#1960 posted by
JneeraZ on 2016/01/19 13:43:17
Spirit - Sphincters, tongues and flesh tubes.
#1961 posted by
adib on 2016/01/19 14:11:00
Maybe not as an engine modification, but as a mapping tool to make arches or to just link one point to another with a "curved" surface.
#1963 posted by
Skiffy on 2016/01/20 02:22:14
Pyro what devilry is this? :)
#1965 posted by
Skiffy on 2016/01/20 14:40:57
Ah I was hoping for a nice curve tool for BSP brushes :) Oh well.
#1966 posted by
JneeraZ on 2016/01/20 14:44:18
I could see THAT being useful for Quake tho ... something where you can control the curvature of a wall by manipulating a spline. When you export to MAP, it converts each segment of the wall into a real brush via extrusion or something.
Oh yes ...
Pretty Sure QuArK Has That.
#1967 posted by
Spirit on 2016/01/20 15:47:27
Damn Sure QuArK Has That.
#1968 posted by mfx on 2016/01/20 16:38:36
No More Mention Of Quark In This Thread Plz
#1970 posted by
JneeraZ on 2016/01/20 17:19:24
Right, but I want this feature in an editor that I'll use.
#1971 posted by
Kinn on 2016/01/20 17:56:00
Quark is the Jimmy Saville of Quake editors; it has ostensibly violated every map it has come into contact with, it is quite clearly dead as a dodo at this point, yet people ceaselessly use it to draw comparisons with other things at every opportunity.
#1972 posted by
necros on 2016/01/21 00:42:30
It was my first, so I have a soft spot for it. <3
I Would Enjoy And Benefit From The Feature Described Above
#1973 posted by
Drew on 2016/01/21 03:11:46
#1974 posted by
mjb on 2016/01/21 13:20:42
I would also enjoy above described feature!
I'm pretty dense so I've never even been able to do a box map with Quark but with TB2 I've been able to do this:
In one session.
Quark's UI has always been a bit like an old steamship to me instead of TB which is a jet ski.
or something.
#1978 posted by 3dioot on 2016/01/23 17:40:06
Yeah Trenchbroom is brilliant! I have been having fun in it too. I feel mapping for Quake really hits the right spot for me. Its full 3d which is more fun then doom but still brush based so you don't have to spend hours creating high resolution assets for it. Combined with the fluidity of the Trenchbroom editor it rocks.
I am still learning but its amazing how quickly you can slot stuff together. Hopefully in the not too distant feature we can show our maps to eachother!
#1980 posted by
adib on 2016/01/25 02:51:04
In a not too distant future maybe you both take part on a map jam here, showing your maps to all of us.
I'm Looking For A Designer
to make some icons for TrenchBroom. If you are interested, let me know.
#1982 posted by
Skiffy on 2016/01/27 06:44:21
Got a list of needed icons anywhere? I can check the latest build. When do you need this by?
Thanks Guys
Someone has already volunteered and I don't want to turn this into a contest. Let's see how his icons turn out first.