wins.
Thanks, I'm happy to hear that you like it. Flythrough mode will happen in 1.1, due in a couple of weeks.
And you will be able to customize the keyboard in 1.1, too, so there's no point in discussing the current selection of keyboard shortcuts ;-).
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