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Holy Cow! 
That ball isn't round anyway..,
although even not excactly flat.

can't help it,
I'm Dutch. 
Windows 7 64bit 
Is anyone aware of any problems running Fitz.85 or any of the usual compile routines under Windows 7 in 64 bit?

If so, any solutions? 
Both Work For Me Im Afraid. 
I always use windows command prompt for tools.
I always put my -commands in the windows desktop shortcuts too. Works a charm - Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit.... 
You Could Try The `"troubleshoot Compatibility" Option 
And try to run it in a legacy Windows version mode. 
In That Case... 
...I will lash out on a new MB upgrade and go 64 bit. 
are an ethnic group. Several regions/provinces/counties in Holland and Germany are named after them.

Frisian football team would probably kick some ass, if it existed. 
The cow is named after the place at least in case of Holstein. There is also a type of horse named "Holsteiner". Statues have been built for individual horses.

There's also Holsten beer:

Some say the beer tastes like horse piss, however. :-)

Then there is Wacken Open Air, a metal festival about which there exists a movie, "Full Metal Village".

Attention, cow moshing. 
i actually did have a problem with windows 7 + 64bit + fitzquake...

the timing was off due to some kind of coding practice that used older methods or somesuch. i had to use quakespasm, which is basically the same thing only it works. i think it has to do with SDL and a different timing thing. 
the timing problem i think was more due to the multicore cpu (i have a core2 duo) than 64bit.

otoh, if you're going 64bit, do they even make single core 64bit cpus any more? 
64 Bit 
I'm going with an Intel i7 so there are going to be a few cores to play with. I will let you know what happens.

Also, I had a legit copy of an RC Windows 7 which has now expired, so I need to buy (I missed MS's offer as I was travelling at the time). It will therefore be a complete rebuild from scratch.

Fun times ahead... I may be gone for some time. 
And no problems here. With Quake anyway... 
The beer only tastes like horsepis, if you open the bottle and let it in open air for more than three minutes...
which is quiet presumable knowing the fact air converts the etheric essense of the beer.

But if you're a slow drinker the horse takes your jump and you surely will hik.

I just saw a splendid program about beers from Belgium. They have the greatest collection of beers in a wide tradition. I'm not a fan of youtube promotion, but for this time: 
you know a thing or two about beer :)

It's hard to get a good selection of beers here - I guess our local taste is more "solid beer, and a lot of it."

I've seen a better selection in Denmark than here, to be honest. They sell a lot of brands that you don't get here. 
Windows 7 And Tabctl32.ocx 
I need to register tabctl32.ocx in Windows 7 to enable me to use my VB6 compiler GUI.

I am running CMD as Administrator and using regsvr32.exe but no matter what combination I use (direct path, or from within the system32 directory) it doesn't want to know.

Has anyone needed to register this on Windows 7 and been successful? 
I don't know which country you live gb, you're not in the list of people anymore.
But if it's america there's a part in there too about Brooklyn Brewery as the winner award.

I have to know something about it as my name is Brewers. Don't tell anyone, it's my favour 
Intel I7 Speed 
Just tried running qbsp manually and under my old Pentium 4 2.0G my 10,000 brush map took 6m 30 secs to (fast)compile, under i7 it takes 1m 05 secs; so a little improvement there.

A full compile took 80 hours on the old system, so maybe when I have finished playing with my new toy I will try it on some real man's work. 
you'll see huge improvements with willem's vis due to multicore. it's not exactly twice as fast with 2 cores, maybe like 1.5 or 1.75 times faster, which is still great, and the i7's got 4 cores so that's even better. make sure you nab tuna's fixed version off of quaddicted: that fixes the bug where pausing/resuming on a multicore vis would permanently skip portals (or something like that, not sure exactly).

as for registering tabctl32.ocx... all i know is you need to get the vb redistributable runtime thing and there might be some other thing that i can't remember i had to do. i think it had something to do with viewing old help files, sorry very fuzzy on that as it was many months ago now. 
if someone wants to pre-test a new alpha of QuakeInjector in the next hour or so, drop into #terrafusion :-) 
Oh Yes 
it supports scanning your quake dir for installed maps, and i'm still there. 
Ok, Pre-release Version With Installed Maps Scanning 
I Tried... 
...but I didn't have java, or know how to invoke it. 
Missing Icon 
Then you should be able to simply doubleclick it (the quakeinjector.jar). 
Any chance there will ever be a standalone version? Because the JRE requirement definitely limits the tool's range... 
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