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I Didn't Say *buy* A Monitor From A Store... 
... just look at it. 
Nintendo 3DS 
is that like virtual boy? 
Ricky, I got my last laptop from - it was a reduced-price end-of-line job but I paid about �550 for a 18.6" beast that wasn't available for less than �750 online. So you can still get a bargain in-store now and then. 
anyone interested in collaborating on/tinkering with a map? I've got a bunch of partially finished maps, with architecture and some lighting, but layout not yet complete and gameplay stuff not yet added, and I'd appreciate an alternate take on how to connect stuff/what style to develop further with details etc. 
Sure, but I don't have a computer. Also, what map editor are you using? Do you have pics? 
lol at "I don't have a computer"

I know what you mean but it's still funny

Hammer, but the files can be converted to the more general .map and the textures will still be aligned. I'll get together some pics to show the (general/underdeveloped) styles of the maps. 
I never left something unfinished even if dont look as I espected...

But some suck when I release then :|

I still noob but I love myself and negke loves me to! 
Well I should have a functioning computer tonight I hope, since the last few parts I need to replace my dead system should arrive today. Then all I would need to do is install everything tonight and get everything up and running. 
How About A 3-way? 
My computer works and I wouldn't mind trying some collaboration.

Maybe it will even help Zwiffle forgive me for never working on that QExpo chainmap ever again ;) 
best func message header ever

k, it'll take me a couple days to get my shit together but I'll send you something by the end of this weekend.

PS I'm willing to work on something in return 
Fucking hell I'm so happy to have my computer back. 
You Have Your Computer Back? 
make a speedmap! 
Try Not To Burn It Out On 
Scat pr0n. 
I dont have Quake on here though. 
But I'm copying it over from my old drive. My Quake directory is only 5.24 GB :( I feel so small. 
You Felt Small The Other Night, Too. 
Current Excuse 
I've got windows vista and triple monitors, and a laptop... I have my old computer, which is still faster/better for testing stuff, but it's not set up atm... I edit on this computer, then compile on both, then test on the other (and no I don't have any money to buy a new real computer). I've so far been unable to screen capture on windows vista with this setup. On the other hand I am getting together wads/maps/rmfs to put in a zip - should be next day or two. 
That must be one gargantuan zip file.

Or you're lazy. 
yellow health! look out!

awesome link, this is totally the future too btw lol, though existenZ totally had this idea down 10 years ago, and some literary scifi probably had it down 10 years before that. 
50% Off All Quake Games On Steam

I suppose we all already own all the Quake games, but if you don't want to spend $10... spend $5 instead! 
excluding the soundtracks 
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