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Server Maintenance Downtime 
Hi folks, the server on which the forum is hosted is going down for maintenance this weekend. This will hopefully only take a few hours, but you know how it is with these things. Stuff may go wrong and it may take longer than expected. No worries though, everything will be backed up off site for great justice! 
thanks for the heads up :) 
What about dm6, dm13, t7, and t9?

There's a very active dueling scene in QL, I watch alot to see the cool matches all the time. 
Yeh, the maps get played.

But all the 'pro' players are whining about it.

Afaik there's a 'contest' (it's some guy offering 50 euro) on ESR atm to suggest the best item/minor layout changes (jumppads and teles) for DM6 with the aim of persuading iD to make it... 
oh, and cheers for the heads up sleep 
The upgrade is already finished. Everything went very smooth, surprisingly. 
"But all the 'pro' players are whining about it. "

Duel Maps 
dm6 - almost broken in q3, now broken due to the new spawn system. It's basically impossible to come back against good players. I've never been great at this map, but even other players I was losing against told me so.
dm13 - camp fest, which just is no fun. i mean, a map more defensive than ztn? It basically feels like the guy who hides in the best spots wins. oh yeah, and in the areas where camping isn't > *, it's shaft aim only.
(i always mess the new maps up)
t7 - i did dominate another guy with experience on my first play just because of my superior aim. super lollercoaster simple. Just not necessary to go into anything more than the most simple mind games.
t9 - super huge and wrong scale, shitty teles, camp fest. As a mapper, I feel disgusted to even TRY playing this. And when I did, it totally sucked. 
thanks for the warning, seems everything is working! 
What would be things you could imagine being funded with amounts of say about $50 that would be of great use for many Quake people? Maybe some itches that annoy you for years but no-one ever fixed?

Think of bounties, some FOSS projects have things like that. 
I could imagine these:

-Ogg Vorbis support for cd track emulation (and other uses)

-Quoth fdg/whatever, or has that been done now? How about QuArK support?
-QuArK port to Linux. Might be way out of the league.

Some articles? Research? 
Bounties would be a very interesting idea. I could see people doing stuff they wouldn't normally if there was some money involved. 
just ask Negke 
Dare I ask: What did Negke do for money? ;-) 
gargled an ogres balls in exchange for a shiny nickel. 
Shambler's Castle 
Just got around to playing Shambler's Castle, the 1 level "quake in doom3 engine" mod. I was a bit sceptic and obviously purists will easily find some things that don't feel "just right", but overall it was actually really fucking good and great fun. 
Yeah I Enjoyed It Too :D 
To "however long ago that came out and everyone loved it", Jago. 
Shambler's Castle 
first thing i did was replace all the 44khz weapon sounds with original 11khz stock quake sounds. 
well I'm doing a lecture/talk on Quake, as a less formal "cultural lecture" here (at this university, in front of a small academic audience) early next year, I'd take $50 for that (lol). I'll still be doing it either way though.
I'll convert the talk to an article and post it somewhere afterwards. It's tentatively called "The Lingering Legacy of id Software's Quake: A Glimpse Into Thirteen Years of Darkness." Various aspects of Quake, its inspirations, history, artistic style, level design stuff, legacy and etc will be touched on.

For the record I don't think academics should get paid public money to study videogames, I'm even a bit iffy about film. Those things culturally perpetrate themselves; I guess I'm a bit conservative on this one but I think part of the point of literary study is to preserve classic literature like Dante, Shakespeare, Milton, etc. 
That sounds very cool! Wish I could attend. 
so academics should only study dead art forms? 
I'm Not Necessarily Saying That 
though if something's in your exact same language (no language studies required) and not more than 50 years old, you're not really making an effort to put yourself in the mindset of another culture. I can see the benefit society gets out of historians and even about people who can explain cultural/literary history, etc, but I don't see the justice behind someone playing GTA3, writing up their opinion (laced with suitable jargon of course) and collecting public money. Academics is supposed to be difficult (if not boring). 
Okay, I guess i agree with that.

But, I think video games is a pretty interesting and rich art form, and I would like somebody to be thinking deeply about it. Game reviewers rarely do, game makers are often too busy making games to write about it, and even when a reviewer or developer writes something really good about games, it's hard to find because there is no organization trying to collect or catalog all of that writing.

So I guess i'm saying since academics shouldn't be doing it, could we at least have some faux-academics to meet all of these needs? 
What A Coincidence 
im doing my senior project on quake and how it learns you computer stuff :O 
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