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yeah I know I kinda slacked off with posting those shots - heh - but 2010 was a really busy year for me, and PM was doing other stuff for most of the year too. But I do have lots of stuff lined up, so yeah when I get back today I'll put up some stuff to vis/test. And I'll post some shots too ;) 
Does Anyone 
have the link to Tronyn's Q1 lecture? 
Thanks Tronyn 
I was looking at

and somebody mentioned tying the series all together lol.

But still, I wonder if any of these ideas will make it into remakequake. 
remakequake is quite far from the ideas in that thread 
Some Already Are :D 
tronyn's reviews are coming up in the next 12 hours. 
in order to post the shots I want I have to fix the leaks so I can get the map to load in an engine. I'm not too keen on editor shots. It'll happen, just give me a while. 
New Team Fortress 2 Server 
I've just (literally) set up a new tf2 server, anyone here play? I haven't set up sourcemod for voting &c yet. Ip is Feedback is desired. 
Forgot to mention that the server is in san jose, california. 
I Think Every Quaker Should Take A Look Here, 
a tasty eye candy to add into your quake experience:

For those who want to know what to expect before clicking the url, it's b_box models with a face-lift of animated skin! 
the rocket boxes are retarded, but the rest all look quite good. i like the readout on the cell boxes, especially. 
^ QFT. 
Oh Tronyn 
You kick so much ass in so many ways.

I wish the map authors could make screen shots as nice as yours. I'm assuming you made them and they weren't Negke or someone else's work. 
Yeah, Especially Their Darkness 
What's wrong with other map authors' shots? 
you mean the ones I posted in the screenshots thread, or the ones in my reviews?
the ones in the reviews are inconsistent; note the wide angle shots on negke's latest map, I was playing on a friend's awesome computer with a huge monitor that time. as for the other ones some of them are pretty lame, heh, if they look good compared to other people's shots that's just luck :)
I'm releasing Dry Sorrow later today, and there should be more maps following in the near future. 
Well ... 
Sometimes nothing. Sometimes bad gamma. Sometimes bad lighting. Sometimes there is no screenshot. Sometimes the screenshot doesn't capture the beauty of the level.

And Tronyn gets the shots right in every way.

This shot of JPL's map is particularly good for example:

Sometimes a map author exerts and pushes so hard to get something out, they don't have anything left in the tank for fiddling around to get a screenshot perfect (or even make one).

And on other occasions, maybe the map author is great at making the map but isn't so proficient with a photo editor or client settings.

I'm not faulting map authors whatsoever, I'm praising Tronyn and saying he has a great knack for finding the right spots in a map for the presentation of a level. 
negke bullied me into making a map poll again: 
I'm Releasing Dry Sorrow Later Today... 
Spirit will upload it whenever his next update is :)
and thanks, Baker.
I still like the ide aof putting together a coffee table book of map screenshots. The screenshot is its own separate form from the map, I think; some maps don't lend themselves to shots, others aren't as good as the shots they lend themselves to, etc. 
Upload it already! 
Dry Sorrow 
Ok, I am now releasing two things.
First, the latest version of PM's mod Drake, which can be found here: (16.3 MB)

And second, the map "Dry Sorrow," a small Egyptian/industrial Q1SP based on an old DM map: (2.8 MB)

Screenshots here:

If you play this map, I'd recommend going through the first door you encounter in the map the first time it opens, since that will be the only time it does (thanks to Spirit for pointing out this large flaw). Thankfully if you get trapped and have to hit kill you'll be no worse off given that the door is right by the spawnspot.

I guess I could have addressed this and delayed the release more, but not releasing anything at all during 2010 pissed me off, and this release is not much that said. PM is on hiatus at the moment and I've decided to finish the maps I have with the resources I have. This one map is only the first of several which will appear in the next month or two using this mod. 
That First Shot... 
Looks brutal. 
it's a lame little map, with Tronyn design circa 2000ish. The thing that you guys will most enjoy, I guarantee, is PM's improved double shotgun. 
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