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The christmas crate is back! Woohoo! 
I Iz Gettin' A Puppy! :D :D :D

This was me yesterday on a farm in Ayrshire, Scotland. Picking the dog up for real in January, fo' real! Damn thing has a pedigree as long as your arm, l0lz, not gonna be cheap!

As you can see its a dog (ie male).

Not Quake related, but I am happy about it anyway, if we can have a thread about immorality, maybe we should have one for pets!

Havent thought of a name for him yet, Rascal keeps coming to mind. Not sure what Sandra would think of Shubby..... 
That is sooo adorable!

Shubby is def better than Rascal, Rascal is a boring run-of-the-mill name. 
How About 
Crawling Chaos

Shubby would be for a girl ;) 
Crawing Chaos!

Is Shubby what you called your little girl Ijed? 
Dogon (ehhh, yeah =/ ) 
Middle name:

Grace Shub-Niggurath Manning Araya

(Two last names in Chile)

. . . and her Mum pronounces Shub-Niggurath as 'Andrea'. 
i'm partial to 'superfly johnson'... 
That is the cutest puppy ever :3

But, can someone tell me what that girl in the background is doing? She looks like shes constipated. 
Thats My Fiance! 
You never had a picture taken where you were having an unfortunate facial expression or are you the most photogenic person eva? 
This is still the best "unfortunate expressions" picture: 
.. makes us looking so stupid sometimes... :P 
What An Awesome Idea Of Naming Something Shubby 
"may you be blessed with fertility, may you spawn thousands of malformed disgusting minions who shall pollute time and space with their abonimable presence, sending nightmares to disturbed and unstable humans, making them shiver in paranoid fear in cold and lonely places." 
Heh - I Think The Guy At The Front With His Eyes Closed Looks Like 
he's on something! But it could just be a freak picture where he blinked just as the lens shutter opened, who knows!?

This annoys me:,news-5376.html

I mean how stupid is this report!

Dont the government recommend doing half an hour of excercise per day?
So a study where people use it for 24 minutes per day in week 1, then 4 minutes per day in week 2 seems pretty dumb to me! Of course its not going to improve their fitness. 
Wii Fit. 
Whatever homies, go for a run you fat cunts. 
Well You Cant Do Yoga And Run At The Same Time. 
And going for a four minute run each day isnt going to help much either, is all im saying. 
depends in which direction you're aiming.

on the one side is a game that incidentally makes your more 'fit'. you play the game because it's fun.

on the other side is a computer program you follow fairly strictly that provides a limited form a entertainment as opposed to mindlessly performing your fitness routine.

one is a game, the other is not. the article treats wii fit as if it was a fitness regimen, yet tests it on people as if it's a game. that doesn't make sense. 
"Whatever homies, go for a run you fat cunts."

Seriously, who needs knee cartilage? That shit is for pussies who walk around.

But in seriousness, for most people, doing ANYTHING is an improvement over what they currently do - which is nothing. So if Wii fit gets them off the couch for even an hour a week, they should see SOME health benefit. 
I Will Now Solve All Weight Problems: 
Stop eating and take the dog for a walk. 
I just reworded Shambler's post. 
Run on grass?

And speaking as a dancer, knee cartilage is over-rated anyway. 
Oh Really ... 
And speaking as a dancer

a pole dancer? is this the night time job, bump and grindy!?! :P 
I became a U.S. Citizen this morning. I was sworn in and I have my certificate and everything. Ready to go get my passport next! And my NASCAR goodie bag... 
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