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Just release it with some limits broken :) Go Fitzquake 0.85!!!

Or try and save some Marksurfaces buy making some details into func_illusionaries or Func_walls....... 
i dragged some sections around, and managed to make a smaller layout that makes sense and has good pacing. I still need to add some glue between sections and add the exit room, hopefully i can do that with my remaining 2000 marksurfaces :) 
I've been busy too. Please beta-test and break

Things I know: "requirements" are missing (easy). The title is not set properly yet (that's gonna be annoying to fix). Too many tags break the listing (and I have no idea for a good fix. The tags are already a single string with no weight at that point...).

Comments by registered authors should be linked to their user page ( )

To post user ratings you need javascript, everything else should do fine without.

If it is broken in IE, I do not care. If you provide a straightforward fix I will happily use it though. 
all things will be reset once it is done 
Spirit time is a bitch :\

But finaly I�ve been mapping at least 30 minutes everyday of week 
Awesome! Really like it. What sort of feedback are you looking for? Couple if suggestions:

I found that if you click author names with spaces, it converts them to %20s, so you don't get any results. That might be taking me back to the old page though.

I think it'd be nice to have the tags clickable, either it adds it to your search or replaces the search text.

Also, maybe allow searching only tag keywords by using the # character? #test #tag #czgisgay etc.

Is there any easy way to search by rating? Copying and pasting <3 characters works :)
Maybe searching by excellent/poor/etc?

Generally really like it though, useful stuff. 
Already can, it does ascending / descneding if you click on the column header. That could be more obvious - a greyed out arrow next to each on one something. 
Any feedback is great.

spaces in author names and the rating filtering (oh, doh, I really did not think that through) are both Javascript issues. I will struggle a lot with them. Anyone good with js here? The js I use is spanish...

Tags will be clickable on the map details page. I'll have a tag cloud page too to lead to a list with only the clicked tag. I will invest more work if tags are well used some day.

The long listing will be able to show only maps with certain tags and only maps you did/didn't rate or comment on. Probably not driven by js though. 
I think JavaScript generally expects spaces to be escaped by a plus sign (+). 
are quite useless 
30 minute speedmap? 
I just started a speedmap. 
not escaped - encoded 
They are nice to browse around and get ideas. I meant a full list of all existing tags actually, not just "popular" ones. 
Drew 30 minutes is what I have from monday to friday everyday at the moments is nothing in mapping time because i�m as brilliant as you guys are...

I take to many time to make some brushes :|

And I rather use this minutes to finish my map that is in progress since January 2009 and only have 1171 brushes :( 
i remember doing one in 10 mins once. timed on a stopwatch (think it actually came to 10:47, but close enough). christ remembers which pack it ended up in but it got onto SDA somehow :D

it was with qED as well, remade in WC it would probably take half that time... 
I Wasn't Able To Do It 
But I remember Xen did an awesome 30 min speedmap once.

His SM's near the end were amazing. 
yeah whatever happened to him... 
Think scampie pissed him off and he left. 
That sucks. Especially since Scampie has pretty much left too. 
Game Reviews

This is how you are supposed to do it. 
Haha Awesome 
Truth be told, that game does look pretty badass. And Zero Punctuation has been getting pretty stale lately, it was past due for someone else to take up the snarky video game reviewing mantle. 
I like that review :-) 
Just Cause 2 
After reading someone's recommendation (think it was Metl), I gave it the demo a go on the PS3 and I liked it. Gonna try the PC demo on steam too to see if the controls are better so I can make up my mind what platform it makes sense to get for. 
That review delivery was so slow and stilted, I only lasted halfway... 
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