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I've read a couple Alistair Reynolds and Iain Banks, imo they are no Watership Down. I actually just finished Chasm City this week, after forcing myself to slough through it for the past several months. It was actually really awful. Revelation Space was at least average-ish.

Would like to try that China Meiville person, but I'd expect to be slightly disappointed as well. 
Do you like anything? 
Your Mom 
No, I kid, I don't like her either.

You need to drink enough household chemicals to wipe out the part of your deluded little turd of a brain that is responsible for understanding language and the written word, because you clearly can't be trusted with it.

Of course they aren't Watership Down because they're not fucking outdated kids books about fucking rabbits!! Banks and Reynolds produce some of the sharpest, most creative, imaginative, and punchily written books of recent times. Okay they happen to mostly be in the sci-fi genre but ffs talking rabbits.

I despair. 
Func Is Pretty Intense These Days 
Chasm City was sharp to you? That book is not worth something really worthless.

Beestings. It's not worth beestings. Whatever, you know what I mean.

Watership Down was a great story, what I've read of Alistair Reynolds and Iain M Banks were not. Of course you wouldn't make the connection. Forget the genres, they're just not good books. I mean seriously, unless you like book-versions of made-for-tv Syfy movies. 
Yes, sharp. Hard sci-fi concepts presented clearly and succinctly to give them a good impact.

Clearly you know nothing of stories or book quality. Are you sure human is your first language??

Beestings = your cock. 
Human is not a language, perhaps that's your problem. American, mother fucker, do you speak it?

As for Chasm City, forget the hard sci-fi concepts, (of which only 2 or 3 presented I thought were interesting in any capacity) the story sucked hard. The characters were really flat, the dialogue literally made me groan out of disgust, and the 'twists' were both predictable and lamentable, mainly because they added absolutely nothing to the story.

Excession, on the other hand, forced me to wonder why there were any human characters in it at all. The only reason there seemed to be human characters was so they could fuck in zero Gs and make stupid comments about pointless shit. For people who lived for centuries they sure acted like a bunch of fucking angsty teenagers. The ships themselves were the only interesting thing (truly, they were very interesting,) but regrettably were so nondescript and generic they essentially became background props for said zero G fucking. Also, the story was pointless and I wish the main characters ended up dying in a very horrible way, yet somehow, for some reason, ended up getting exactly what they wanted. Fucking rubbish.

Arther C Clarke, mother fucker. 
Animal Farm has talking animals, is that also a child's book? 
Animal Farm... 
... I hope you are not refering to zoophilia....

OMG !!! 
Hi JPL, long time no see. 
Mr Hands... 
... who are you ? 
Leave Mr Hands out of this. 
.. OK

Mr Hands! Get out ! 
Orthomanual Hands 
Weeping the dirt of my face reading this thrunk.

I remember I played Unreal and thereafter was left in a room with a box. The box was unreal.
I went working in my shed and after an houre I saw a trashbox in the corner, yes, unreal on it.

I'm reading The Niggershed of Uncle Tom, maybe that's way I'm weeping.

I started a commic of my last level, quake is reinteractive.

When I drove home on my bike I forgot to watch out for the car-lever on the parking and got tje thing straight in my face. I can hardly see at the moment. 
Iain Banks > Iain M Banks tbh

(yes I'm aware it's the same person) 
Random Contribution 
Arthur C Clarke is awesome 
2010 is the greatest movie eva
2010 or Contact ? 
i am disappointed 
Not my line, but on a slight tangent;

Space Invaders - Hide behind walls, shoot waves of aliens in attacking you.

Gears of War - Well... You see where this is going.

Fsck being a modern version of Q/Q2/DotT 

'that are' even.

I speak human good. 
the ring machine in contact was cool. 
Carl Sagan was awesome, but 2001 pwns Contact. I haven't read either book, but I have read a collection of 50 or so Arthur C Clarke stories, and that was amazing. 
yeah, the film wasn't great or anything, but the build up sequence with the machine starting and the really evocative shots of it were really cool and fun to watch.

2001 is awesome in it's own way, especially considering the time in which it was made. there were some truly awe inspiring visuals back then that are still very cool today. 
Seen this? Apparently some identity theft trolling attempt. It's actually ant.bsp renamed to wad. There's one for Glassman's castle map, too. 
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