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Ooh, there's a faq! I'll try to write in a less dumb way now.

I wondered what kind of tags were supported. 
Moved Posts? 
Saw a topic I was posting in regarding Q1 engines got moved? But I dont see any notifications saying where to look for it? I was discussing collisions and Spike and Metslime were responding, now cant find it? 

Not sure if it would be possible to code in something so that any thread you have posted in, filters closer to the top when sorted and logged in. Some kind of sorting capability would help. 
maybe a way to search for your recent posts, so you could find those conversations again? 
Lets do it how Quake does it. Use centerprint, bprint and sprint.

Just kidding, but I do like how the structure here is very old school Quake. Its a very unique style, but the structure , at least for me in the beginning was hard to follow because of the way its sorting the messages. Im getting the hang of it the more I post. 
did you change it so links open in new windows now? 
No, must be a browser change on your end? 
oh, did firefox just start doing that then? i dunno... i haven't touched anything on my part. 
Just an idea, how about some more Quake old school icons, perhaps one for the rest of the Artifacts, ring, suit and maybe the rest of the standard quake models like the health and ammo boxes etc. Maybe that way it could serve as a better clue what the subject topic is about in a more defined way.

Heres one of a teleporter I just made from an in game screenshot, if you wanna use it : 
So That's What Sacrilege Looks Like 
Thread For Sounds? 
Is there a thread for sounds, ie troubleshooting problems playing sounds like ambient sounds? 
no, it would normally go in mapping help or coding help, depending on how you are approaching the subject. 
Well this is a looping sound issue, and seems some engines handle it differently than others. I will try the engine thread I guess, and you can move it if need be... 
Make URLs In Titles Clickable 
Because having to select them manually on an iPhone is making my arse bleed. Jesus, I wish you cunts would just stop doing this. 
Works fine on my Android. Just long press and go. Don't try to do actual computer stuff on your golden toy device maybe? 
"hurrr duuurrr go back 2 playing candy crush appel boy" - Spirit

Seriously, wtf dude? 
That works on Apple too. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop it from being a twat move. Put the link in the body of the message. Or is that too complicated? 
Doesn't Work Reliably For Me 
Truly Spirit, and I say this in friendship, but go and stick your android phone up your ass and shit it out. Repeat until your anus prolapses. 
Come on, you can do better... 
That's Your Comeback? 
Well, being a Linux user I can see how he'd be a fan of taking the hard route ... so I guess title URLs make sense in that context. 
Post Images? HTML? 
I have no idea if anyone has asked for this yet, but would it be possible to be able to post images? I see people constantly linking to images on external websites, so that way it makes showing betas of maps and mods a lot easier. Obviously, we would need to figure out how to moderate it, because anybody could just come down and spam porn.

Another thing that would be great is to add simple HTML implementation. It would be awesome if we could post videos and such, using code like this:

<iframe width="854" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

This would allow for us to share information a lot faster and conveniently. But, there are problems with this, like people making the iframe humongous, and taking up the entire page. There is also internal scripting, which could make it so that anyone can use <script>, and REALLY fuck up the forum. 
those are all good reasons not to do it :) 
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