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This is a thread about a project currently underway to remake Quake one.

It involves upgrading what exists already in order to play and look better or at least differently in all probable situations and enhance what is already there in this great game.

So we're remixing all the maps, monsters, and the player.

A specific engine in order to solve long-standing issues isn't out of the question, the main concerns being cross-OS support for features that should be common, like entity alpha and multiplayer. These things exist in various forms, but there's still no standard, at least today.

There's a great wealth of resource on this board - the one thing that doesn't exist here is apathy.

So, we're fishing for contributors. If you can make a map, animate or code and want to see this monster through to its conception then you're on the team.

Over the next few days I'll post info on what currently exists, and where it's headed.
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gb i was almost in the team but my time is so short :( this project is big and i love what u guys are doing...

but my time is not enought, i can help u guys in dm maps for this area 100% ;) 
You Played Too Much RemakeQuake When... 
- you keep bumping into grunts
- you miss grunts because you try to predict them
- you get nervous when scrags don't blink
- you run out of shells...
- you're afraid to use shotguns underwater
- you participate in a contest that uses id1, and you either get pissed or drop out
- your maps are built for features that don't exist yet, but that's normal and no one objects
- you're convinced that said features will simply pop when you need them
- you play vanilla Quake, and you just hate what they did to the game

In Other Words 
gb's About To Make You His Bitch 
I�m Back 
And with a slightly better PC. </trumpets>

I didn�t get pissed off with the coagula competition, just didn�t have enough time. Looking at that item list is depressing since the individual tasks aren�t that time consuming.

I�m thinking to buy a laptop as well, to fill up the spaces in those tedious family reunions.

And I�m going to be a father in seven and a half months. 
Health0 should be functioning perfectly now, just with the placeholder textures. 
Yeah, It�s A Nice PC 
The Smiley 
Isn�t sarcastic.

How goes e2m1? 
I have had a week off. Completely. I had some stuff happen in real life which left me feeling pretty down, and I havent had the motivation.

This happened. He was my freind, his funeral was last Wednesday. 
Sorry To Hear It 
What happened? 
Well He Was A Really Nice Guy 
and everything, but basically he hung himself in his house. They found him there after he missed work. Hi g.friend had left him for another guy at christmas. He had tried to do it once before and was sectioned about 6-7 years ago. We all thought he was coping alright. Naahh, fuck man. He was one of my friends. Its really fucked up. 
Thats bad news. Will post a story later when near a keyboard. 
Ricky, Sorry For Your Friend, 
and for you too, because your loss of a friend. 
Is It Only Me Who Finds This Ironic 
First ijed announces that he's going to be a father, and then Ricky tells us how his friend suicided? Some twisted cycle of life this is.

Sorry for your loss. 
The story was:

A guy I knew was a bit of a headcase, but not suicidal.

One night he goes out into the back garden and hangs himself from a tree while there�s a party going on.

Everyone thought he was just pissing about and carried on with the drinking etc.

Next morning he�s dead, but only after choking to death / asphixsiation (that�s spelt wrong).

Because he tied it too long.

His girlfriend (who saw it all happening but didn�t realise either) topped herself with pills a few months later.

And nobody ever knew if he was genuinely trying to kill himself. 
RemakeQuake Thread 
= happy thread. 
My Condolences Ricky 
I remember a friend of mine from my High School baseball team went into the Marines was sent to Japan and came back with a real cutie of a bride. Some months after that he put his mouth around the business end of a shot gun. Little more than a year after that I ran into his widow and his sister who I was actually closer to in high school at a club, and they invited me back to their place, and we talked and drunk wine until the sun came up. Funniest thing, there was absolutely no reminders of him anywhere in the house, and his widow not once mentioned him the entire night. Pretty obvious, as far as she was concerned, he had never existed. 
Everybody has his own way to deal with something like that.

One shouldn't make the mistake to assume that it's their fault, or that they could have stopped them, because mostly it isn't and they couldn't. 
There�s been talk of a big community project, and that�s what we�re trying to do. But it�s big.

What we need now is mappers. The code base has evolved to something incredibly versatile and powerful, the sort of system that mappers love to work with.

It�s still not complete, because the code is following the maps, and since it seems very few want the challenge we run out of new to do.

And the mapping is slow because it�s around 30 maps based on the originals but augmented to 160% minimum.

i�d like this project to be a milestone, and not just in Quake. It will be, eventually, but no one person is a hero.

So we need your help. This isn�t asking for an entire episode, it�s asking for a single map, well done, taking advantage of the features already incorporated.

Mapping since the Coagula contest is in a lull, it seems, but if we have dedicated and enthusiastic people involved then this project could be finished in a year. Instead of five.

The reason to join:

The features you need to remake make your favourite ID1 map but to standard that will blow away anyone who plays it. The code follows the maps.

Send me a mail if you�re interested. With enough critical mass anything can happen. 
Here's where we're at right now.

1. The team:

Ijed, me, Ricky, Lardarse, Trinca? have accepted mapping tasks. Episodes 1 and 3, as well as some maps from episodes 2 and 4 have been taken. Supa is doing most of the coding right now, with input and smaller tweaks by others. Dr. Shadowborg contributed some central items, but is now concentrating on Hellsmash. Madfox is on board modelling. More people are helping in various ways. Anyway, several people are doing more than one thing. Team communication is going strong on the Trac ticket system with over 130 tickets. The Trac is non-public, the source will be opened upon release though.

2. Maps

We're aiming to release a singleplayer demo at this year's Qexpo. About a dozen SP maps are in the works though, done from scratch, plus most of the DM maps. There might be a DM only demo at some later point (RMQ can be compiled multiplayer-only, optionally with bots).

We'll have a booth, and a website is being discussed.

Using the demo, the whole backlog of id1 maps will be replayable in the new mod, too. This just comes with it.

3. Code

RMQ's progs is still under 1 MB unoptimized, which is nothing but a miracle. There aren't many new monsters, but existing monsters are improved in-depth. We have long decided to go deep rather than wide.

If I remember correctly, the only new monsters are the vomitus and dragons (QTest monsters). There are, however, variants of existing baddies, made up of different weapons and so-called "wargear".

"Wargear" for an enforcer, for example, might be a bigger gun, some weapons of the "nasty surprise" sort, and even equipment. The wargear idea might be applied to some other monsters later, such as knights. RMQ monsters are not color coded (because there aren't really new monsters), the variants have mostly vweapons and different sounds. Variant or wargear-equipped monsters do usually NOT have higher hitpoints.

Further tweaks have been made to triggers, several existing entities, properties of monsters (...), AI, several new entities, and so forth.

RMQ includes optional adapted Frikbots. RMQ will include a NPC system (you can have staged fights, and some other NPC applications). There *might* be new game modes.

We support hiprotate etc, the mod is backwards compatible with most (all?) existing id1 maps, and even has external mod support. Up to a point that is. ^^

We aim to create a toolbox weapon system. So far, there is only one new player weapon. The existing weapons have quite a history of tweaks by now. Testers have reported that it's great fun to replay existing maps in Remake Quake. Some have even found it the most fun they've had in an FPS for a long, long time.

Furthermore there are some new gameplay mechanics, which can provide a little more depth, but the core is still "kill monsters, find exit" as always.

Some maps are breaking limits, and we haven't yet really decided what to do about that (maybe engine development will make it easy for us?), but the demo should be playable in any Quake (TM), optionally with glitz.

A couple of developments suggest that we might cross a couple boundaries at some point.

There are CD quality sounds which are pretty advanced by now. The aim here is to stay somewhat faithful, but expand on what's already there. Look forward to the demo.

Many more things have changed or are in the pipe.

See you this summer at Qexpo!

Suck it down,

gb / Team Remake Quake 
That's Quite A List, 
looking forward to the demo expectantly. 
i want to see this finish so bad that i have to help :p

already start mapping!!! 
maybe you could include these monsters in your RQ project : monster_sarge,montster_imp,monster_white_shuffler,monster_spider from kinn's maps bastion&marcher as these monsters are highly underused, it would be awesome 
We've considered including other monsters, but if you knew how much work has gone into just one of the originals then you'd know why why didn't.

Although we have made some efforts to backwards compatability so that most maps will be playable. 
Concessions I meant. 
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