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Maybe because the name suggests freezes, stutters, jerky movement, sudden performance drops, just to name a few things... 
Choppy and stuttering. Probably pulse's fault. 
Quakespasm is choppy on your system? What's pulse? 
pulseaudio. another layer of user-friendly and well-working audio stuff on top of alsa. or maybe not.

I am so glad i am using ossv4! 
Destroys pretty much any chance for linux to have decent sound. Just use alsa or ossv4 if your card is supported. Supposedly it's better than alsa. 
Perhaps 'choppy' Is The Wrong Word 
Actually what it sounds like is the first 0.2 s of the sound is played over and over again for as long as the sound should last.

Only SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa works at all for me, the others result in "Couldn't open SDL audio: No available audio device", even pulse, which is a bit surprising. 
i'd rather see something like jade empire. :S 
Is it a bad thing to disable the sliding on exploboxes and monsters?

Specific cases where this is BAD? 
Although... are tarbabies sticky or slippery? 
Scrag Riding - My New Extreme Hobby 
if you're going to fix it, consider making players slide off of monsters' heads. like, actively being pushed off like in D3. it just doesn't make sense-- especially flying monsters. 
I did this in fitzquake long ago and reverted it, realizing it was too much of a gameplay/physics change to go in an engine (unless it was cvar controlled, which is DP's approach.)

Fixing it in a mod is completely reasonable though. 
you guys are such a noobs :(

caroline made a awesome christmas shamby and nobody coment :|

you fags :( 
you should have had a better tagline, AAAWEESOME on the internetz is not so intriguing.
that is kind of awesome... one question though, why a penguin? 
no idear tronyn ask caroline :) 
it's so full of stereotypes that science is your salvation love is intense o.O Oh brother o.0 aw... bacon double-cheeseburger with extra pickle balance on that humongous couch. 
Spirit go sleep :p is to late for you... 
The Blood Splats On Its Head 
almost look like eyes. Which is perfect in theory. It's pretty well executed. Not as robust and v-shaped as a real shambler though, but in a way seems cooler cause it's stunted and looks feral 
loves linux, sham? 
I felt the shambler should have been eating the penguin. OTher than that small over sight, it was really well done and very Quakey/Christmasy. 
Hey Trinca 
The picture is unfunny and full of clich�s (much like you). That might be why noone is commenting on it. 
Hey Man 
I've had my curiosities with Trinca's ragedrama and etc, but he's clearly so obsessed with Quake that his GF make him that pic (unless he made it himself in which case he's even more obsessed with Quake... in which case good for us, uh, lol)... so respect that I say, it's good to have people who have Quake in their hearts still around. 
That Was Made 
by his girlfriend? Were do you get that from? 
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