.rmf Files
#158 posted by inertia on 2003/01/26 15:01:23
is it possible to edit .rmf files for quake 1 without worldcraft? im using worldcraft 1.6b (registered version of 1.6a) and i want to edit an .rmf file, but i get error messages when loading it. this has to do with the resurrection of bwdm1 so i hope i can get some help.
 .rmf Files
#159 posted by inertia on 2003/01/26 15:07:00
is it possible to edit .rmf files for quake 1 without worldcraft? im using worldcraft 1.6b (registered version of 1.6a) and i want to edit an .rmf file, but i get error messages when loading it. this has to do with the resurrection of bwdm1 so i hope i can get some help.
 .rmf Files
#160 posted by inertia on 2003/01/26 15:07:14
is it possible to edit .rmf files for quake 1 without worldcraft? im using worldcraft 1.6b (registered version of 1.6a) and i want to edit an .rmf file, but i get error messages when loading it. this has to do with the resurrection of bwdm1 so i hope i can get some help.
#161 posted by inertia on 2003/01/26 15:08:02
i refreshed but the data must have still been in the browser's cache for the page, that might require some fixing
#162 posted by Preach on 2003/01/26 17:37:40
I think that quark can read .rmf from different versions of worldcraft, and then export them back, so I'd recommend trying that. Can't say I like the level editor that comes with it though....
#163 posted by Blitz on 2003/01/26 18:06:57
Wanted to let you all know I'm working on a Q1DM after a loonnnnng period of not mapping. So you can rally behind me or cut me down with blantant abuse, just thought I'd let you know.
I'm using a really random, but blendable assortment of textures.
Also, crazy mad props to metl for this outstanding replacement to QMap!
 I Live
#164 posted by DeFrag on 2003/01/26 18:35:26
good site metl
my Q2 custom-server *STILL* serves..
#165 posted by nitin on 2003/01/26 21:01:18
yep, although they're slightly modifed than the ones posted there. Those ones seemed to default to the gauntlet and use no other weapon.
 *haggle Gaggle*
#166 posted by wrath on 2003/01/27 06:00:25
"So you can rally behind me or cut me down with blantant abuse, just thought I'd let you know."
Your map makes me sick, I hate your guts and your mother is a whore.
 Haggling And Gaggling Anew.
#167 posted by wrath on 2003/01/27 06:01:30
"So you can rally behind me or cut me down with blantant abuse, just thought I'd let you know."
That's great man, we need more people like you, standing up for the old game we all know and love.
Keep up the work, looking forward to the release already.
#168 posted by wrath on 2003/01/27 06:02:14
Like that? :)
#169 posted by Juz on 2003/01/27 06:12:06
a crate, but no barrel!
Can you do the icons in your post still? <grin>
#170 posted by Juz on 2003/01/27 06:12:24
blah :(
#171 posted by nonentity on 2003/01/27 14:45:22
Can you mail them to;
chris dot gilbert -at- rebellion dot co dot uk
please nitin
#172 posted by Snaga on 2003/01/27 19:12:44
Anybody know where he's at?
Have to say I miss his sharp tongued remarks.
#173 posted by Vodka on 2003/01/27 23:55:15
west.gamesnet.net #terrafusion
#174 posted by nitin on 2003/01/28 00:38:35
check your mail.
#175 posted by Drannerz on 2003/01/28 17:03:28
This is unlikely, but was anyone in Catecrasher in Sheffield on Saturday (Jan 25th) wearing a T-shirt with "somebody set up us the bomb" written on the back, and "all your base are belong to us" on the front?
#176 posted by wrath on 2003/01/28 19:30:49
why? you have a bullet to deliver?
#177 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/01/28 19:54:22
You mean this one?
I think it was Cats, and he was after all your base.
 All Your Smurf Is Belong To Smurf
#178 posted by seth on 2003/01/28 20:17:40
#179 posted by Dietz on 2003/01/29 01:00:30
Could you be so sweet as to email the bots to me as well?
dietz -at- spawnpoint dot org
#180 posted by nitin on 2003/01/29 01:59:04
BTW, why is everone using that method for email addys?
 To Avoid Harvesters
There are spider programs out there that can extract email addresses from web pages. The relative inconvenience of having to manually type in an email address is considered worth not getting spam, especially spam from yourself like I have.
 Bascule Thought A Title Wasn't Needed
#182 posted by bascule on 2003/01/29 08:06:00
...T-shirt with "somebody set up us the bomb" written on the back, and "all your base are belong to us" on the front...
Can anyone explain these phrases to me?