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Remake Quake Tedious Beef Thread.
This thread is more for fun that anything else. There a conservative streak in me, but a radical streak too. I appreciate both sides of the coin.

That being said, although I do not find Spirit's archiving limits unreasonable, I do find some of the objections to the body of work in Remake Quake totally unreasonable.

Some people criticize Remake Quake as not being "Quake" enough and cry about it.

My personal opinion is that aside from Negke --- who I believe is an especially unique enigma unmatched in his unconventional and perfectionist style --- that the 1,376 id1 maps at Quaddicted adequately cover everything of substance that is ever gonna be done with id1 Quake.

I think Remake Quake is doing exactly the kind of thing that Carmack envisioned when he open-sourced damn near all of Quake: experimentation and risky creativity.

Seriously, aside from a puzzle and a grappling hook [Oh noes ... 3D navigations!! OMG ... ] and a vial here and there Remake Quake is Quake to the core. Just with more imagination.

It doesn't have any of Mr. Fribble's derided blinking T-Shirts or any silly bling. Instead it has awesome sleeping Shamblers.

In the words of the sometimes objectionable, and yet immortally wise and always appreciated for he who is/was/continues-to-be, Shambler ...

Discuss. Preferably without references to bees. ;)
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Also, I've got a more appropriate name for the mod, since the last one was so controversial.

Quake 5 
...Quake 2 
"I can't believe it's not Quake"!!! 
"I Don't Want To Believe It's Quake!" 
How about

...Quake 2

Thats a can of worms for a different community >:D 
Lol @ Schbiridt 
Is There A Quake 2 Community? 
"Generic Quake Mod" 
He's called Geoff. 
Ah No, 
AguirRe is working on Q2... 
Scrags should know how to use their flight to their advantage when in fighting with other enemies. 
figured out a nice way to do this recently. wish i had known back when we did the gaunt.

in order to get a monster to fly up or down w/respect to an entity, they have to have that entity as their .enemy as well .goalentity.

you can make a helper entity, set that to the height you want, and then, when you are calling movetogoal, swap the actual enemy with the helper and then put it back after the monster has moved.

this lets you make monsters fly up higher than the target. 
They Can 
Blink to escape further damage after the first hit and strafe a bit. Having them fly up or down is more complicated since we removed the vertical autoaim - there were many cases where it broke gameplay or was just annoying / stupid. 
you can make a helper entity, set that to the height you want, and then, when you are calling movetogoal, swap the actual enemy with the helper and then put it back after the monster has moved.

I do this with rubicon2 centurions to make them move up and down as well as side to side, during combat.

However, they are still dumb as a brick when it comes to pathfinding (i.e. they have no understanding that they need to go over a wall to get to you.) This is a general problem with all quake monster pathing, but flying guys have more options so it's more obvious when they don't use them intelligently. 
i've been thinking of trying to do some actual path finding in qc. it seems to be a daunting task though.

has anyone ever tried that hl2 pathfinding method where you basically just scatter these entities all over the map and then monsters use them as nodes to navigate?

these days, with fiztquake protocol having basically unlimited edicts (what is it, like 32000?) it wouldn't even be that big a deal. 
even with protocol 15 you can have 8192 edicts, and in fact you can go beyond that if you want and the only loss is that higher-numbered edicts can't play sounds. 
ZealousQuakeFan Needed >2048 
In something I saw. I dont know how many but I gave it 4096. 
s'okay Ricky that was Fitzquake's default edict limit of 1024 iirc. it's just a cvar you can increase, so something to mention in a readme I guess.

Actually hit that limit a while back, should look at how many edicts it's got now :E 
You could use make a start map, and use an info_command in the start map to raise the edicts limit. Seeing as you are using Quoth, I think that would work :) Anyone? 
Is better since you don't have to load anything up. Any commands you put in there are executed when Quake loads. 
Of course the RMQ engine itself doesn't actually need this kind of thing anymore; it'll load 'em all irrespective of how many you have. 
Yeah RMQ loads it without complaint and runs it best. Fitzquake is okay too, fires a load of warnings at you and drops frames a lot more in intense fights mind :E

Darkplaces just chugs. Wonder how many people would whine about that :P 
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