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RPG, yeah, that's the one he was wearing.

I was just wondering if someone from the quake community lived in the sheffield area. I was gonna ask him about it, but then I lost him and never saw him again.
DaZ was with me at the time, and he peejed hard over the t-shirt. 
"All your base" is hardly a quake-only phenomenon, so it's rather unlikely that the dude you saw was from "the quake scene", let alone reading being a reader of this board. 
This Is True 
but it may indicate that this guy was a geek, which is pretty cool 
dont ask who wants to test your map.

just send it to chris-catto at libero dot it

(cheers fatcon for letting us know about the trick. i guess i get enough spam as it is just with sites asking for my address. i always try to give my defunct one if i think its not important...)

ps, anyone wanna rimind me where i can get some quake 1 related clothes? i actually made meself a q2 tshirt in 98 with a screenshot and all but i wore it out playing basketball and all. sob!! 
another q3 looker :

Should be an sp map after some rescaling IMHO. Very nice detailing although for sheer originality, Cardigan's bet map Ecstatica was better. 
Bascule, Thou Art Granted A Vision! 
The complete actual text from the Toaplan game "Zero Wing", as taken from the Toaplan site itself, is as follows!

Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Someone set up us the bomb
Operator: We get signal
Captain: What!
Operator: Main screen turn on.

Captain: It's you!!
Cats: How are you gentlemen!!
Cats: All your base are belong to us
Cats: You are on the way to destruction

Captain: What you say?
Cats: You have no chance to survive make your time
Cats: Ha ha ha ....
Operator: Captain!!

Captain: Take off every 'ZIG'!!
Captain: Move 'ZIG'.
Captain: For great justice.

(As taken from the Unicorn Jelly forum.) 
All Your Base (helping To Fatty) 
Thanks Fatty... 
That's fantastic! I've just spent an hour at work looking through some of the sites and links and, of course, the video.
It has really made my day :)
This whole thing must have passed me by the first time around, so thanks again for the lead. 
Not enough bullets in this world... 
Talking Of Bullets 
has anyone downloaded a certain clip with a guy pretending to be arnie pizza delivery (on the phone)? he talks about punching pizza through the guy's brain and pizza with bullets and so on. it's hilarious believe me. cant remember the exact name of the clip. i got it on some backup cd somewhere... 
what is happening with the q3 support only? what would it have better than the q3 engine? ok extra tweaks but arent the team taking a risk? hope anyone can fill me in with some info. their site doesnt seem to give away much. any rumors around? 
All Pizzas Come With Pepperoni, And With 9mm Bullets On Them 
thats a legendary clip, thought about using it as my answer phone message but then realised it was ridiculously long.

Check the Tenebrae developers message board for info on the new version, btw, theres quite a bit of stuff there. 
Oh And... 
Cheesy pic:

Yeah its a cliche i know. And not funny. But i was bored, dammit! 
i like 
Would it be posoble to email me those bots you were talking about up there ^^^ , or direct me to a download link please.

jih64 at yahoo dot com dot au

Thank you. 
Enclave tools = now

I will personally remove your vital organs through your penile duct unless you see to it that the Enclave editing tools are released to the public. 
Trouble Serving 
Hey recently I've been wanting to play some QW using Zquake, but I'm getting an error after I start the server when I want to load the map to play.

Host error:PR_Loadprogs -- couldn't load qwprogs.dat

Help is appreciated. Thanks guys. 
First of all. No man, woman or killer-cyborg are bad-ass enough to take me on. If I ever catch you making empty threats to my persona again, I'll face-rape you with a fire extinguisher.

That said, I'll raise the issue, I promise.

One of the possible reasons why it'll never happen is that the editor and engine is un-documented to the point of it being silly. 
wrath is my hero :) 
It's not like Build was documented -- well, it was, but it's not like it actually helped anyone. And QE4 didn't have any documentation either.

So basically that's just a cheap excuse worthy only of some stoopid programmer. Cheap excuses are not acceptable. 
"So basically that's just a cheap excuse worthy only of some stoopid programmer. Cheap excuses are not acceptable."

I'll be sure to pass your input along to the parties involved in the decission.
Also, your foot is bleeding, stop shooting it. 
the demo looks awesome btw 
New Q1SP 
available at FilePlanet:

The map is made by Rinie Brouwers and the link is taken from TenFour:

It's certainly no masterpiece, its major drawback is IMHO a very confusing layout, probably due to being mainly a DM map populated by monsters. Still a rather nice first effort with an old-skool feeling. 
I Second That 
ill definately be getting Enclave on the basis of that demo. The engine, the models, the textures, the architecture, the layouts, the interface, the sounds, everything was spot on!

It has a real solid feel, which I find to be a rare quality. The section at the end of the demo even made me want to make a void map :) 
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