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Xonotic Is What Was Nexuiz
And it still is a silly amateur game, I wish I had realised that back then. 
Credit where credit is due, that new console Nexuiz looks pretty good. Nice visuals. Looks like semi-competent design.

You might argue that person X or Y or Z is an asshole, but you cannot argue with results. Historically, lots of artists have been assholes.

Xonotic still has every chance to be a good game. 
should probably come up with a better name though, tbh.

So should RemakeQuake *g*. 
I thought Nexuiz looked great right up to the point where I played it and saw that it was Warsow with weapon bloat and the cool movement removed. 
Non-linear Design 
Also I was thinking about linearity recently myself, mainly because my levels so far are all extremely linear, so I'd be curious what Quake maps people think are a good example of non-linear design. 
All i can think of atm, i haven't been playing muh quake recently. *whips own back with cat of nine tails* 
Stark Monstrosity - Has teh nonlinearity. Also Slave. You make a loop with two or three things which have to be done in a certain order so that you can unlock the next area (or two areas simultaneously ;). 
Slave To The Machine 
is a good example. 
i seem to recall 'explore or die' was non-linear 
Non-map Project Stuff Btw 
looks very bad 
Could have sworn I'd played Slave but I loaded it up and it rang no bells :p will check it out then :) 
didn't Day of the Lords have some nonlinearity in parts? I can't remember but i think you could visit the 4 corner towers in any order...

Also e1m5 is a good basic example of giving you two tasks and you choose the order to do them in. 
JPL Had A Non-linear Map... 
...but I can't remember which one o_O 
Intersting Article

Forcing prisoners to play WOW is cruel and unusual punishment 
But ... 'normal' people do it by choice on the outside! 
The trading of virtual currencies in multiplayer games has become so rampant in China that it is increasingly difficult to regulate.

Yeah, I suppose only the government or correctional services could take responsibility for such cruel and.. oh, right. 
Here's Some More 
Of Course! 
If only gold farming were regulated! That would fix everything!

What was that? 
I was saying in the first post that I see the Chinese government as enforcing torture in their correctional system, when governments are supposedly the ones who look after the people.

Yes, a bit naive. 
Gb Posted This Over On The Trac: 
About why the Brits and Germans can't understand each other. 
"Their Operas go on for three or four days... and they have no word for 'fluffy'." 
That is a rather fascinating article. I will now talk to the Germans in British tones, and to Brits in German tones from now on. Linguistics is a fun subject, isn't it? :) 
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