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Where Is The Appropriate Thread For This Question? 
Not the title question, but this following question:

What are good, simple ways to make a map more open for exploration without losing a lot of gameplay or expanding the map into a crazy huge overblown monster?

ie, I'm not trying to make a super linear map/set of maps, but open it up some without making big side areas or making the layout too confusing. Any examples/tips? 
Sounds Like A Good Topic For A New Discussion Thread. 
There's An Interesting Thread About Non-linearity On DW 
So Shambler, Ricky... 
How was the wedding? :P 
Can somebody check if the map lfsp7 is finishable or not? 
geez... i dunno o.0

i worked out that you need to... jump down that tube where the nails are coming up... but even with 100hp 200a you die.
if you just try to fall down, damage push will slow you down so you die about 3/4 of the way down. if you use rockets to push you down, you still die.

also, interesting bug, if you 'restart' the map, you don't get the free items. but map lfsp7 works fine.

what a strange map, btw. very cool in some ways, but very frustrating (jumping down and then being cornered by 4 fiends in a fairly cramped room, for example). 
If the map is not completeable, then it should be removed from quaddicted.

This map also have some unkillable knights.

Or maybe somebody can add a pent? 
you're getting stuck at the goldkey door/button too right?

the rest of the map looks cool though. 
At the start of the level the way you must go is down the tube, where spikes are shot upward. Then if you've survived, you have about 10 health.
It appears this is the way to go, but I couldn't do it, either. The GK button extends a bridge that allows you to go up the spike tube - the key itself must be on the lower levels. I don't know how I managed to survive (or if) when I added the QA description.

Also, when I played it yesterday, the game was super fast. No idea what happened. 
Possibly Some Engine Thing 
It works on Winquake, for example. 
Known Fitzquake Bug 
Can you guys find out how to enter the lava area in LFSP7? 
Another Question On A Map... 
The final boss of the map Forward Compatible seems to be bugged, as his nails keeps firing into the floor. Has a patch ever been released to address this? 
Retronamic Games Is Looking For Classic SP Level Designers 

We're looking for talented level designers with experience designing single-player campaigns for Quake 1. If you're interested, please, contact us at and send your portfolio.

[editor's note: should have gone in Jobs thread] 
Maybe tell us what kind of project it is first? Your name doesn't ring a bell. 
did turtle rock/valve ever talk about exactly how the left 4 dead director works? like how it chooses what to spawn or when to do 'panic' events?

i've only found very vague info or fanboy crap. 
They have a page where they released a lot of gdc and tech talk slides/papers. Google it. 

This slideshow presentation, although I can't find the talk associated with it, is basically where most of the actual talking about the director has been done, as well as bits and peices on the valve developer wiki in regards to working on L4D maps.

In short, it's a mix of random chance, algorithims for how 'tense' the gameplay has been, and some level design scripting. 
Thanks Scampie 
been looking into doing this for quake. looking into l4d mapping tutorials, i don't think i'd make it quite that automated, but it'd be pretty cool to have a sort of sub-layer of gameplay that's randomly generated. 
Lardarse's randomizer can randomize monster spawns from pre-set groups, or spawn monsters in random places... unless this is totally not what you want. 
not at all.

simply randomizing a group of monsters isn't what i'm thinking of.

essentially, what i'd like to work towards, is a system that can populate a single player map (or even a dm one, i suppose?) with monsters on it's own such that it seems like a proper map.

like a more advanced dmsp in some ways, i guess. 
Can an auto-spawner ever be as good as a level designer hand-placing enemies? Wouldn't the mapper have to define possible locations, at least?

Might depend on the map? DMSP works because a DM map is nonlinear and arena-ish by design. 
yeah, the system i have works fine for a dm type map. now the goal is to have the ai place monsters ahead of the player which is a little more challenging. 

/me raises hand 
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