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Out Of Speedmapping Threath 
SleepwalkR I don't give a fuck if you stop it or not, you want to start a flame war and I will not give it to you, I have a full proper life and don�t have time for you.

I will put this pack together because I care for this game and for some people in here, for your information you are know in my ignore list!

I will not respond anymore to you 
Could you... I dunno... Not have responded to him that time?

You know, rather than clearly attempting to start a flame war in GA as a means of garnering attention to yourself as some fucked up form of self validation. Again.

Also hypocrite. 
I'm not trying to start a flame war. My message is simple and I'll assume that everyone agrees with me: This community is not a place for racists like you. People like you cannot be tolerated, not here or anywhere, even if you were the best mapper in the world.

I refuse to ignore you, because obviously, you are not going away (not longer than a couple months anyway). And until everyone tells me to shut up, I'll keep asking you to get the fuck out of here. Leave us alone please. I'm sure there are plenty of internet forums for racists and homophobes out there, so why don't you go there. 
If you're having such a "proper full life", why do you keep getting into arguments and ragequit all the time? 
The Day Metlslime Say Me To Leave I Leave!!! 
No not everyone agrees with you, you have some supporters like nonentity, Spirit and some more two or 3...


this is a mapping community, not the things you said:

" This community is not a place for racists like you. People like you cannot be tolerated"

I'm what I want if you don't like, shoot your self-peace of shit nobody needs you...

In last years, and all time I have contribute much more then you... I appeal to mapping you appeal discussion... again I ask what people of a mapping channel needs?

My personal opinions are MINE, I have enough age to like whoever I want.

I dont come here to talk about my racism... I come to map.

You come to piss up people...

metlslime is a nice guy and if he wants I respect is decision. 
... yet another drama... :P 
Right Trinca. From the top;

Actually, I'm pretty sure the majority agrees with Sleep here. Obviously myself and spirit. And those one or two others you mention would (I assume) be the other people who complained about your attitude in the speedmap thread (ie, necros and rickyt. Oh, and rj). And then all the people you've offended on here and in #tf previously (ie, the majority of people on here or in #tf).

So... My question is, who exactly supports you here? Who agrees with your immature attitude and your bigotted comments? Seriously. Who?

(And please, try to actually respond to the question rather than just spouting off a load of un-thought-out ranting. Again.)

this is a mapping community, not the things you said:

Sorry? Are you saying that this _is_ a place for racism and homophobia? 'Cos I ain't backing that shit. Yeh, it's primarily a mapping community, but that doesn't mean we have to tolerate anyone just because they make a map. Some things are just wrong. Like bigotted prejudice.

In last years, and all time I have contribute much more then you... I appeal to mapping you appeal discussion... again I ask what people of a mapping channel needs?

Yeh... That's not actually true tho is it. Sleep as released a fair few maps in the past of very high quality. These days he helps maintain the SDL port of fitzquake. So yeh, he has contributed a lot more than you.

And discussion is part of valid contribution. Posting insightful, intelligent comments helps foster a community, promote new ideas and generally makes this a more pleasant place.

You on the other hand merely drama whore, post racist abuse and fail miserably to carry out civilised conversations.

So what does a mapping forum (not channel, you're banned from that remember) need more? I'd say Sleepwalkr thanks.

Yes, your personal opinions are yours. Well done. Doesn't mean we have to tolerate them. Still archaic and distasteful.

And you clearly don't come here to map, partly because you could just map and post here if that were the case, but mostly because...
well... you're stuck in a lifeless marriage and starved of sex, you have 3 children who make your life hell, I'm gonna assume a dead end job and generally miserable about how fucking much you have bollocks'd up your life and how you wanted so much more when you were young. So you drink to feel better and come on here to try and get some fucking attention. It is after all one of the few bits of your life remaining that allows you to feel any kind of validation.

Grow up or fuck off and stay off. Your choice.

And don't hide behind metl, he's far too nice and done far to much for us all to be treated as some kind of excuse for your behaviour.

Repeat; Your choice. 
The thing is, your contributions to the mapping community do not outweigh the things you have said. And if your opinions are yours alone, why did you not keep them to yourself? Sure you can be a racist, but you can't do it here, or at least not without me asking you to leave, again and again.

And yeah, leave it to metlslime, you coward. Take responsibility for your actions and go away. 
did i talk anything lately about racism? I don�t think so...

Why mention it again? I think you guys want me to, to start another flame war to put people agains't me... but you will not have luck...

Yes I have some people that like me, but I will give you the pleasure to say who! 
I'd rather not hear any more from you, to be honest, racism or else. You cannot take anything back or make it good just by being a silent racist. Btw, how about a real answer to what nonentity wrote?

Also, I have a formula to hear cancer, but I will not give you the pleasure to use it, neener, neener! Christ. 
you wish SleepwalkR, but if the fact that I'm here bothers you, then I will stay here forever darling...

untill death us part!!! 
Oh Yeah? 
now you just sound like you're trolling. 
Actually, you not being able to name anyone who likes you gives me far more pleasure. Because I know you're aware that no-one does.

And yeh, like necros said, you're just trolling now. Fuck off. 
Oh Man 
Trinca man can't you just map in peace? You're improving in skill, I don't get the racism shit (though I have no idea of the original context). I think people should be fine to hold vile disgusting views, but I also think we need a strong effort to educate people out of those views. I don't understand how someone smart enough to make a Quake map can be a racist, and I'm serious. I'm not talking about PC ideas that all people are equal I'm saying the scientific fact that there's way more variation within "races" of humans than between then.

That said I enjoy the fact that the argument came up in this talk, as SleepWalkr said, "your contributions to the mapping community do not outweigh the things you have said." This was always my argument against people I considered arrogant asses even if their maps were good (CZG, Elek, etc) and all of my own assholeness has been based on a persecution complex view- of which I'm quite self-aware - Trinca you could learn from this!

Actually I'm glad both of those guys mapped, their maps DID outweigh their personalities - but if you want to spew racist shit you better make the best Q1SP ever to be given respect on here! 
#19255 posted by Tronyn [] on 2010/09/26 00:41:04
Trinca man can't you just map in peace?

I-m tgrying to... but these two dont STFU 
Come On Trinca 
Make a bit more of an effort! This is not intellectually stimulating at all! 
Make a bit more of an effort! This is not intellectually stimulating at all!

This made me think of this image. Read it as if Spiderman was SleepwalkR and Wolverine was Trinca. 
That Pic 
makes it seem that SleepwalkR was the homophobe :( 
I am not telling anyone to leave. I can tolerate if people have radically different opinions.

Trinca has repeatedly insulted me and almost everyone on this board. I can still tolerate that but I lost my respect.

I can understand SleepwalkR is bit more radical, after all this was the 6th(?) time Trinca went on a rampage and judging by the insultometer by far the worst.

There once was a mapper boy who was bored as he sat on the pc browsing the internets. To amuse himself he took a great breath and sang out, "Roulf! Roulf! You faggot nigger nazis! I QUIT!"

The mappers came rushing to make him stay. But when they had posted their condolences, he was already back. The boy laughed at the sight of their angry faces.

"Don't cry 'I QUIT', mapper boy," said the mappers, "when you come back shortly after!" They went grumbling back.

Later, the boy sang out again, "Roulf! Roulf! Fuck of stupid bitches STFU!! I QUIT!" To his naughty delight, he watched the mappers care again.

When the mappers saw him return they sternly said, "Save your quitting for when there is really something wrong! Don't cry 'roulf' when there is NO roulf!"

But the boy just grinned and watched them go grumbling once more.

Later, he saw a REAL roulf problem about his attitude. Alarmed, he leaped to his feet and sang out as loudly as he could, "ROULF! FAGS! I QUIT!"

But the mappers knew he was trying to fool them again, and so they didn't care.

At sunset, everyone wondered why the mapper boy hadn't returned. They went to find the boy. They found him weeping.

"I have feelings too. Why are you all so mean! You fucking nazi basterds nigger fucks."
I-m tgrying to... but these two dont STFU

you're not trying very hard are you.. click the X button up there --^ and open your editor. 
that was raw
Haven't read it all but I like Trinca because 1. He maps occasionally and 2. More importantly he is obnoxious and brings the beef. Ever since scampie got prescribed valium, Willem and nnnttt got locked in seperate rooms, and Ricky grew out of diapers, the beef content has been lower than a Big Mac here.

I vote keep Trinca, but also keep telling him to fuck off :)

Also, how can he be racist, he's a bloody foreigner already.... 
Shambler five words

I Fucking love you bitch 
Me To Concur... 
... I cannot blame people that makes me laughing so much ! 
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