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2 things -

1.) AFAIK the only shortcut to change rotation/scale is with selection mode, click the object to select, another to rotate, another to skew/scale. AFAIK.

There are shortcuts to bring up arbitrary rotation and arbitrary scale windows, but I forget what they are. Sorry.

2.) If you have any human decency you will push as hard as you can for the level editor to be released with Bullet Storm. I would very much like to map for that game methinks. 
I honestly don't know if it's coming out on PC but if it does I'd be shocked if it didn't include the level editor. We always include the editor. 
I am making the biggest remix map evar (already is).

2 or 1 still? 
Push to have it come out on the PC.

1 still. Its realy getting close though :)
2 is still just a foggy picture in my head. Which is better than no foggy picture..... 
Holy Shit! 
Heh I had'nt heard of Bullet Storm until someone mentioned it above, but by the looks of this trailer it's gonna be awesome!

First impression - it has a style that DNF would be jealous of. 
According to game sites will be PS3/360/PC.

Looks fun, but I'm not yet convinced it isn't just another one of those games. 
Zwiffle, which editor do you use currently then?

Willem, that DKT? medieval/castle level, please? 
I don't know exactly which font I used, but it's one of the free Terminator-logo-inspired fonts available online. Just search for "terminator font" and you'll probably find some. I notice that generally the A, the 2, and the Y seem to differ from font to font, so you might have to compare to get the right one.

Technically, Terminator itself used a font called "China" which was made in the 1970s. However that font was never digitized as far as I know.

But, there is a commercial font inspired by China, more info here: 
Metl, Starbuck 
Thanks. That will help.

great textures, metl. 
on a small scale map atm.
nothing fancy (infact, that's the point), just going to be some fast killing and maybe a cool circuitous route or something. 
Ooooh knave! /squeal

More pics please! 
Random Q1SP Tip #2 
Death's Taste by Utah. 
Flying Hellknights! 
re: death's taste - waaaay back in the day i used to chain all my id1 q1sp maps together using adquedit (over 100 in total) and blast through the lot using a speedmod by koolio that gave you unlimited ammo, super jumps, regeneration and 2x weapon fire rate. and godmode.

you could call it a misspent youth. but anyway, this map sticks out in my head as you have to pick up a box of cells to trigger a door at one point, and being on max ammo by then i couldn't do it without using the give cheat to lower the cell count. eventually however, i found a more fun way of getting round the problem by discharging my lightning gun into the water at the beginning, which not only obliterates all the surrounding zombies but manages to trigger all three shootable buttons on the ceiling in one go! magic!

true story. 
...discharging my lightning gun into the water at the beginning, which not only obliterates all the surrounding zombies but manages to trigger all three shootable buttons on the ceiling in one go! magic!

That might be a cool puzzle, though it's a pretty obscure feature of the lightning gun. Have a room with shootable buttons that are behind glass so they can't be directly shot. 
You just ruined the best puzzle in Rubicon 2.

Totally not worth playing now. =/ 
i doubt it's something anyone would actually work out by thinking logically.. without heavy clues anyway. 
Also Ricky, 
how big is your remake map at the moment? e2m6 may be giving it a run for its money. i'm only halfway through detailing it and have yet to add one side-section and the ending, yet it's already at 7k brushes, 260 models, 34k marksurfaces, 74 lightmaps and 262 visedicts (thanks to fitzquake limit warnings XD) 
Re: 18576 
chapter_necros3 for quoth3!!!

Or not :( 
chapter_necros3 for quoth3!!!
hardly. :P seriously, you will be disappointed, i suspect. it's small to medium in size and more for testing out some gameplay stuffs. :)

re: 18578, Death's Taste by Utah,
this was probably a pretty awesome map back in 97. the alternating shaded bricks was cool except that the texture is split half way through the bricks instead of a full brick (??). a cool detailing idea that just ends up looking dumb.
still, gameplay was fun and pretty fast paced. two secret quads trivialize the content a bit, but makes it entertaining. :)
we need more small maps like this! 
mine is small :\ real small 
Are We Still Talking About Maps? 
mine is old:\ real old

but finally done. 
"Willem, that DKT? medieval/castle level, please?"

Damn it. FINE, I'll add some medieval stuff... 
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