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not in Portugal Spirit

lol wut?

Yeh. I'm sure the Brazilian natives totally spoke portugese as well. No influence there.

You don't even know your own country's history. How fucking dare you question the rights of others because 'they don't understand your culture'. YOU DON'T FUCKING UNDERSTAND YOUR CULTURE. MORON. 
Oh, and while I'm aware I'm triple posting.

You're complaining about African immigrants and then saying they isolate themselves because they view us as infidels?

You are aware the majority of Africans aren't Muslim yeh?

Disguise it however you want, but xenophobia is xenophobia is racism.

Oh, and why is your culture more important than their's? Why do you have the right to protect your 'culture' and they don't? Why not combine the two. Who knows. Might actually be good. 
Okay That's Enough. 
There's already a politics thread - take the rest of it there. 
One thing for sure, without D�ner Kebab my life would not be the same. So yay for immigration. 
nonentity calm down... nobody is chilly at the moment only you...

I don't wont to argue this anymore... this is a dead end...

Anyway Zllifle for $300 get some alcool and some bitches! 
Racist AND sexist. :)

/me runs for the hills. 
Bal and drunk ;) LOL 
everyone go map or play games. now! 
Yo' Mamma's 
so fat, Error: Hunk_Alloc: failed on 4 bites 
Vondur has spoken. Take heed. 
Vondur is the font of righteousness. 
Now Then. 
As I said before. Sock's Focal Point - well cool map (although I'm not a fan of the black lines). Alas although you can play all Q3L Premium maps in botmatch mode, they are completely b0rked on this, they just don't move out of one area. Pity.

Hectic is another nice Premium map. Quite a few of the others are a bit crappy tho. I generally find the more Quake-like the maps are, they better they look and play. 
you know he released it for q3 as well? 
Yes I do. But Q3A is an abomination I wouldn't touch with a very long shit-stained pole. 
Hang On 
so there is a difference in gameplay between q3 and QL? 
But Q3A is an abomination..
Wot? By any sane metric it's the greatest game ever. 
Bler is stuck on the installation process, it asked him a question. 
Clever Haha. 
Nitin you might have a point ;)

Although they have fixed the COMPLETELY BROKEN AND WRONG damage feedback that was in Q3A. 
This Bears Repeating: 
D�ner Kebab.

Makes me hungry. 
the little chirping noise when you shoot someone? THAT is what bothers you about q3a? 
LOL. Many things bother me about Q3A - although I have become carefree and more tolerant in my old age.

In vanilla Q3A, the personal damage indication depended on the level of your health, not on the damage taken. That was pretty unplayable. 
you meant your own damage? what was it about it that bothered you? 
Computers Suck 
turned on my pc this morning and it didn't work, despite working perfectly for the past two years.

Hard drive had bricked itself due to a firmware bug (thanks, Seagate!) so I had to go buy a new one. I bought a copy of Windows 7 whilst I was at it, so I am finally on a modern OS. Unfortunately, all my data is locked away on the bricked drive, so I can't install Quake or any of my other non-Steam games. I also lost access to several map sources and programming projects I was working on, which is all rather annoying. Not sure if Seagate will recover the data for me, but they had better, since it's under warranty and the problem is caused by their defective firmware (those of you with Seagate Barracuda drives, UPDATE YOUR FIRMWARE).

At least I am back up and running again, but I've lost a ton of stuff and Windows 7 is now stuck in Japanese mode, which means that I take about twice as long to find anything, coupled with the unfamiliarity of the OS is a nightmare.

Hopefully I can get all my mapping tools and relatively recent versions of my projects up soon. 
Saved me a lot of heartache about a year ago. Hopefully it will work for you too, Than.

I'll keep my fingers crossed! 
Hard drive had bricked itself due to a firmware bug

yeah, i had that. it was a problem where the drive, when powering on, immediately went into 'busy' state and couldn't be used.
if it's the same thing i had, you can't fix it with any normal tools.
i found a detailed way of doing it, which involved shorting out bits of the pcb while it was running and using some kind of command line tool to manually unlock the drive.
i never got around to trying it as it seemed insanely hard and i have zero experience with that kind of thing.

i got two 1.5 tb WD drives after that fiasco and now keep almost OCD level backups. -_- 
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