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So Do I 
Since chrome gets steadily worse with each update, it now no longer recovers the posts if I press back :[ 
just added a hack to block the current wave of spams in general abuse thread. Testing to make sure anonymous posting still works :) 
So Tempted To Flag That As Spam ;) 
so it seemed to work, i haven't seen a new spam by the same person since.

The thing i just realized though, is that spam countermeasures that block posting don't leave any sort of record, so i can't even say how much they are working. I should probably have some way to log failed spam attempts so that i can see how much is NOT getting through the gate (vs. they stopped trying.) 
Question That Is Answered Just By Asking It 
I couldn't find anywhere where it says what time zone the timestamps in the posts are. I'll find it out by making a post and looking at what time it shows, so there isn't really a help question here.

Perhaps you could add the info about the timestamps to the FAQ though? 
they are the local time of the server, which is in germany.

However, i keep meaning to allow users to specify their own timezone and see the timestamps in that time zone instead. 
Deutsche Zeitzone 
ok my user profile is definitely a bit buggy, just registered this with name four times the 
4 Hearts Dude 
be careful with all these experiments, i can mark u as a spammer and u'll have troubles accessing site... 
Any chance of making this more mobile friendly? 
There Is A Chance 
Long ago i set the "device width" so that it fills the iphone screen properly, but haven't made any other changes. In my experience the main issue is links that are too small to click easily. I will eventually get to it, probably as part of converting the site to pure CSS instead of the table-based dinosaur it is now. 
Please don't force a width, it is nice to be able to zoom the text to a comfortable size. Browsers can reflow... 
it's already zoomable. Or is that broken in specific browsers or devices? 
oh it works fine here, I misread you. Not sure what it is but for most sites "mobile friendly" is a synonym for "WE MAKE OUR TEXT REALLY BIG AND DISABLE ZOOMING OUT" so I was totally triggered by that suggestion. 
ah, i get it now. Yes, that is highly irritating. 
ahhh well, i don't have anything specific in mind, except making the links at the top easier to click, as well as the last 25, new, etc...

that would implicitly mean larger text though. 
The only problem I have on my phone is hitting the links. Maybe justtext is a touch small, but not by much. 
Also I suck at typing 
The body text is actually larger than the links :P 
yeah, i agree.

I think the reason for this is i define some things in points and others in pixels. Phones typically auto-scale text that was defined in points, but leave the pixel ones alone.

I think the original reason some things were defined in pixels is that there are some HTML 1.0 font sizes that weren't representable in points, so when i converted the font stuff to CSS a long time ago i used pixels to preserve the appearance. 
Error message 42, that's the Ip thing right? 
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