Poor Phrasing In The Docs
There is a part in the intro docs that is phrased poorly. I suggest a more technically accurate phrasing below.
it says
"Planes are represented with 3 co-linear points (in other words, all 3 of those points are on the plane)."
I am used to the spelling collinear myself, but some dictionaries list the single-l form too. It's probably not important which one you use, as long as you are consistent.
I believe what you meant to say here is the opposite of what it literally says. As I'm sure you know, the 3 points must not be collinear for a map compiler to accept them. I don't remember off hand if they all just crash if you give them a hand-edited file with bad points, all on the same line, or if some compilers print an error message, but that's not important here.
I would recommend the following phrasing for the surrounding context, including actually not using the term collinear at all, because it's not important from the users' point of view. The editor takes care of the points not being collinear after all.
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Each plane is represented by choosing three [unique] points from it that do not lie on the same line. These points don't have to coincide with the vertices of the brush that the planes define. Therefore, it is possible for the editor to find a representation for the plane using only integer points, even if the resulting brush has non-integer vertices.
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The word unique is not necessary there, but if you feel it makes the idea clearer you can include it.
If any other improvements or suggestions for the docs come up as I read them, I can send them via Github from now on. I assume that's the way you'd prefer. I'm going to be reading the docs carefully, since I'll be trying to use a Trenchbroom for a bit of modest mapping soon and need a bit of a refresher :)