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I Think Bakers Texture Converting Tool 
deserves to be news :D

I mean this is a Quake mapping forum afterall :)

But either way - Thanks Baker - I will surely use this it some point :DDD 
Is there anyone else with an original CD of Abyss of Pandemonium? I need someone to verify my rip. 
The Revenge Of Pong! 
For Sharing 
anyone interested in making some weapon models (v_whatever)? 
Quake 2 Engines 
What are the most popular Quake 2 Engines? Is there any engine that has a similar "goal" to Fitzquake (ie. leaving the essence of the engine intact, while updating limits and fixing bugs)? 
kmquake2 seems to be pretty popular but it smakes some core graphic changes which I'm not too fond of.

And although his initial plans may have changed, aguire's in development q2 engine had the goals you refer to. 
If you were on Linux, then would be your choice. 
is there a site for aguire's q2 engine? 
in development 
Send me an e-mail, let me know what you're after. 
I'm interested..after getting Q3 grail in Q1. 
Aliens sentry gun software: 
Fitzquake 0.85 Bugs 
Been experimenting with Fitz .85 lately, and I've noticed what appears to be a few bugs that break certain maps. The most prime example that I've come across so far is e3m2, The Vaults of Zin. The silver key does not descend to the floor below along with the platform its on, instead it gets stuck there. This way I can just grab the key and finish the level. I also noticed monsters teleporting in strangely in the starting room.

On a few custom maps I've noticed monsters getting stuck where they shouldn't be stuck, and also more problems with teleportation.

Responses would be greatly appreciated ! 
yikes, thanks for the bug reports, I'll check these issues out.

For the monsters getting stuck, can you give specifc maps and where in the map? 
The issue with the key on e3m2 can happen when you use low host_framerate values (like 0.005) for any reason.
Did you change any variables from their standard values or are you using a mod?
For me there are no problems with e3m2 or monster teleports. 
The host_framerate issue on e3m2 also affects other engines (but not DP). It seems like model and brush entities react differently when slowed down or something. 
Have Fun Playing Halo2... 
Hard to see that in a positive light.

To reach our aspiration, we need to make changes to the [xbox live] service that are incompatible with our original Xbox v1 games

Hmmm. Yes. Not going to affect me, but a lot of people are going to be staring teary-eyed at Zwiffle's cat for consolation. 
For Cardo 
A sudden burst of motivation made me make this little tool to weed out the good multiplayer maps from my collection (to remove the crap from the site...): 
How did you take all the screenshots? Not manually, I assume. 
aguirRe has a script for that. It simply uses the spawnpoints. 
it dosen't count cos after pong it splits of into another cat!! 
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