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I believe what you're looking for is a 2 
...or A 0... 
.. like "null"... 
Such binary views only serve to polarise us. 
Sweet, Bookmarked 
.. A Not So Smart Question 
Hi folks, I got this eternal doubt:

-If I create a Q1 sp episode changing all textures/sounds may I charge for money(a small fee) those who download from my website ?

-I guess a standalone project is out of question.. but simple levels ?

* I've read all ID legal blah-blah but I'm more confused than ever ! 
Here's An Interesting Flash From The Past.... 
"Looking to future projects in the Q1 SP scene" by shambler, from the 2001 quake expo:

Rubicon 2 and Roman Wilderness of Pain are both on there :P 
Simple questions lead to simple answers

-If I create a Q1 sp episode changing all textures/sounds may I charge for money(a small fee) those who download from my website ?

Legally you cannot reuse ID stuff.. but many peple do so.. You won't get any problem if you don't make money with ID stuff.. OTOH, I seriously doubt people will pay for you stuff, even if genious :P

-I guess a standalone project is out of question.. but simple levels ?

You can do so, it depends on the free time you have to spend on such project, or whether you other mapper will commit for your project...

* I've read all ID legal blah-blah but I'm more confused than ever !

You shouldn't be... as long as you are not trying to make money, I can't see any risks there... legal stuff are here to protect ID property, and also to discourage epople from reusing it for marketing purpose essentially.. or try to get a job at ID and propse them your project and develop it ;) 
I Wouldn't Mind Paying For Rubicon 2 
Quake Nostalgia 
Fun little read over at RPS, one of the writers talking about how he discovered Quake :

Most of us are older than he is I think, I know I was playing Quake when I was around 14 or so, but it still reminds me of when I first discovered FPS games (was a demo of Rise of the Triad, and afterwards one for Heretic). 
Damn Good Read 
Some of the comments literally made my day, I haven't seen such praise for Quake in a long time, not even on here. (I also had no idea there were so many others who got to play Quake before even turning 10 year old ;)

Quake really was a genuinely top game � not a brown interlude between semminal ID titles as some people like to remember.

1000% agree. Fuck Doom. 
not fuck doom, like come on. Fuck everything post-Quake, but Doom was just as good as Quake. It might not be as artistically expandable, but I'd say in terms of vision, tech, atmosphere, satisfying violence, it's Quake's equal in terms of the release time. 
Fuck Doom 
Doom already gets credited for most of that anyways Tronym, I think that's what he meant. 
alright I'll calm down for once.
Fuck.... Doo - oou - uke Nukem3d.

but I see the point. 
imo all problems with FPS games these days ultimately trace back to Halo. CoD is the main culprit right now but the main issues were already in place:

Tediously slow movement: check
Weapon limit: check
Tiny FOV: Check
Regenerating Health: Check
Overwrought plot and cutscenes: Check

I would go on about how people should stop rabbiting on about Goldeneye because, seriously, Goldeneye vs Half-Life isn't even a quesiton worth asking, but I'll throw ye olde N64 owners a bone and leave it.

So fuck Halo. With a giant spike. 
I Think 
But I just have speculation, that slow player movement can be traced to the limitations of consoles. Without a mouse, getting accurate aiming can be very tricky without auto-aiming buttons, so slower player movement helps to avoid what would be an incredibly awkward aiming system on a console.

Tiny FOV also probably traces back to limited console hardware processing power, which seems less of an issue today but I don't have any numbers to back that up.

Weapon limit also goes back to not having a button for each weapon in your inventory - otherwise the player would need a huge inventory system which most likely would take them out of the game for a moment (really bad in mp) or force the player to cycle through all their weapons until they got the one they wanted.

Regenerating health - Okay this one might just be so the player doesn't have to hunt around for health packs. I'm unsure of the relation to hardware limitations with this one.

Plot/cutscenes - hides lack of gameplay brought about by console hardware limitations (pretty graphics! Yeah!) 
Points, Sharp clear points everywhere!
Slow Movement 
I thought that was mostly a cause of it looking silly to race around with fancy graphics/animation and the developers not being clever enough to just say "ok you got this super awesome suit that's painted red and makes you go fast" and choose fun over "realism". 
D2D 20% Off All Games 
Code "Hangover" in the states, not sure about UK. ALL GAMES 20% OFF. I am both happy and sad. 
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