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yeah, beyond good and evil is really good... 
the book is especially great (/ranting asshole mode)

(I find it annoying that games like DEVIL MAY CRY (the lamest gothic console pukeshit) have the nerve to call characters in the game DANTE, and that games and movies now seem happy to rip classic TITLES for the name recognition without even having anything to do with it. B G&E is famous because of a genius, don't rip the title fucktard.) (/ranting asshole mode) 
Just When I Thought I Found A Solution 
to install/run older games (microsoft's windows xp mode), it isnt available for download to me because I forked out for Windows 7 Home Premium only and not whatever else was on offer.

Absolute joke. 
You could run XP under virtualisation (VMWare or Parallels or something). Then the only question is what host OS is the best. Win 7 has new games of course.

But I saw OSX running XP via Parallels and it's sooooo gorgeous and seemless. You just need a big piece of RAM to move everything along. I think most VMs have hardware acceleration nowadays too. I've never actually done it though. 
Or Just 
install xp on a separate partition?

i may be biased as i never touched vista or 7. xp does everything i need it to and is running beautifully at the moment after a fresh reinstall - not to mention the horror stories i've heard in getting old games & apps to run in 7... 
Win7's Virtual XP Mode 
I bought Pro specifically for that, but it turned out different from what I expected. It works for older programs and drivers - e.g. I can still use my ancient scanner. However, I think it's useless for games, as its generic drivers don't support 3D hardware, for instance, and it's not even possible to switch to complete fullscreen.

So an alternate XP partition would be the way to go. 
Thanks For The Heads Up Negke 
will look into sorting out a dual boot system. 
I'm dual booting XP and Windows 7. The only two situations I still require XP is for Fallout 3 (which runs on 7 but stutters like hell, runs perfectly on XP) and bsp2wad.exe doesn't support 64bit, so I can run that in XP. But I just use TexMex instead :D
XP is a great OS, it's useful to have it on my PC for when I need it. 
is a pretty good virtual machine, and free. It can do Direct3D acceleration in the guest OS... might be worth trying.

Dual-booting XP and Win7 is probably pretty painless, though, compared to Win/Linux or Win/Mac, since they both can read and write NTFS. 
Isometric Quake Images 
fake screenshots from an isometric quake and quake 2 game: 
Oh yes, very nice ! A shame there are only 2 shots available :( 
They're Damn Good 
The Q2 one is so authentic with its misaligned textures and no lighting.

The perspective is a bit messed up though (the roof) 
Hi ijed. 
I've Lost Your Email Somehow 
And its not on your profile, can you send me it? 
It's Pretty Simple 
(my first name).(my last name) 
Krome Closes Down 
Anyone we know still working, err I mean was working at Krome when they fell through? 
Banksyfilm Simpsons 
Anyone have a link to that site where someone 'took a look at' how WinQuake works? He went over the network code, renderer, etc. On the first page he also had 'The C Programming Language,' 'Graphics Programming Black Book,' 'Real Time Rendering,' and 'Masters of Doom' listed as what he was reading when he wrote the article. 
I'd Like To Take A Moment 
To pimp Sajt's Qwalk converter:

It's fucking great. If you want to make new monsters then it's invaluable.

It's no longer necessary to rely on closed source software made about the same time as windows ME.

It doesn't have a GUI but its not like its difficult to write a bat file. 
quiet handy indeed.

abuse: after the small talk of screensizes and an evening on a 3D-anaglyphen site, the textwide of Func fits excactly on my 3:4 screen! 

What are they all playing now?!?! 
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