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Got it, thanks. Renaming the .pts to .lin rang a bell, but I must have done something wrong when I first tried it. 
I missed the flames? boo! ;p

And nah Willem, it wasn't aimed specifically at Epic (far from it in fact), more at the mainstream games industry as a whole (altho you have to admit, Epic is to a greater or lesser extent part of that mainstream).
I'm also aware that even at the worst dev companies, there are talented, hard working individuals who are forced to carry out bad design decisions foisted upon them by management/publishers (and my comments definately weren't aimed at them).

I'm actually a fan of most of Epic's games, the only thing that I truly dislike in them is the testorone filled characters in Gears (which do seemed aimed at a casual frat boy market). If you mentally filter that out then they're thoroughly enjoyable mindless killing. Kudos.

Oh, and Sleep, dunno what you mean? I haven't been using it that long...

(yeh, I was a sarcy bastid back then too) 
Compiling rotators with treeqbsp has some of them working and nonsolid, but some not working and solid.

Compiling the with treeqbsp makes the rotate_continuous work, but not the doors since they again don't collide, and the engine eventually crashes with SV_RecursiveHullCheck: Bad node number.

In e1m2rq some rotate_doors "work", and others don't.

I guess the fact that it sometimes "works" is explained by the similarity of this setup to the Hipnotic conventions.

I don't know how to fix this in the map compiler offhand though. My understanding of BSP isn't good enough.

It's a problem that there is no active tool coder remaining in the Q1 community who specializes in map compilers. hmap2 is still maintained, but LH is pretty busy.

hmap2 compiles just fine, try it. It also compiles which isn't small or uncomplicated. It's unforgiving though, and doesn't understand some of our new entities like func_water.

Engine coding is already a stretch for me. I can't sit down and get into tool coding now.

Maybe we should raise the bounty on this. Otherwise we'll have to make our maps work with hmap2 for now. It does work of course, it just has problems with some maps that compiled fine under tree/txqbsp and may contain some errors that the latter don't choke on, but hmap2 does.

I have mailed LH about this, but haven't heard back. I suggest you do the same and send him the problematic maps. 
Hang On 
If you decide to play Gears of War, arent you the stupid one for expecting an intellectual challenge?

I havent played it all but trying it out at a friend's place, it does exactly what it says on the cover (minus the overdone military comarderie), a fun blast em up with good graphics. 
Well I didn't play Gears because I wanted to. I played Gears mainly for research - trying to answer "what about this game gave it so many 100% scores and sell millions?"

I did not find an answer. 
The answer you're looking for Zwiff is timing...

It was one of the few good 360 launch titles. From that it built a following that has allowed it to produce two (and counting) sequels.

Damn good fun, but Deus Ex it ain't... 
Played 5 minutes. Couldn't stand the feel of the controls and perspective. Uninstalled.

Unreal was awesome. UT was very cool. It's gazillion sequels were okay. 
When did he turn into a crazy bastard? Just went off an a massive homophobic/racist rant in #tf. :( 
Awesome, finaly I found out who block me and remove my op from #tf :)

people really are shit, thanks god I have a life... go fuck your selfs

Assholes bewind computers hiding...

Spirit best thing I did was removing my page from QuaDdicted... FUCK OFF

I will not bother you fagets and niggers lovers anymore... delete mirc! and remove this page also but this time I can garantie is my last time... I'm sick of almost you assholes 
"Well I didn't play Gears because I wanted to. I played Gears mainly for research - trying to answer "what about this game gave it so many 100% scores and sell millions?"

I did not find an answer."

Really? You saw nothing about Gears that would explain it's popularity?

I'm not insulted, I just find that surprising. There are a lot of things in Gears that other games have since copied. It must have done SOMETHING right. 
"It was one of the few good 360 launch titles."

It was not a launch title. 
He always was. Whoever made him ragequit - thanks! 
Well it sold a lot of copies, that's what it did right. I just don't know why it sold a lot of copies. The combat felt worse than almost any other shooter I've played, the characters were awful, the story was shit, the monsters were boring, the settings were boring, the guns were boring, the cut scenes were sooooo choppy and dropped to like 2 or 3 fps in some cases (totally unsure about that one), a lot of the design was just uninspired.

I guess you could say the Lancer is cool, but really, chainsaws have existed in shooters for quite a long time. I'm *guessing* that Gears sold a shit ton simply because it was hard core. It had gore, guns and Duke Nukem-esque testerone-testicled characters. I could probably write up a small essay detailing everything I thought was bad with the game, but I would have a hard time finding anything I thought was really good. 
I should say that I played Gears recently after avoiding it for a long time - perhaps it was a nice change of pace when it came out and I just showed up late. But I avoided it when it first came out because it looked bad imo in the first place, so maybe my opinion was unaffected by my delay in playing the game anyway. 

OK. I really don't have anything to say if you hated every single aspect of the game. I guess we'll just move on, thanks! 
but this time I can garantie is my last time
I'm Sick Of Almost You Assholes! 
Wow , Trinca! 
I'm Sick Of Almost You Assholes 
I am not sure whether I should be offended or smug.

"To be or not to be, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of blah, blah, blah." 
Gears, Unreal, Etc. 
Gears intrigued me when it first came out because it looked like a modern version of the Quake we all know and love, i.e. a monotone FPS with tons of gore. Unfortunately, I was put off by the cover-style gameplay and never finished it. One day, perhaps...

As for Unreal, I first played it when Half-life was king and it just couldn't compete then. Now that I am playing through the Gold version again, it feels a lot like a collection of old, gimmick-style Quake maps with some seriously slow pacing. Still, I am looking forward to the Return to Na Pali, which I have never played. 
"Gears intrigued me when it first came out because it looked like a modern version of the Quake we all know and love"

... it did?! 
Maybe In An Over-simplified Way... 
Mercs/Marines gibbing monsters in drab, brownish 3D environments. 
How can you not have liked Unreal? I've said it before (and I'm sure I'll say it again) but the epic vista when you left the Ryker (I think that was the name of the prison ship) for the first time at the start of level 2 was unparalled at the time. 
I remember finding that amazing at the time (and the skaarj running away in the level before - both very cinematic bits, which the game was clearly aiming at) - but, he was playing it later, not at the time. 
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