Ah, I Know This One
#1875 posted by
Preach on 2015/01/22 22:36:23
Ok, so when you preview, your post is getting output into the html without any escaping. Because your url included & followed by the word "quote", the browser parses that as the html entity for a quote, breaking the post.

Does The Password Recovery Work?
#1880 posted by
primal on 2015/02/16 08:29:10
I forgot my password, and tried to recover it. Does the recovery form work? I didn't appear to receive any e-mail in the address I've set for my account, and yes, I did check the spam folder.
It turned out I had stored my password in my pw database, so I didn't need to recover it after all. So I'm OK.
ust asking admins to check whether the thing is operational. (It could be just that it takes a while to send the mail too. In which case you should say that on the login page, I guess.)

Tried It
Didn't receive an email either. I'll check whether it's a server problem.
#1882 posted by
metlslime on 2015/02/17 09:43:37
looks like a case of using $REQUEST_METHOD instead of $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD']

Why Am I Seeing
#1885 posted by
ijed on 2015/02/22 05:08:22
A 'trust rating' popup along the bottom of the forum now?
I'm guessing its some BS from somewhere else since AdBlock allows me to disable it, and describes it as an ad.
Celephais is 96% trustworthy. I'm glad I know that. J_J

#1886 posted by
Spirit on 2015/02/22 09:33:52
Check your addons or restore from an earlier backup

#1887 posted by
ijed on 2015/02/22 16:05:46
I installed a dodgy mp4/avi converter that shit all over my hard drive :P
#1888 posted by
Spirit on 2015/02/22 17:02:32
Might be worth having a Linux install/vm around just for the luxury of ffmpeg.

I Keep Getting Tempted
#1889 posted by
ijed on 2015/02/22 17:14:55
To finally sack windows.
No way I'll be 'upgrading' to Metro, that's for sure.

#1891 posted by
ericw on 2015/03/04 21:51:27
if you type c:\test, then hit preview, it gets turned into c:test
But if you just post, seems that no slashes are stripped
#1895 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/04/03 18:24:25
What is error message #42?
#1896 posted by
metlslime on 2015/04/03 18:50:18
that means your IP address changed between viewing a thread and then posting a comment to it. Which a long time ago i assumed would only happen with spambots caching forms and resubmitting later, but i think nowadays happens if you are on a mobile phone and you switch networks (3G to wifi for example)

I Sometimes Get It
#1897 posted by
ijed on 2015/04/03 21:19:54
From my PC - no idea why.
#1898 posted by
metlslime on 2015/04/03 21:39:16
some sort of proxy or DHCP thing maybe?
I can probably remove those error checks anyway, since it doesn't seem to be stopping spam. (of course maybe it is stopping some of it and we just don't know it.)
#1899 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/04/04 04:40:06
I typed a reply, closed my laptop, drove to work, opened it again and thought "oh" and tried to post it.
Makes sense!
No idea what ijed's doing. i blame south american internet.