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With All These New Things 
I'm expecting monster maps. 
Extended BSP format with much higher vertex, clipnode etc. limits. Tools include TxQBSP2 (+ included skip and rotation fix), WVisBSP2 (threading support), and LightBSP2 (+ MH's coloured light and threading support). Engine support is in RMQe, documentation exists for engine coders.

The technical side at MH's blog:

Some comments from the design side by gb:

I think there will be a release of the tools, engine and documentation, at MH's discretion, once everything has matured a bit, which can happen in a few weeks.

The stuff does not depend on RMQ the mod. It is also open source, of course.

I sincerely hope this will benefit people. 
Holy shit, glad you like it. 
ohh yes, love the off-axis corridors and strong use of trims.
is that with the new format?

anyway, technical specs of the bsp2 sound quite amazing. it'll suck being tethered to the rmq engine for a while, but it's good that it's a fully different format so adding it to new engines won't be a hassle.
no hint though? is that still not possible?

good work, mh, sounds exciting! 
so what are the new limits? hopefully they are stupidly high so we never run into them again! :D

but yeah, even just doubling the old 64k hard limits would be quite awesome. 
The elder world thing is just a tiny testmap, no BSP2 needed.

Lord MH will probably supply the details about the limits.

I also hope that other engines support the format. 
This Made Me Laugh 
Lol @ Zwiffle 

Also - Limits - I think that the main limits (of Fitz .85 etc) are 655## marksurfaces and vertexes. By that, I mean that those are the limits which you are likely to hit with a huge and very detailed map. MH has supposedly doubled those limits (consider the largest map you can think of, possibly the Warp 'city' map (with 666 monsters) or huge maps like Marcher etc. Well now we can have maps which are twice that size. As in 131### vertexes.

AGLQuake would run maps which are compiled and have more than 65K verts, but you would find giant moving polygons flickering through the whole map, and the clipping would be all b0rked.

This is because (in my simplified terms) that the actual BSP format itself has these limits, rather than the problem being that the engine wont run them.

I wonder if AGLQuake will run BSP2 maps...... 
Nope, It Doesnt. 
First time I've had a map crash AGLQuake, lol. 
hopefully mh swings by and clarifies more. :) 
Is It Really Spam If It Is Indistinguishable From A Real Post 
Grow a second penis! 
The Elder Thing 
Very pretty.

Also no racist cos that is probably a hugely fake-tanned white guy. 
Random Question Time 
anyone on func done Everest Base Camp?

Have done some research but would be good to get some first hand info :) 
Never Done It 
But I have seen Everest Beyond The Limit.

Your F@cking mad, mate :)

As you can see from the above image, Everest Base Camp (the first one) is at 17'000 feet. I have never been much higer than 3000 feet (without a preasurised cabin), and that was enough to give me a headache. Also, AFAIK, it takes atleast a month to get to Everest base camp. 
I'm looking at a 17 day trek (which has a few acclimatisation days).

Previously been as high as 4200m during the Inca Trail but this will be another 1300m on top of that so the thin air is going to really kick in. 
So In Other Words 
You ARE a crazy person! ;)

To be honest, I can see the attraction of trekking round the Himalayas, or the Andes. Just for the beauty and the atmosphere of the experience. 
Just Dont Get Summit Fever!! 
I think voodoochopsticks has been trekking in Nepal, though it might've been closer to Annapurna.

I wasn't (that) close to Everest, but did I visit Nepal this June, so if you have any questions, shoot. 
I just had some about the trek itself rather than Nepal. thanks for the offer though.

Is VC on a current trek or did he do it before? 
I Know A Few People Who've Been To Everest Base Camp 
It's a big deal, but not that big a deal, if that makes any sense. People rave about the scenery for sure. What sort of thing did you actually want to know? :) 
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