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ffmpeg -f x11grab -s 1680x1050 -r 25 -i :0.0 -sameq /tmp/out.mpg is teh shit. 
Good Work! 
you're doing there, with Blender!

I have a rough way to handle the editor, but ended when I couldn't export my file to a Quake compatible. 
Good skills Spirit.

I like how his experience of professional design and modern involvement with games mirror my own ("this level/mission/random graphical detail could have been done so much better dammit, I used to make this shit [continue rant for up to 7.3 hours depending on level of intoxication]").

Also, did you manage to get the .map files off of him? 
I'd like the loop cut tool from Blender in GTKRadiant. 
loop cuts are awesome, especially selecting loop cuts, removing them... 
Here Is Another

@Spirit Thanks for the command worked flawlessly 
Nice One Spirit 
a good read; nice to know past legends are still around. mexx especially - his later maps have inspired me more than any other, pretty much. please do let us know if he ever provides sources :) 
Nice one. Big name. 
Best custom Q3 engine atm? I remember someone mentioning o9? i9? something like that. Suggestions please... 
The only one I know of. 
Challenge Q3, if you can deal with arqon's attitude. 
Random Q1SP Tip #5+- 
Araivo / Monkey Rage by Jago. Great construction and attention to detail, casual gameplay. A bit too dark, though. 
Quick Quake Q 
does the game look inside or outside pak files first?

say if you have two files with the same name, one in the pak, one out of it.. which normally gets read?

also if you had two files with the same name in pak0 & pak1 respectively, which would get used then?

i'm sure i used to know this... 
Inside the pak. Pak1 overrides pak0. 
also if you had two files with the same name in pak0 & pak1 respectively, which would get used then?

You mean like, Quoth's progs.dat in pak0 & pak1?

It's Confusing 
afaik, this is how it works:

if you are in id1, loose files override pak files.

if you are in a mod directory, pak files override loose files.

higher numbered pak files always override lower numbered ones.

i think.

like i said, it's confusing. -_- 
i think the search order is:

mod/loose file
id1/loose file

and the pakfiles in a directory are searched high to low numbers (9, then 8, then 7, etc.)

Once a file is found the search stops and it uses that file. 
cheers. wanted to put some replacement sounds in id1; pak2 it is 
Has this been posted before? Prometheus' adorable Quake art 
Cool QTest1 Skins 
I've Been There Before... 
check out his whole site, he has tons of weird game concepts and sketches:

Plus a bunch related to old 8-bit games with his own take on the character designs: 
i really like this paintover:

i always felt that angular bit at the bottom of the fiend's jaw was part of how the monster looked and not just the low polygons.
sadly, most hi res models or drawings of the fiend smooth out the jaw and make it round. it looks so much more badass this way instead. ^_^ 
I much prefer the angular jaw too :)

And the more I look at it, the less sure I am that it is Prometheus, but instead I think it is someone whose work just looks a lot like Prometheus'. :( Can anyone verify? 
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