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I think spd just got tired of mapping for quake, don't think he was pissed at anyone really. 
spd was spied by speeds, so he became suspicious who was spy.
He started a small investigation to follow speeds actions closly.
When finally his search was close to spy's tail, he nailed speeds for nicknaming spy.
So when speeds turned up again, he found spd gone.

When I ran to Lun I remembered the last dialogue I read spy could suggesting to be speeds, although I can hardly believe that if
spy would be speeds, why did speeds ever start becomming again, I mean, up or gone.
I won't be trying in the slightest way to interfere in this case, but

speeds....turn up! 
2 More Reviews 
RPGSP1 : Penile Devastation

With a title like that, it is hard not to be curious about what the level is going look like. I remember this map title from years ago but for some reason I could not find a news thread about it anymore.

It is a short level with some typical game play styles of room, door, mob, weapons, spawn more mobs. A stable setup for Q1 AI and fine for something that is probably 5-10mins of gameplay. The final room has the classic raining AI dance but this time they appear from wind tunnels with a couple of sneaky one's from behind.

What I found most interesting was the secrets, how they were about texture differences with rotated surfaces and alternative versions. It felt like a spot the difference competition! The secrets are cool but not necessary for completing the map on lower skill levels. The special room secret was the reason I wanted to download this map and see what it was all about! :P

RUBICON : Rubicon

A classic from the good old days when Q1 was really popular and everyone was going crazy creating new content. Again I cannot find any news about it here, it seems that Func_msg is just not that old! :P

This is probably a first, I completed the map on all 3 skill levels and did not find it crazy hard. Maybe I am use to the newer stuff but it does have a really nice Q1 vibe for skill balance. Probably the greatest appeal for me is how the variety of monsters is restrained and it is a base map with humanoid AI classes. (which actually makes sense for the location)

The extra map eagle is just strange but I assume this is because it is a tribute map to something but I am not familiar with it. The combat was frantic and I just kept running out of ammo but it was interesting with the series of cube rooms and AI loadouts.

Overall I liked the skill balance and the textures were cool. The architecture was very Q1 like but the map is over 10 years old so all is forgiven. 
Rubicon was made by Metslime - the owner of this board and FitzQuake.

The eagle map is based off of the original Zelda game's first dungeon. 
Yeah I know Metslime did that map, I just heard people here talk about it and the second one a couple of times. I also found Metslime's website with all his work and stuff on it, very cool link :)

I read in the readme file about the eagle map but I never played Zelda so it was completely lost on me the dimensions and style. The core ruby map was cool, really enjoyed it. (probably because I did not die alot) 
but I never played Zelda


You've at least played Ocarina of Time right? 
Wonder what would you think of my maps:

SP map thread:

DM map thread:

You will probably rip on the gameplay of the SP map, but I am curious of what you think of the visuals. The SP map was done first and some time later, I refined and polished it into the DM version (with lots of feedback and help from Bambuz). 
Yep I can look at the SP for you and I give it a go. The DM would just be imagining what combat would be like, flow and visuals feedback only. I dare not go on online with Q1, I just hear horror stories of noobs like me being shredded :( 
Go play gmsp3. 
You May Find This Useful Sock 
This Was Supposed To Be In That Post Too 
not sure, but i don't think the rating works? when i click the hearts, nothing happens. :P
this is on firefox, 3.6.3. i have java script enabled for quaddicted. 
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That's really weird. scar3crow ran into a similar issue. I'll have to take a look but I am not sure how. Maybe webserver logs will be able to tell me something. I definitely need to make the rating work without Javascript too. 
Not Working For Me Either 
Chrome 4.0, JS enabled 
Ooh, stupid stupid bug. Should be fixed. Thanks!

Good thing I added at least some meaningful error messages... 
in case you're curious, here's the original map that Eagle was based on:

You can see i did a pretty literal translation, the floor plans are identical, and the monsters are replaced 1-for-1 with quake monsters (bats become scrags, gels become spawn, skeletons become knights, etc.) Key placement is identical, and the other special items are replaced with quake weapons, but the placement is the same. The secret spots where you can bomb a hole in the wall are recreated (rockets or quad shotgun required to break them), the fact that if you attack the friendly guy his torches will retaliate is recreated, about the only thing i didn't recreate is the statues -- at the time neither me nor my level editor (qED) were up to the task of creating nice looking statues out of brushes. 
so some people were asking what happened to Kinn?

And I thought - what happened to Tyrann? What happened to his 99% done base map?

What happened to Than? What happened to his 90% done knave map?

I feel like Than will eventually gravitate back and finish his up... but does anyone know what's happened to Tyrann?

Any other mappers I'm missing?

I think CZG is slowly working on something... 
What happened to Biff and MYRMIDON? 
didn't Myrmidion transmogrify into Fort Ratsack?

or was that a totally different thing?

But yeah - where is he? 
I Guess... 
... they found other prioritie in life but Quake mapping. Real life eat them for sure. 
As always... and they are doing the correct action!

Life is to short to waste in a editor... I map few because I don�t waste a single minute of my life at home with mapping I rather waste it with my family.

But I respect who does everyone should do what they want with there life�s, I personally when I�m at home I prefer to do other things...

And after some comments on tchak I also lost some interest in mapping, so in these days I map less and less everyday, people don�t give a shit anyways so fuck it... If I ever finish anything else I will release then in here... someday far :) but I didn�t quit.

Also I still love to play Quake, and I will still playing for a long time I think. 
Wow. That's a lot of baggage to unload without provocation. Are you sure you're happy, man? :) 
Willem not my intension to provoke anyone is just my way of seeing things...

Yes I�m happy :) but in my age I�ve so to many things to do that isn�t enough time to mapping out of office just that...

At least at work lunch gives me sometimes 30 minutes or 60 to make something... 
@Spirit, I tried gmsp3 and did not like it. Visually it looks nice but I thought the gameplay was not much fun.

@Trinca, it sounds like you are mapping for other peoples approval and that will always end in you being disappointed. There will always be people who don't like your work and often be quiet vocal about it. If you release something for peer approval you have to accept all feedback regardless if you agree with it or not. 
I use to Sock, not anymore now just for fun... but made me stop for 8 month :| 
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