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This Sounds Stupid 
So do widescreen monitors have any advantage over regular ones after all - or does the awkwardness prevail? Every now and then I check them out in stores but they just seem weird to. 24" only because they are so wide, the actual height seems lower than with 4:3 ones. Of course it would help if they showed some actual stuff, desktop, programs, maybe games, and not fucking widescreen movies all the time... 
They're wider. 
trust me, func's width is perfect for reading. You don't want (how I would like kick all the idiotic forums with full-width width layouts in the nuts...).

You can use Opera with its user stylesheets or Stylish for Firefox if you want to fix sites. I do it to set a width of 600-800 for forums, maybe you have fisheyes and actually like lines with 250 characters.

negke: I like mine (1680x1050). You get a higher fov in games that support it. For websites and documents tallscreen would make much more sense. If you like having multiple windows of something open, it is very handy. 
Mr Fribbles. 
But non-widescreen monitors are TALLER. 
Wide Screen 
Never mind the width, feel the ratio!

Two A4 pages, full size, side by side; two web windows side by side, Photoshop with all tools on screen and loads of space for the image; BspEditor with all four views on screen and big enough to see without squinting; learn a new application with the program open in one window and the tutorial running next to it in another window. But do not watch porn on it, it'll have your eyes out. 
It really works for displaying Goatse in all it's glory \o/ 
There are widescreen monitors you can rotate onto their side so you get one giant newspaper-like effect while browsing websites. Seems silly to me though.

And being taller doesn't really matter, since most people keep their eyes around mid screen, and it's easier to scan across a horizon than scan vertically, which means being able to fit more stuff side by side is useful.

I like to keep my erotic stories on the left, and my xvids on the right. 
spirit, i have to ask, what's up with you?
your example is 1660 � 877 pixels. no one is asking for that.
that's the second time you use the argument that a full width func would look shit when the suggestion was just to increase it slightly.

we get that a full width func looks like shit because it's true. why not address the actual suggestion. would an 800 pixel wide func look shit? even 1024?

iirc, qmap was wider than func is... i'll have to dig up the qmap backup to check.

as for widescreen lcds...
if i could pick up a 4:3 lcd, i'd prefer it. even nitin's huge 1920x1080 is still slightly shorter than 1600x1200. imagine a res like 2048x1536.
the way i see it, wide screens are better for movies and games but 4:3 is better for reading and working in general. i remember there were a lot of 4:3 lcds when lcds first started becoming popular, but these days, they seem to have all disappeared in favour of 16:10s. 
qmap was 600. 100 wider. i think it looked slightly better... 
I Don't See The Problem Here 
Some websites allow you to choose your stylesheet of preference, why not make it an option to choose between the current width and a bigger (not liquid) width? 
More On This... 
I have a 24" widescreen and a 19" 4:3.

Apart from the web, I have never used an application where I thought I would be better off with 4:3. And the web is just not an issue: on sites that can deal with 16:9 or 16:10, use the full screen. Otherwise just keep the browser in the middle of the desktop.

Although I do use the 4:3 now and then, I really would not miss it.

(I have it connected on dual screen all the time but have to adjust the resolution to below optimum on the 24" if I want to spread a window across both. I used to have BspEditor set up where the 3D window was on the 19" and everything else was on the 24" but it was kind of forcing the issue as the 24" is fine on its own.)

I just realised that even my laptops are widescreen, although they are a mixture of 16:9 and 16:10. And one of them is six years old. Kind of take widescreen for granted now. 
it just comes back to that whole thing about how squares are bigger than rectangles for the same amount of room.

obviously, a 1:1 ratio would be weird but 4:3 for me is the best compromise between the two.

mike, i find it odd you say you've never used a program that you thought would be better in 4:3 because you're using one right now to post here. ;)
jokes aside, when have you ever seen a website that works better with wide screen? information is always sorted vertically like we have for this and like all forums in existence, news sites, etc.
in theory, you'd want a monitor the ratio of a4 letter paper to see the most text at once, but in practice it'd be stupid because you'd be craning your neck all the time.
still, i don't see how 16:10 or 16:9 is anything but inferior for web browsing.

coming back to my other post, films otoh, are perfect on wide screen. 
This will sound like nit-picking but I do not mean it like that - when I said about not thinking it would be BETTER off in 4:3, that is the point. To me, having a bit of white space (or pretty blue in the case of our favourite Func_m) is not an issue when knowing what benefits I can get out of a widescreen. But of course, because I use widescreen 98% of the time, there is no concious thought process going, "but would this look better in 4:3?"

Interestingly, I just quickly accessed of few of my regular sites (I am not a deep-surfin'-dude so there aren't many) and my ISP home page is displaying wall-to-wall in a completely logical way, YouTube has about 1.5" of whitespace either side, and a selection of the photography sites (I said photography!) I visit all do widescreen display or spread text and pictures automatically across the screen to look completely natural.

A key for me, because I am a business user of MS products, is being able to have source material open in one window (which may well be a browser viewing an 800 x 600 website, or a pdf document) next to my Word document in another window. And all being visible in lifesize A4 is an absolute boon. 
i was actually going to bring up word processors as an argument since when you're typing a document on a widescreen, you basically have this thin white page with huge grey margins (or whatever the background colour is in your favourite word processor).
i hadn't thought about having another document open for reference, so yeah, that's definitely a boon there. 
Nevermind Grumpy Me Above 
Widescreen is awesome for coding. I use JEdit which allows me to split the window as I like so I usually have two to three files opened at once. Linux' (XFCE) "always on top" window feature also helps pinning more information on the screen.

For spreadsheets the benefit is obvious. Same for anything that uses sidebars or floating windows (drawing software, browsers). 
2 Days In 
and all I can say is that it is different.

Has pluses and minuses to 4:3 but nothing that's making me tear my hair out, having made a few adjsutments of course. 
You Can Run Things In Other Than Fullscreen... 
On my (cheap ass) fullhd monitor I like the fact that I don't have to run everything fullscreen to get a useful amount in a window like I do for my laptop's internal display. func_ looks ridiculous when running in a maximizer window, so I don't do that! 
The optimal line length for reading is 8-15 words average. Func has this. Done. 
Reading func posts is similar to reading newspaper columns. Which I feel is a good thing, but to each his own. 
Im Used To Func_ Being Like This 
Im used to looking at it on a 24" 16:9 1080p and a 22" 16:10 1050p. It is easy too read. If the width was going to increase, the typeface would have to increase slightly too to compensate. Personally I think it looks good as it is. 
Could be better served as an 8-bit 3D game with posts as blocks that can be put into stacks. Flame posts could burn stacks down to bottom. Idea posts could illuminate the stacks around them. Beer posts could cause temporary FOV issue...

Or, I could get some more sleep ;) 
maybe look for another specific stone value..,
why should I try to pen aid trade them
how come Rune maps look that awfull good?

func.., an oasis in popping up land. 
your posts always make me go o_O 
Tell You What 
widescreen is no causing me as many issues as windows fucking 7.

It seems to be a fine operating system, but at least 2 old games (Beyond Good and evil, King Kong) I have tried to install wont because of incompatibility between their protection software and windows 7 (starforce basically). I really liked these games too... 
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