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the colors don't exactly scream cow food to me 
For Once 
megaman and I agree pretty much on everything he said. You really need to work on aligning stuff and using proper margins / paddings to make the entire design look much more harmonic and less busy. 
when the icon zooms out at the end of the loop, you use the low res graphic which pixelizes badly. swap the high res graphic back in before doing the zoom. 
That's a good list ;) 
In my opinion, most of web design is thinking: what information do I want to convey, and how can I do that in the most effective way?

You need to explain as soon as you get to the front page, very simply, what the site is for, and then make it very easy for the user to do that. That's why lots of sites today go for BIG TEXT ONE SENTENCE DESCRIPTION or a big BUY NOW button. That can be overdone, but I hope you take my point - you never want a user sitting there thinking "what do I do now?"

So you need to prioritize the most important things, in this case Services and Products. Although I'd argue that something like Consulting Services is better if that's the only service. Likewise, if those products are going to be sold online, then Products can become Shop. If not online, how do you buy them? It's not very clear. If you contact this dude Jerry, you need his contact info again.

Generally you gotta avoid redundancy, make it clear as possible... so you don't need a Welcome to the Lakeland-Scottish Feeds & Services website. when you know you're on a website and you can see Lakeland-Scottish... at the top.

If you click About it says Our website has been designed to be mouse-freindly. Just click on the desired link opposite. ... so there's a page you can remove, it just told me how to use a menu I already used.

I would change that vertical menu to horizontal, because horizontal menus read much better for short lists of items. Make the list as short as possible: Home, Services, Products, Contact? The News section can go on the front page, as can links if it's really necessary. 
everything Megaman said is correct 
Yeah - Thats Also Good Advice 

I'm gonna submit the site for marking fairly imminently, but advice like "less over-done flash content" and making the formatting so it's easier to read by breaking it up is all good honest advice. If it were entirely up to me i would have changed some of the colours in the logo too, but apparently I'm not allowed to do that.

The entire last paragraph you wrote Starbuck is also very very true.

Unfortunately the brief I was given was that I had to use loads of columns, otherwise I would have made the whole site narrower too, and had the menu at the top.

I think the tutor is happy with it, so I will prob take a load of the stuff out of it (for the sake of Lakeland Scot. F.S.) after I have submitted it and recieved whatever grading they give me. The course is Dreamweaver/Flash, so I need the flash stuff in there atm. 
Heh - Well I Submitted It And Got An A Grade! 
Yippee!!! Happy days.

I can take some of the flash out now. And tweak the margins from the CSS fairly easily too.....

Thanks for all suggestions :) 
As A General Rule 
If a website has a flash intro, or is completely dependent on it (flash), it's not worth visiting. 
That's A Bold Statement 
I think it depends on the purpose of the website.

I mean for a static bulletin then why not?

If everytime I logged into google or facebook (or func) I had to endure a 'flash-intro' then yeah - that would suck.

TBH I was very disappointed with the amount of Actionscript that was in the course. Practically none :(

The idea of coding games in Flash was appealing to me. Guess I can find a couple of youtube videos for it though.... 

Flash is the wrong tool for the job 90% of the time. There are very few cases where the use of flash is justified. 
Thats Seems Kind Of Stupid 
It depends what the job is.

Flash has some great uses, otherwise it wouldn't be so prevalent. 
Flash Is Good For Making Adds Though 
90% of the time if an add doesn't have flash in it then it's not a real add. 
Flashpunk seems like a good starting point with a fair amount of getting started videos.

Html5 and javascript is probably the way things are moving though... 
Flash Would Have Great Uses 
If it didn't suck so much. Even on my core i7, with 8gb of ram, flash can heat it up. Not to mention all of the security vulnerabilities that flash has, &c. 
Lol - Well I'll Try Not To Feel Too Bad About Myself 
In light of jt_ and SleepwalkR's trolling, but I dont know if it's gonna be easy. I might have to commit suicide for another two wasted years of my life. 
Omg Flash!! 
And it has a typo, too: independant!!

"Ruminant Nutritionist" sounds like a good name for map, though. :D 
Did You Know: 
A cow is a bit like a walking fermentation tank.... 
They Have A High Blood-alchohol Level 
The flash stuff isn't really necessary for the site, but it's not annoying, either. It may even make it a bit more appealing than how I imagine other sites of this kind/purpose to be. 
I want to learn more about server-side technology, databasing, php, sql, apache?, definitely java, how to spell proper etc...

Just takes time and guidance. I have touble knowing where to start with learning this stuff, but i am understanding bits and bobs as I go along. 
Ricky, you are an idiot for investing time and money in a technology that is going to disappear in a few years. There's your trolling. 
If you want to learn server side, ditch flash and that stuff and learn to program properly first. Java is a good way to go if you want a job, the Java eco system is huge and has lots and lots of opportunities. It can be a bit daunting at first though because there is LOTs of frameworks, libraries, tools etc. out there. Maybe start with something simpler (Ruby on Rails for example) and work your way up.

I can't recommend PHP because even though it is pretty easy to learn, it's a shit language with a shit library on top of a shit engine. It's good for prototyping stuff and small projects, but it's not the way to go if you are interested in really learning to program and how server side stuff works. Yeah yeah, lots of large sites are built with PHP. That's because those sites started out as small projects (of non-programmers) or prototypes and evolved from there. It's not what a serious engineer would do though. 
Flash Trolling? 
If what I said about flash was considerred trolling, i won't comment on java. I will provide a link though. 
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