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I don't like Radiant currently and I have yet to find a suitable solution to this. Maybe Ogier. CZG uses it. 
All I Know Is... 
Next map i make won't have three custom monsters with their own animations, skins, sound effects, head gibs, projectile models, combat tuning needs, etc. etc. Plus an entirely new texture wad with hundreds of new textures. Plus half a dozen other new entity types with their own models, animations, sounds, and code.

Just having a map to worry about sounds like a breeze. 
Heavy Metl 
So that's what we are to expect soon? Can't wait... I got "almost q3 shader style teleports working in stock Fitz and Aguirre engines. 
Worst Quote Ever 
...These teleports are actually scary". 
I got "almost q3 shader style teleports working in stock Fitz and Aguirre engines.

Really? That sounds great. 
It's True 
All lies will be revealed some time, but my mapping is stalled because I'm moving. 
I Have Seven Maps On The Run + A Few Others 
That your grandchildren will be playing one day as part of a bundle. Don't be impatient. 
Any Thoughts On RAGE? 
"Realistic" environments are boring. Everything is brown. 
heehe ijed u are crazy... I have to have things pending... so 7 maps for me will never hapend!

Everything is brown.
heh, wasn't that a complaint about quake at one time? :P 
ogre can ask more machineoil
than he can hod in both hands... 
ho ho hold it! 
Rage looks exciting (it's id, of course it does) and the fact that the tools are coming to PC users is also very exciting. A lot of the other screen shots are much more colorful, especially outside with the bright blue skies and so on. I'm looking forward to it. 
Re: 2010 Maps 
well this year I should be releasing more maps than I did in 2009 or 2008, so hopefully I'm not the only exception to this apparent downward sliding trend. 
We hate dying in video games. We hate to be frustrated.

Huh, while frustration is bad, dying is a part of FPS. I'm curious how exactly they'll do this.

The player should still be required to cover his ass by himself.

heehe ijed u are crazy... I have to have things pending... so 7 maps for me will never hapend!

Yes we are mad, but ours is... oh, wait. 
Apparently you have nano-self-defibrillator that you can use to resurrect yourself on the spot. Limited use I think, but you can pretty much start over right at the spot you died, immediately. 
Re: 2010 Maps 
Tronyn, of course we'll have to come and shoot you now if you don't make arcanum this year :> 
does anyone have a list of what the known active Q1SP projects are? 
Define "active" 
From what I could gather it's
necros (several?)
Tronyn (several?)
RMQ team
Pulsar (several?)
metlslime (haha) 
Lunaran, too 
I so want to revive the pipeline...

Baker does a great job of posting upcoming things on quakeone. 
Everyone's most favourite cuddly norwegian also is working on something. 
This Cannot Be! 
This must not be!

Forgot to mention Trinca above. And possibly Dr.Shadowborg is working on more maps for Hellsmash. Well, and hopefully some leet mapper who has been lurking in the shadows as yet... 
2010 Maps 
Well I have a handfull maps under way as well.
Some of them almost 90 - 95% done.
So maybe later this year some of them will get released.
Looking forward to all the other maps!!! 
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