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Al would appreciate a link. this right?

i had forgotten about that. i'll be honest with you though, it kind of went over my head. :S
i guess helpers are just easier to keep track of because they're so much simpler. just set your .ltime high so that the bmodel is active and go to town. :P 
Since the helper stuff works and the helper ents could potentially be used for other stuff (play sounds, for example) I might keep them. 
i just reviewed a map on quaddicted and it brought me back to the map page! cool! ^_^ 
Yeah, I fixed that a while back. There are still duplicate ' though, minor fix but me and motivation... 
How do you get the pointfile data to show in Radiant? 
Load It From The Menu? 
Hey look, Tim Schafer got publicity from calling industry figures names, maybe I can do the same (Robert Kotick is a prick btw).

Having said that (and despite not having met the man), I seem to have it in my brain that Mark Rein is a dick based on some shit from years ago altho I can't for the life of me remember what said shit was... (any ideas?).

Anyways, surely creating one loyal customer through a relatively small amount of effort/good relations with the public is a good way to go for indie devs, and certainly more human (and more decent) than creating a mass market product aimed at the lowest common denominator and then using an expensive advertising campaign to promote it... (indies can't afford tv slots ;) 
It's a question of scale. For Epic, wooing and converting a single person is a waste of time. For Cliffski, it's worth it. 
Oh of course, that was the majority of point (albeit expressed in an aggy 'I haven't had my coffee yet' way).

But in which case it's probably not the best thing to scoff at when at an indie dev panel discussion... 
I know you said you're running without coffee but I did find this vaguely offensive:

"Anyways, surely creating one loyal customer through a relatively small amount of effort/good relations with the public is a good way to go for indie devs, and certainly more human (and more decent) than creating a mass market product aimed at the lowest common denominator and then using an expensive advertising campaign to promote it... (indies can't afford tv slots ;)"

Was that aimed at Epic? If so, that's pretty unfair. We put a lot of effort and design iteration into our games and we certainly don't target the lowest common denominator. 
gears of war or that new game that cliffyb showed seriously appeal to my intellectual desire to widen my horizon. 
Looks like a lot of fun. It really does. It's kind of odd, because I don't like a single Epic game at all, but all their spin-off stuff is pretty amazing imo (Bullet Storm, Bioshocks, et al) but Gears/Unreal just totally piss me off design-wise. I was literally angry when I played Gears of War, I didn't agree with any of the design choices except for the reload mechanic.

No offense Willem, Gears 2 was loads better than Gears, but it still sucks. Also, I saw your pic in the credits!

This has nothing to do with the current topic of who's a dick/who's not a dick, Clifford seems like a cool guy, I just can't stand his games. /tangent 
I can see this discussion is headed for great places so I'm out. Go play some Gratuitous Space Battles, megaman, and expand your mind. 
oh god, this newschool "please don't use sarcasm or I'll cry!?" attitude is quite limiting the amount of hilariousness and fun on this board. Or maybe I just remember it wrong. 
Try to be funnier. 
i've been meaning to get pointfile handling into my gui but i only really code stuff like that when i need it (like say, i had a map that had dozens of leaks might get my ass in gear to do it).

anyway, depends what radiant you are using. if you're using gktr 1.4, you just need to copy the .pts file into the folder where the original map is (where your editor is opening it from) and rename it to .lin. sikkpin's qe3 will load the .pts directly. 
Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm Hmm can people please think of a new post title? Kthx. 
By The Way 
If there is a company that targets the lowest common denominator among people, it's certainly id. 
"Poke The Willem"-time? 
Hey Gb 
just for fun, i tried out the rotater stuff without hmap2 (that thing has not managed to compile a single map so far, it either fails on terrain or just flat out hangs) on aguirre's qbsp. the rotation works but the bmodel is non-solid (even though the qc specifies it to be solid) so it looks like qbsp is discarding the collision information or something? 
you can shoot it, interestingly enough, and grenades bounce off of it, so it's only discarding hull1/2 collision. very strange!

in my head, this would seems like not as big a deal to shoehorn it into the compiler as originally thought? 
I Think 
those facebook games are the ones going for the lowest common whatevernator. They just get any and all casual fans to play as much as possible, because that's their business model. Pennies from millions of people is still a lot of money. 
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