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US Soccer Team... 
... has never been so strong regarding past world cup... Indeed, if they defeat Ghana (that is not impossible), US team will go in semi-final... then they will have to defeat either Urugay or South Korea (actually Urugay leads 1-0) that is alos clearly possible... But then will come the real challenge, as Spain and Netherland are very strong players...
However, regarding the fighting spirit they shown, that they can win, and go to final !

I wish France team to show same heroic fighting spirit when playing....

Go USA go ! 
It is not Spain, but Brasil.... even worst...

Anyway: good luck ;) 
Ghana won USA 2-1. great match while Ghnan players where quite rude... anyway... USA wil not reach quarter final... sorry :P 
australia, england and usa are bollox are soccer. It's cultural. 
for you soccer/football fans who can't be there in person, here's the next best thing.

play quake like you're at the world cup!


this thing is so annoying, it will wake up every monster in the map.

totally ripped off from this: 
@necros: Awesome.... but I doubt it will be ranked at the weapon of the yar :P

@stevenaaus: australia, england and usa are bollox are soccer. It's cultural... not England and USA/Australia have the same game quality... England has some very good teams (Chelsea, Manchester, Arsenal, etc...), while I know none from USA/Australia.... though... 
Nice one. You should make that a direct video response to the Doom one; it might start a trend and people will port it to other games as well. 
awesome work :)

dont work well in e1m3 and my sm123 :)

fishes and zombies are totaly wasted :) 
England has some very good teams (Chelsea, Manchester, Arsenal)


OK, in fairness Man U does have more than 1 English player in the starting 11... Just. 
In-ger-land, In-ger-land, In-ger-land!

no one talks to Fritz anymore? 
Ricky: German "divisions" 

The current borders don't follow historical kingdoms/duchies/tribal areas too closely, because there was a lot of switchery. Current German states were formed after WW2.

But germany has 16 states with their own constitutions, parliaments, history, "counties", and historical regions, national minorities and languages and dialects.

My state has Frisian and Danish minorities, with their own party guaranteed a seat in the parliament, their languages protected and intact, their own schools, and Frisian towns have their Frisian names on the place-name signs.

There are historical regions like Anglia, North Frisia, Schleswig (partly in Denmark), Holstein and the Duchy of Lauenburg (the Duke is missing).

These regions can't all be their own states, since Germany would consist of lots of small independent states then (it actually did work like that once), so there were a couple reforms, and the allies after WW2 mostly created the current set of 16 somewhat bigger states (these roughly include historical regions though, except the large kingdom/province of Prussia, which was exterminated).

Under Nazi rule, the individual states were weakened and the idea was one centralized country "led" from Berlin. That didn't happen though.

Pretty sure Bavaria would love to have their own national team. They think they're special like that. The rest, not so sure. I was more kidding than anything.

Germany is a federal republic, not least because the allies deemed it the safest option. If the states are caught in their own rivalries, over money for example, it's unlikely to unite and go all Nazi on anyone.

Germans have federal ID cards etc, though. The individual states also have no armies, but they have their own police forces. 
was the cow named after the region or is it somehow the other way around?

anyways, that's a lot of interesting information actually :o. 
That's Interesting Actually 
My work is related to diary farming, and the two most common cows are called Holsteins and Fresians. They are the type with the black and white patches that you see on all of the milk commercials.
The Holstein cow is the one which produces the most milk.

I did not realise that they were named after regions in Germany! 
The Two Most Common We Worked With 
on are farm before it became an ex-farm were Holsteins and Jerseys. the Holstein is cow with the highest milk production but supposedly the jersey has more fat or creme or whatever which was better for butter production. the Holsteins were a lot larger than the jerseys and we had them crossbreeding so we had more than one jersey cow die giving birth to a Holstein calf (or they would sometimes become crips and we had to get this pulley thing and yank the calf out and shoot the mother, which is shit in the dairy industry :/)
oh what fun life is when you're the one doing the killing. 
Oh Yeah, Also 
does anyone know where a "Jersey" is in Europe? because I'm pretty sure the cows are not named after *New* Jersey. 
Small island off the south coast of the UK. It's a Crown Dependent, kinda independant but not entirely. Like half way between Canada and Wales. Often used as something of a tax haven for the financial industry. 
Argentina or Germany ? 
Very Hard To Say 
In 2006 I was sure we were going to lose against Argentinia, and then we won. I hope the team can repeat that success. Either way, it's going to be an interesting game. 
But I'm skimming - what comes out of a Holstien cow?

Is there a Glen Fiddich cow?

Or better yet, a cash cow?

Now you can see why the title of this post is. 
And I used the word 'skimming'.

I haven't slept properly in days. 
Visit me in NYC! 
Yeah... I'd like to see Germany get up.. but the argies aren't too shabby, and Maradonna is really geeing everyone up.

Germany's manager looks pretty focused too. 
"Fresians" are named after a Dutch province 
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