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And after some comments on tchak I also lost some interest in mapping

i went to check the thread to see what you meant, but am quite confused. almost every review seems to lavish it with praise. what was it in particular?

i haven't played the map actually, will check it out. hard to keep track of all the latest releases without a central review site anymore like UWF's site (or going back a bit further, TSQLR). i know all of them end up on quaddicted somehow but it just isn't the same... 
I guess it didn't get enough praise ;) 
chif chif was evil Spirit that I love so much and I still do :(

these evil Germans :/ 
that reminds me I still have to sent him a bottle of wine... him and Vondur :| fuck I must go to the mail to find out the cost!!! 
Oh Trinca! 
importing the old comments I noticed a problem: How do you properly treat linebreaks for comments and such? I stored with as I got them without realising that they would not be shown by the browser. Should I change them to \r\n before storing? Or should I render them when outputting (how can I detect them in PHP)? 
when i leave a comment or rate a map, is it supposed to bring me to a debug page that just says 'comment added'? is that because it's still in testing? 
That is there because I do not really know how to nicely return to the previous site. 
haha ok, i'll just open up pages in a new tab so i don't loose where i am. ;) 
Has some new-ish Quake stuff on his site (if you are interested): 
What Happened To SDA? 
their news page seems to have gone silent... seems like they used to update at least once every week or two. 
nakaaaaairrrr is busy with school the others no idear...

But i miss a tournement :| 
hardly any demos getting made :/

not much energy in the community lately, it's kinda sad 
the quality of you guys push to this :)

how do I for exemple noob can beat any of the times you guys make?

Impossible... I dont get even close to then! 
I use nl2br for the linebreaks. Commenting now takes you to the map page again and logging in directs you to your user page (best solution at the moment).

Since making a full-blown search function is way outside my league at the moment some recommendations on server-side filters for the listing would be nice. Since I write these things in the most ugly ways I will only implement things that are not easily done with the javascript filter.

Show only:
-maps/"mods"/speedmapping stuff
-rated x and above
-user rated x and above

PS: I know that I have to implement a fair algorithm to sort user ratings. But really scares me though. 
Quaddicted is getting better and better everday is basicaly the only resort of quake but it ROCKZZZ like any other did!

Thanks Spirit and helpers! 
Yeah Quaddicted is pretty solid, props for all the effort put into it. 
To take users back to where they were after logging them in, store the referrer in a hidden field in the login form, then redirect back to that. It may be necessary to encode and / or decode the referrer, I don't quite remember. 
I have FF set to not send the referrer, IIRC. Would that still work then? 
Not sure if I will do it though. 
Question While On The Topic Of Webmastering 
Who is a good provider which allows me to use FORMMAIL with a cgi-bin folder accessible by the person who is the site owner?
Cause I must be thick cause I couldnt get it to work on my domain.....


On the lighter side Stallman has a say. 
distrans released Grendel's Keep. The zip seems not 100% fine though so I did not post news yet: 
Distrans = Win 
Zip works fine for me. 
I Dig The Look Of Those Screenies 
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