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such as your brain, guided by millions of stickies on your monitor. Software isn't up to that standard yet.

Package managers? Pah. 
does left over registry entries matter though? i mean, presumably, only the application in question is going to actually use them so if it's gone, it's just a bunch of data doing nothing. 
Steve jobs has died today. This man was a marketing genius and for sure a visionary in computing. He made Apple an awesome company, producing marvelous products.
RIP Steve, I'll miss you. 
In Honour Of Steve 
Today I wore running shoes... inside the house! Couldn't find a turtleneck, sorry buddy. 

fucking cancer... 
I Was Never A Fan Of Apple 
But it is a real sad thing nonetheless. The guy was very young, and certainly a character who many people loved and admired. 
I don't really feel any kind of sadness that Steve Jobs is gone. He had a great life and accomplished more in his life time than I will in mine. 
Don't see where all the admiration comes from. For example he didn't build the original Apple computers nor the the modern tablets.
He's the same as Bill Gates, but I doubt Bill Gates will get quite the adulation when he pops it.

Or in other words, random multi-billionarie businessman dies. Whoopie. 
Bill Gates Will Never Die!!! 
He can afford to have a body transplant or something. Or he will pay scientists to figure out a way to have his consciousness inserted into a computer so that he can then live forever on the internet. 
I imagine a single bsod will end that dream fast. 
*I* Will Mourn The Day Bill Gates Dies 
because he's a damned good philanthropist.

Steve Jobs, whether he gave back or didn't, I associate with marketing. And marketing, my friends, is fucking evil. See Bill Hicks. 
Sorry - that's just bullshit.
Gates is a turd. 
But do you think Steve Jobs wasn't? 
Why do you say that?

I also had heard that Bill Gates had given much of his wealth to charity. Is that not true? Have you given more money to charity? 
Gates And Jobs 
Have both helped many people, driving industry and creating jobs, if nothing else. That is good for everyone. 
Lets Just Stop Right Now. 
I'm Serious 
I just read I probably die in 23 sept 2037.
By that time I ain't got extra lives any more.
I will radically absorb anything that looks like a medkit.

I know this sounds crazy as I'm nor death yet.
I think I am more scared to know when I die, as that I will do. (I think)

I never filled in the opinion investigation. 
Re: Charity 
The problem with giving billions to charity is that it is treating symptoms not causes. Lets say that the results of disease in africa are related to the on-going warfare and lack of developement in the area. Okay, what (mainly) led to this warfare? Western intervention. Why does the West get involved? Because africa sits on some of the largest reserves of raw materials on earth (see the Congo and Coltan which is pretty much feeding our lovely electronics industry).

Why does the west have such an appetite for these resources? Because it constantly requires growth and expansion.

Bill Gates (and Warren Buffet et al) from one hand operate the machinery of international capitalism and give us all it's horrific results, then from the other give us part of the money they made exploiting the world to fix some of the symptoms of their own actions.

You might argue that money would be better spent trying to dismantle the current political-economy and replace it with one that doesn't require most of the world to live in poverty.

urgh 5 in the morning posts. <collapses> 
What ZQF says i guess...

And i've started to really appreciate the quality of most Apple stuff.

I've used pretty much every consumer operating system around (excepting amiga, though BeOS is similar some people say). And OS X easily pisses on them all - it's that good.

Jobs *was* a damn good salesman, but that's just irrelevant when one considers his amazing achievements. 
I'm interested in hearing how they would go about dismantling the current political-economy? 
Well since business interests and capital pretty much fund all major political parties, you could start by creating a new genuinely progressive political movement that might actually change things and fund it well. 
Jobs *was* a damn good salesman, but that's just irrelevant when one considers his amazing achievements.

What major achievements? The cult of celebrity that believes he personally designed all this stuff (not the massive amount of engineers employed by apple), or that without apple we'd not be living our exciting enlightened lifestyle.

Fusion energy would change the way we live. New treatments for cancer or heart disease, or some progressive politics. Creating expensive techno tablets that many people even in the developed world can't afford isn't changing dick. Are we going to mourn the person who first designed the GUI at Xerox? Surely he changed the face of technology more. (PS this invention was nicked by Apple, who then tried to sue other people nicking it :P)

Basically all this hero worship bullshit gits on my tits. Norman Borlaug didn't get this much obsession. There is a man who fucking deserved it. 
I'm pretty butthurt that I've never owned any iProducts either. 
I Thought Func Was Generally Smart Enough 
not to devolve into Steve Jobs shit flinging, but alas, a few exceptions. ZQF, either stop being so autistic or please, please stop talking. 
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