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A Complex Layout Made Out Of Weapclip Brushes? 
I always wondered, also for a low-brush type of contest for Q1, if it's possible to use an info_notnull hack to infintely replicate pieces of architecture turned into func_static/wall. It kind of would be cheating, but technically not breaking the rules... 
...let's count faces... this cannot be tweaked nor cheated :P 
Brush Faces? 
Or marksurfaces?

Also a func_wall is made of brushes. So it doesn't matter, its still a brush, right?

I mean if you said you were allowed external .bsp's then whats th point in having a brush limit? You might as well say "no brush limit". 
Check this out

I'm inclined to test if this works in Q3 as well. 
Now that's just plain devious. Im sure you could argue that it uses more than 11 brushes, because it's like 5 of the brushes have been shown ten times, so effectively there are over 50 brushes worth of architecture.

Still, there ARE only 11 brushes in the source, so - who knows?

Im not gonna be the guy who makes that descision :S

Still - it's a neat trick :) 
I think the most interesting challenge is to use only 20 brushes, without any reuse via entity hacks, and counting brushes in bmodels towards the limit. Otherwise you'd get free lifts and doors as well.

i.e. a hard limit.

As I understand it, it is a test of how much you can do with a small amount of brushes, not how well you can entity hack. ;-) 
negke this is not 11 brushes :p

more like 11 walkways -:p 
all things hav 2 sides neggers ;-) 
M�bius Strip 

have to remember that 
all rules have exceptions to them as well :) 
If that's true, there must be an exception to that rule itself, and thus your statement is wrong. 
Visit inertia in NYC!!!! 
Are There... 
.. Israeli mappers in this place ?
I have to go to Tel Aviv by end of January... 
:) you should come to Lisbon :) more safe...

and I buy you some beers ;) 
The day there will be an event in Portugal for which my company ask would me to go for, then you'll be the first to know ;) 
gosh, exchange of nerdisms.

*Tactical shield* 
two new reviews by tronyn are up at 
Is There Such A Thing As 
A hi-res version of Obtex texture set? I'm guessing not, but I thought it was worth asking :S 
Quirks Of Quake Damage Code... 
Just doing some code diving and found an interesting quirk, never noticed this before:

If you have the pentagram and some armor, it seems the pentagram will not prevent your armor from being depleted when you take damage. So i guess a player typically go all gung-ho and lose all their armor while fighting with the pent.

Anyone else know about that? Is it a desirable feature for some reason? 
i first noticed it when kell and i were implementing the cross of deflection.
i'm not really sure if it's a bug or not. in a way, it makes sense as the pentagram is making your body invulnerable, but not the mundane armour you're wearing. in that case, it's working as intended. 
Do You Guys Play Quake Much?? 
I've known that for 12 years or so!!

I'd say it's intentional. It makes the pent more of a temporary / tactical powerup. 
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