Oh No, It's My Evil Twin Brother!
#160 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/04 17:35:51
 Seriously Though, Same IP, What The Hell...
#161 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/04 17:38:41
#162 posted by Spirit on 2013/03/04 17:48:23
You refreshed the page. Your browser sucks.
#163 posted by ijed on 2013/03/04 18:20:30
Can mean whatever its perceived as.
The task requirement is 'tool that allows precision movement along specified axis'.
Doesn't exactly roll off the tongue though.
#164 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/04 18:21:16
#165 posted by Spiney on 2013/03/04 18:25:13
 TrenchBroom 1.0.4
- Improved Quake.fgd and Quoth2.fgd (thanks negke!).
- Improvements to clipboard pasting.
- Fixed a crash bug when loading maps with invalid brushes.
#167 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/04 21:42:28
I saw this in the notes for 1.0.3 and wanted to say that:
"Objects are no longer displaced when duplicated"
This is still offsetting duplicated things for me. Do I need to clear a config file or something? I checked the About box and it said 1.0.3 ...
#168 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/04 21:45:59
Same with 1.0.4 ... heh.
Am I interpreting that correctly as saying ctrl+d shouldn't be offsetting anymore?
I think it *should* displace but should only displace one grid block toward you.
#170 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/04 22:12:20
Displacing sucks. :) We've talked about it already but every time it displaces my duplicate, I have to move it back into place before working with it. It's almost never what you want...
I made an error, the displacement will be gone in 1.1. Sorry!
#172 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/04 22:34:07
Heh, no worries! Thanks...
I just realised that CTRL+D displaces by a small amount rather than the huge amounts that Copy and Paste are doing... I've wasted so much time (also, if you're duping brushes you're moving it somewhere else, plus it's better that it displaces so that you don't accidentally dupe multiple times without noticing).
#174 posted by JneeraZ on 2013/03/05 01:14:51
You'd think that, logically, but my experience says otherwise. Over time it becomes far easier to dupe in place and then move it since at least one of the axis that it got bumped on is going to be wrong.
#175 posted by necros on 2013/03/05 01:55:51
yeah, that is my experience with it also. I almost always follow a Ctrl+D with a Up and Left to push the brush back to the original spot.
 Re: Ijed's Post About Not Visualizing Logic Entities
#176 posted by necros on 2013/03/05 02:19:07
There is something like this in Quark.
The big difference with quark vs (afaik) all other editors is that there is a tree view of the entire map where you see individual entities and brushes as nodes in the tree, grouped by brush entities or user made group folders.
entities that are defined in a certain way (for example: trigger_relay, trigger_counter) do not appear in the map at all, only in the tree view. Since quark407 was the first editor I used, I was really confused about how script entities were like when I went over to radiant.
I actually still find them very cumbersome having all these boxes floating around with lines going everywhere. They are a very poor method of doing any kind of scripting.
There is a downside though: when you load a map like this in other editors, you end up with a giant pile of overlapping script entities all at '0 0 0'. :\
#177 posted by Razumen on 2013/03/05 07:50:50
This looks really interesting! Is there any plans to support other closely related Quake1-engine games? Specifically: Hexen 2?
I REALLY need a better editor for the levels I am making...
 Other Games
Quake 2 and 3 are on my todo list. You're the second person to ask for Hexen 2 support. I have no idea what would be necessary to support that game though. But I'll look into it once I start supporting other games.
#179 posted by negke on 2013/03/05 09:20:32
I think all it takes to make it support a wide variety of (id-engine) games are surface/brush flags and patches (curves). Everything else is a matter of having a proper fgd. Quest 2.4, for instance, supported HL, Hexen 2, Sin, and several Q1-3 mods out of the box with this additional fuctionality.
Having some visual representation of entity linking would be nice (target#/killtarget#->targetname#) of course, it would have to be toggleable to avoid a mess. necros, I usually place script entities close to their area of action for easier accessiblity. But, yes, things like relay and counters can be at 0 0 0, or even lack an origin field altogether. However, the editor must have an entity list then (TB needs one, too, if it doesn't have it already).
 Entity List
There will be a Quark-like tree of everything the map contains in a future version.
Target link visualization is also on my todo list.
#181 posted by digs on 2013/03/05 09:32:48
Again can't run.
In log file many lines like:
5228 2013-03-05 14:28:30: Loading 'progs/player.mdl' (searching )
5228 2013-03-05 14:28:30: Unable to find MDL 'progs/player.mdl'
In the end:
WARNING: 30:1: implicit cast from int to float
5228 2013-03-05 14:28:31: Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
5228 2013-03-05 14:28:31: Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
WARNING: 30:1: implicit cast from int to float
5228 2013-03-05 14:28:31: Fragment shader(s) linked, vertex shader(s) linked.
And then there is the same window with an error that is repeated many times
Sorry if I asked you before, but what's your OS, graphics card and driver? I'll create a report for it, maybe I can fix it.
#183 posted by digs on 2013/03/05 09:59:47
Windows 7 Pro
ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4650 Series
Provider: ATI Technologies Inc.
date: 04.08.2009
Version: 8.635.0.0
#184 posted by digs on 2013/03/05 10:00:33
Win 7 x64