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World of Warcraft. 
Your Mom. 
I would like them to post Speed demos of WoW, Minecraft and your mom now please. 
Random Idea 
since next year is the 15 year anniversary of Quake, would anyone be interested in a voter-decided article (to perhaps draw broader attention) about the best 5 or 210 q1sps ever? 
I Mean 
something meant to pitch what we're doing - in the broadest sense of an atmosphere based form of custom software content from 15 years ago - THE OPPOSITE OF HOW THAT SOUNDS - and the whole FPS phenomenon regardless of ignorant fratboys now - relative to now? 
After Several Hours Of Nonsense 
Ubuntu is finally installed on it's own partition. The actual Ubuntu installation was amazingly easy, but because I wanted to put it on a partition and not use the Windows Wubi installer, I ended up going through all kinds of hassle to repartition my drive because Windows 7 thoughtfully made D and E both primary partitions so I couldn't create another without the drive becoming dynamic (which I did by accident...)

In short, I learned a lot about partitioning today and have discovered that aside from the lack of support for a lot of software, Ubunutu is really nice. It even let me browse the net whilst I was installing it. 
What would the vote be for? 
i am even more confused after your clarification post. :P 
yeah I tend to write something drunk, realize its retarded and try to fix it when I'm drunker.
Results are obviously not great.

I mean we pick the 10 best q1sps out of a 15 year history and write about what makes this particular game and these particular maps impressive, relevant and interesting at this time. 
I wonder what could possibly march its way to #1? (If that was too subtle I'm talking about Marcher Fortress.) 
Ten Different Writers? 
I'm on for that. 
We should try to do something like doomworld's 5/10 year doom article series for qexpo and use that anniversary to make a lot of marketing for the various sub-communities. 
Argh Pressed Too Soon 
tronyn: than and kona made excellent "best release(s) of year X" for past qexpos!

Kona up until 2000:

Hm, my memory is bad. than made this great list though: 
Saw That 
its awesome

HAHA!!! I dont like apple much anyway, so this is a good thing IMO. 
has basically died this year :(

There are a handful of demos to post up, but we've been getting less than one a month. Maybe it's just sleeping, we'll see :-) 
is not easy to beat new records :) 
It's not like there weren't enough maps out there... 
Livesteaming Minecraft : Bad Idea? 
Dunno shit about the game but that was about as funny as that one chap playing Amnesia at like 3 in the morning :) 
or didn't happen 
this video: ?

These reactions are pretty amazing, but they sum up quite nicely why I didn't buy it after playing the demo (especially the first guy.) I only got to the bit with the monster in the flooded area and just couldn't cope with the stress the game was piling on.

Those guys really know how to make players shit their pants. It's especially scary since you have to fumble with physics stuff using the hand, which is a pretty awesome interface for this type of game, as it is not frustrating to use but does slow you down a bit and the player is certainly not helped by being shit scared. 
having to do somewhat intricate tasks in a horror game seems like a good way to make someone shit bricks. :P 
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