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W_LoadWadFile: couldn't load gfx.wad

This usually indicates the executable is running with the wrong working directory, i.e:

c:\> quake/quake.exe

The fix is:

c:\> cd quake
c:\quake\> quake.exe
Regular Quake 
Everything was working fine, I've been playing travail and alot of other maps with fitzquake085 and darkplaces with no problem at all. I copied the files from the repacked nehahra over at quaddicted, was a few .exes and a folder called nehahra straight to the quake directory. That gave the errors as above and I've just realised the same thing is happening to both fitz and dp now. I think I've probably messed something up.

I've uploaded a printscreen of the folders incase there is something obvious. 
.c / .h 
are just compiler source files, surprised they were all bunged in the zip like that.

one other thing; if you don't have the nehahra movie installed then there's an extra pak file you have to unzip in order for the game to run. have a look in the nehahra dir for a textfile called 'Important_README!.txt' for more details. you may have done this already but didn't mention it :) and i remember mindcrime saying loads of people ran into problems by missing that part out! 
..that doesn't explain fitz & dp not working. but it possibly explains the gfx.wad error so try compatibility mode again afterwards... 
The pak0(fake) was included in the repacked nehahra by spirit. It doesn't have that particular readme with it, I believe it's all presorted. Fitzquake seems to be working again except it seems to be running at least twice as fast as it should be. Tnx for trying but quake has beaten me for tonight, I must get some sleep. 
This Is Funny:

Talking about people working in sweatshop-style conditions making XBox360 controllers and Microsoft mice. The funny part is the comments left by the viewers. 
> an independent auditor has been inspecting the KYE factory annually

Capitalist assholes. 
When you say 'funny part' you mean incredibly despressing view of the average western opinion?

Altho I did like the person who claimed China was communist, that amused me. 
There was some guy going "Well they cant have been working that hard 'cause I still get RROD on my controller"" and stuff like that. Is just so very ignorant that its funny. 
Weird Question 
anyone have a prefab of a helicopter, spaceship, aircraft, that kinda thing? 
jpl probably? he had those tanks in driant and iirc, there were planes in cmc. 
... I don't have any helicopter in my prefab list... though... I have to check... 
Spaceships: sm124, sm158c 
I checked what I have in term of prefab... and I found an "old" zip archive I never opened... There are inside several plane/helicopter models.. I think it would require some retexturing effort..
If you are still interested let me know ;) 
Go With 
the negke space ship! it's awesome. actually would make a great start ala prodigy xl 
at least I've always thought that. 
yeah, JPL, and anyone else who has such a thing, plz email zip to, unless its like 4-5MB or more in which case I'd have to download it from somewhere. 
tronyn download airquake, has excellent models of different kinds of tanks and aircrafts 
Chif Poor Sock Had A Quake Overdose! 
Details for user 'sock'

Last Login: 2010-04-09 07:05:14

hopelly will return soon! 
yeah, i've been wondering about his absence. ^_^ 
you have mail ;) 
thanks man
you're right that some retexturing might be required but these are great, really creative. Some totally unexpected ones in there like the bushplane with pontoons. 
I Vote For Bomb The Volcano Back To The Stoneage! 
@Trinca + Necros
I have not OD on Q1SP, I just cannot get to my PC at the moment. I am stuck waiting for flights to get home while dumb volcano smoke owns Europe! 
yikes, didn't realize you were traveling. hopefully you will be in the air soon... just hope that other volcano doesn't go off. :S
good luck, dude. 
Me and plains are not good friends!!!

I love cars! 
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