#17645 posted by Spirit on 2009/11/01 11:13:14
Yes. Dunno about the Kindle but notes are a crucial feature most readers should support nowadays.
#17646 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/11/01 12:27:44
You can make notes but I've never done that. I read fiction and some reference stuff so notes are fairly useless to me, personally.
If you want to buy 50 used books, that's great, but remember that I can carry all 50 with me wherever I go. You can't. :)
#17647 posted by Vigil on 2009/11/01 12:38:31
But the trick is to only carry one at a time. The rest are waiting for you in bookshops.
#17648 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/11/01 12:40:04
I can see this is going to spiral into an awesome circular argument. To sum up as I get my coat, you'll have to pry my Kindle from my cold dead fingers.
#17649 posted by Zwiffle on 2009/11/01 15:07:18
Well I guess, if you really need that secure feeling that you get knowing that you can open that one book at any time and read that one passage at any time, then a Kindle makes a lot of sense. Or if you just get an itch to read some Lovecraft, or something like that.
I guess for me, reading is something I do at home, during a relaxed time before bed or while I'm taking a shit, or if I just take an hour out of the day to read. I wouldn't carry more than one book with me unless I was really close to finishing that book anyway.
I'm kind of curious how much the digital books cost. Most of the scifi I bought recently were like $8 paper backs. (One Arthur C Clarke compilation I have is pretty good except for the semi-frequent spelling errors, such as the letter 'm' replacing the workd 'in.') But I digress.
So really, bottom line, if you're freaking out over not having a ton of things to read while you're out at a concert or some other place, or just like expensive technology, or legitimately feel it's a good product, go ahead and get it.
#17650 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/11/01 15:10:06
Kindle books are generally cheaper than their physical counterparts on Amazon. I get a lot of books for 50% off and those are fairly recent titles.
I tend to have several books on the go at any given time so I like being able to hop into the menu and pick whatever I feel like reading at that moment in time.
#17651 posted by Zwiffle on 2009/11/01 15:19:23
Can you get like text books on their too, or is it just normal every day sort of books? I would imagine you can't, but I haven't looked into it so you never know.
#17652 posted by JneeraZ on 2009/11/01 15:28:51
You probably could but text books aren't a good usage case for the Kindle. It's designed for contiguous reading, not for jumping around quickly as a reference.
In The Mean Time
#17653 posted by Vigil on 2009/11/01 16:43:09
My photography portfolio is finally taking form:
#17654 posted by JPL on 2009/11/01 18:07:59
You have here a nice bunch of shots ! Good job ! I love the japan serie :)
#17655 posted by megaman on 2009/11/01 18:51:40
To be honest, a lot of those look a bit random. Like a bunch of high-quality vacation pictures, but still with the 'wow that looks great, let's take a picture'-vibe.
Spam-pron :S
#17656 posted by RickyT33 on 2009/11/02 11:52:17
#17657 posted by Spirit on 2009/11/02 22:33:28
#17658 posted by metlslime on 2009/11/03 02:34:59
nice... i had actually mocked up something similar (isometric quake) several years ago but had targeted the graphics more at the Super Nintendo level. Unfortunately the images were lost in a hard drive crash.
Bal Or Vigil
#17659 posted by nitin on 2009/11/03 08:32:29
either of you been to sakurajima? pretty awesome island IMHO, although the weather can change quickly and nastily.
#17660 posted by bal on 2009/11/03 10:03:05
I've been to Kagoshima, but didn't have enough time to visit the island unfortunatly, just walked along the coast and took photos of it. :)
I was actually told that the island wasn't so interesting, and required a car, is that not true?
#17661 posted by Vigil on 2009/11/03 10:54:29
Nah, unfortunately I never left Honshu (except Miyajima, I guess). I'll keep that in mind for my next trip, though.
#17662 posted by nitin on 2009/11/03 12:06:47
is a must to do it properly but I didnt have one and even on foot, theres a few interesting walking routes.
Definitely not as much to do as Miyajima but its worth it just to see japanese tourists panic when sakurajima erupts and spews ash everywhere :) Those who dont know whats going on think the whole island is going down or something!
Vigil, I suggest Kamikochi over anything else for oyur next trip, definitely my favorite spot so far. And then maybe Koyan San.
Ah Yeah...
#17663 posted by bal on 2009/11/03 12:16:23
I wanted to do Koya-san last time but it didn't fit in my schedule. Will check both of those locations out next trip! Gone there 4 times now and I'm still not bored of it.
Ah Yeah...
#17664 posted by bal on 2009/11/03 12:16:23
I wanted to do Koya-san last time but it didn't fit in my schedule. Will check both of those locations out next trip! Gone there 4 times now and I'm still not bored of it.
Magome To Tsumago (or Vice Versa)
#17665 posted by nitin on 2009/11/03 12:27:53
is another worthy hike, with the night spent in tsumago.
Yamadera is stunning, if not the easiest place to get to.
what else, I also really enjoyed Matsumoto and Kawaguchi-ko. And wish I had more time around Iya Valley and Tokushima.
#17666 posted by Jago on 2009/11/03 18:02:08
This game has easily gotten the "fiance stamp of approval" (with fanfare too). Bought it as a gift amd I think she's been at it for 4 hours nonstop now.
It's 20eur on Steam.
#17667 posted by Jago on 2009/11/03 18:04:13
#17668 posted by bal on 2009/11/03 23:02:25
Ah yeah, I haven't gotten around to visiting Shikoku at all yet (nor Hokkaido for that matter), definitely have to check that out sometime.
#17669 posted by pjw on 2009/11/04 02:34:38
This game has easily gotten the "fiance stamp of approval"
Demo here, if anyone wants to try it:
I haven't had time yet this week--too much real life.