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It's Like A Romcom 
Adversity, struggle, but it all ends in love. 
<-- Cheers Assholes 
Next on func: Beef for everyone! Rapists and child molesters welcome! 
SleepwalkR don't forget that I have two kids... the only kid I want to molest is you my dear...

I can be many things but not those to for sure :p 
You Know 
this is all pretty awesome in its own special way. 
Why Did I Read This? 
instead of killing time, they're killing eachother..,

is my mapsupport enough to say
too often you killed me with this sarcasm too kill me again, menelouch! 
I Wasn't Talking About You Specifically 
But I'll explain: If we welcome racists and bigots, why not rapists and child molesters too. See, it's not that hard. 
Hyperbole and flaming on the internet aside, you're sort of doing an apples and oranges thing there.

Not that I'm a big fan of racism or bigotry, but do you realize that there's a difference between:
a) holding stupid/annoying beliefs and shitting them out on a message board, and
b) raping people?

One of those two things gets you thrown in real-world, fuck-you-in-the-ass prison. The other one makes people realize that you are an idiot and results in fewer invitations to receptions, soirees, and bridal showers.

Not that either of them makes you a shiny human being, but perhaps you should dial it down a notch? 
One of these days if I'm with the mood I will properly explain what I ment some time ago, that made all this shity talk that keep going and going...

1� If I�m a fucking brutal racist guy,how is my best friend a nigger? doesn't fit right?

2� someday when I have time to make a proper text with no errors (as you guys know english is not my strong Language) I will explain what I ment and I did... but people just filter what they want.

Anyway going to make more brushes in my speedymappy because in the main reason that I'm in here not to make love or friends...

Real friends are in real life, in here are just some nice people to have some fun in mapping and playing, and talk fun crap sometimes (isn't that right shamby darling?) 
It's Offensive To Refer To Black People As 
niggers. Although a black person can get away with refering to another black person as "nigguh", this is actually something completely different.

So Trinca - he's not so bad really, but he aint P.C. 
What is this I don't even?


Yeh, not only is that clearly a lie, it's also possibly the most common defense used by racists to try and disguise their opinions. And you still manage to use a racist insult to describe your imaginary friend. Do you call him a nigger to his invisible face? (note, _a_ nigger. not my nigger, not just nigger, but _a_ nigger).

Oh, and even if that were true, then you would still be a racist by dint of treating your 'friend' as different from all those other n****s. He is Paul (or whatever), they're all just niggers. You'd be amazed how often that can occur.

Not that your 'friend' exists anyway.

2) Yeh, seriously, we obviously took 'nigger loving faggots' out of context... There was some lovely, friendly manner that it was meant in... Care to explain that one to me? Rather than just continuing to make up vague unexplained bullshit ('people like me', 'I'm not racist but I can't explain why', 'I'm not a badger felating, whore spawned, shit brained, moronic cunt').

Oh. And Sham doesn't like you. He just finds flame wars entertaining because he's like that. He still wanted us to tell you to fuck off.

Speaking of which;

Fuck off you ignorant, racist piece of vermin excrement. 
where's picard and his facepalm. it's times like this i wish func could display images directly. 
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nonentity to you I dont need to justify nothing GO FUCK YOU stupid fuck...

Scampie at least become a man in the years you still a asshole... 
I'm still thinking with one is more retarded you or SleepwalkR but I think you beet him large...

Poor asshole that have nothing to do in life and spent all time in internet writing lots of lines in a stupid issue... get a life?

leave home, go work, get a women... I think you life is inside the internet.

#19247 for your information I didn't even read this post you wrote... (yes I have more things to do in life...) 
Mmmm Rape. 
Fun for all the family. 
Yes. I realize that. But you know, I don't want to have anything to do with either, racists or rapists, even though rapists are worse. Oh, and btw if being racist gets you socially ostracized, why aren't there more people here trying to get Trinca off this board?

Oh, and Trinca, why don't you take 15 mins out of your busy schedule and try to explain your actions? But I guess you can't, and not just because english isn't your strong suit. 
SleepwalkR my wife is working and I'm alone with kids... make dinner, makee bath to then but I promiss when I have a time I will do it if is you request and u did nicely!!!

P.s-> guess I wasn't mistake...about who is worse... 
So, you specifically reference the post where I was most brutal and say you didn't read it? Lawl right. Whatever.

And yeh, I'm retarded. Because I'm the one who refuses to read. Damn right.

As for my personal life? I have a nice flat, I've got a job I enjoy and while I admit I'm single, I actually kinda enjoy it, variety being the spice of life and all. That and frankly I don't think I'm in a good place for a relationship atm and I really wouldn't want to be in one for the sake of it, that's how you end up 10 years down the line feeling trapped in your life (might sound familiar to you).

Oh, and the hypocrisy in Poor asshole that have nothing to do in life and spent all time in internet writing lots of lines in a stupid issue... is amazing (that means it applies to you as much if not more than it applies to me, note the continual return to this board and the insta-response to all posts.

I mean, yeh, sorry, you really cut me, I'm now devastated by your accurate depiction. No, wait, hang on, still;

Fuck off. 
Oh, and since you didn't read it, I'll recap the key point for you Trinca:

And you clearly don't come here to map, partly because you could just map and post here if that were the case, but mostly because...
well... you're stuck in a lifeless marriage and starved of sex, you have 3 children who make your life hell, I'm gonna assume a dead end job and generally miserable about how fucking much you have bollocks'd up your life and how you wanted so much more when you were young. So you drink to feel better and come on here to try and get some fucking attention. It is after all one of the few bits of your life remaining that allows you to feel any kind of validation.

Grow up or fuck off and stay off. Your choice.
Fuck It 
Ok, long time ago we were talking about something about emigration and honestly I don�t know why� guess I was in a bad day (not anyone in here fault) talk got more and more elaborate and some guys piss me off and I turn nuts!
When I�m pissed I say a lot of crap, people that know me already know, you guys are not my friends so(not know me at all)is my way of be (sorry for that)and I know I exaggerate in the things I said�
I said kill all nigger�
Hitler should return

My really opinion is:
About emigration(the racist part) I�m very concerned, Portugal is a country that have lots of emigrated people all over the world but we help building societies, we are not criminals. And yes I think people should stop emigration from Arabs countrys and Africa because most of the social problems are caused by then and I care for my children and I want then to grow up like I did playing safely in the streets and this is not a reality in Portugal and in many country�s of Europe , Portuguese crime is 90% caused from people that are not Portuguese�
Do you guys saw the news in france? Burned cars and stuff� what will be France in 30 years? With more emigration people then Frances?
What I wish is more control in borders in Europe to safe our sons that will pay the build of all this traffic of people from 3� world.
No I don�t like faggets I think is not natural, but I know some and I respect then, never made fun of anyone, but I�ll be lying if I say that don�t make me feel sick.
What is said I can�t take it, but these are my honest words� I don�t want to beg forgive to anyone I JUST WANT TO MAP FOR THE GAME I LOVE, the rest� just don�t chat with me, I will just chat for mapping that is the main reason I�m here!

P.S.->Nonentity I have a nice job, I make accounting I know is same shit all day, but nobody pisses me up and I can use internet all day for a nice payment, about real life at home, is not easy to have two small children this I can assure you but I don�t go back a single day because my love for then is unconditional, is not an easy life but was the one I choose and I don�t regret it, someday when u get older you might understand it . I can go out to get drunk with friends my wife don�t piss me up, and I go from time to times but we we get older and things are not the same anymore.
P.S.2-> Let�s stop the crap, I don�t want to chat I just want to map, can you guys keep quiet?
P.S.3-> I don�t give a shit if I lost respect of Spirit as he said, he is not my REAL FRIEND just a dude I meet from internet, I never meant to offend him still think he is a nice guy, but like I over react he is doing the same in this case at the moment, it�s is choice I can�t force anyone to like me.

Anyway hate or love, just leave alone the func_board, I will not bother anyone. If still want to keep pushing the button, then do it! But I will keep the track on maps because is the only game I like to Play.

Bl� 1 hour to write this... my English is really crapy, I vote for English and Portuguese languages! 
know I have some speedmap to finish 
you do realise nobody is stopping you from mapping except your own posts every 2 min? If you want to map, map. It's really that simple. At the moment you are trying to defend your opinions very unsuccessfully. 
NO, I just finish one map :p 
Quake doesn't install on my new Win 7 / 64 bit pc. Gives me some grumbling crap about the 64 bit aspect. WTF? 
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