Cheers! Great Stuff.
Being a total noob and easily intimidated, I've always put off picking up Trenchbroom.
Watched this earlier and have become pretty interested. I have a week off next week... Guess what I'll be doing? :P
@Hipnotic Rogue
That made my day. Thanks and I'm glad you're taking the plunge.
#3 posted by
DOOMer on 2018/02/07 20:27:44
Good stuff for me (now i trying use Trenchbroom instead JACK). When to wait for the continuation of your tutorials?
Cool that you are going to give it a try. My next two tutorials will be on compiling troubleshooting and on the brush tools.
Should be up early next week I hope.
I May Give TB Another Go Now That I See You Have These Up
#6 posted by
Qmaster on 2018/02/07 22:21:47
Episode 2: Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting leaks and more.
Great Job! Wish I Had This Video When I First Mapped For Qump!
#8 posted by
brassbite on 2018/02/11 09:44:30
One issue I ran into as I started out with TB and eric-w compiling tools, were the C++ Visual Studio Redistributable Packages were not installed. Luckiliy by looking on func (and on the specific pages of TB and eric-w compilers) I found out TB needed Visual Studio 2015, and the compilers needed the 2013 version. Hope I could make my point clear, I'm only semi-native with english.
Sorry about that. In the description for the video I linked to the same link on ericw tool's website. I wasn't aware of the issue. Thanks for letting me know.
Episode 3
Here's episode 3. Brush tool and misc tips.
#11 posted by
DOOMer on 2018/02/14 19:08:05
Thanks for ep2 & ep3 :)
My suggestion for one of the upcoming episodes - tell us about setting up a map compilation directly from the TrenchBroom, without using an external GUI for compilers.
Honestly I am not going to spend time on that at least not any time soon. I had this planned but Sleepwalker told me not to bother as the tool is going to get a re-worked eventually. I'm not sure why it's an issue to use the GUI. Unless you are on Linux or something.
In Editor Compilation
will be revamped at some point because it appears to cause a lot of trouble. My plan is to extend the game definition so that you set up your compilers in the game preferences, similar to the game path.
Then you can refer to these compilers in the compilation profile by using a variable, e.g. ${QBSP} -myparameters ${MAP_FILE} ${OUTPUT_FILE}
That way, we can set up builtin profiles so that people don't have to do anything except for setting up the paths to the compilers.
I can never seem to get the Necros UI to work (QBSP can't find the map, etc) ... but the in-editor tools work great. Heh.
#16 posted by
muk on 2018/02/15 16:58:50
Im so thankful someone else couldnt get NecrosGUI set up. I never got it working either. :D
@warren @muk
Did you follow MY directions? If you did, would work. No spaces in the files names. I even have a video showing you how.
Fine go ahead and type in manually every time you want to tweak a command line setting while lighting your map. I will be busy playing my map after toggling options on and off in Necros' GUI. 8-P
And Muk why make Qompiler? Something lacking in TB? :qthink:
#18 posted by
muk on 2018/02/15 23:49:38
batch files allow you to loop through a large set of maps to recompile them. one click and you can compile multiple maps. Very useful for recompiling large batches of breakables to new light settings.
"Something lacking in TB?"