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Dear Bots 
Please go away, and don't come back until you can pass a Turing test.

They can fake it well enough. 
Well, you're talking to them, so... 
yeah but R.P.G. is also a bot. This site is one big turing test beep beep 101010101011 JOIN US THX 
yeah, i was planning on doing it last night, but forgot. 
The Windows 7 Install Saga 

My god, this is quite possibly the strangest hardware error I have ever come across :)

So I've been using the RC1 version of win7 for a few months, and was loving it - so I bought the home premium version yesterday. Got home, formatted c: and started the install process for windows 7.

It crashes the PC at around 80% installed, so I reboot and try again, it crashes the pc at 72%. This story continues for around an hour, seemingly crashing the pc at a lower percentage of completeness each time. I scratch my beard (that I dont have).

I take the side panel of my pc off, to check that everything is ok inside, everything looks fine, so I think what the hell and give it another try, the pc crashes while the windows 7 installer is loading... hmmm.

Its at this point I notice that the fan on my graphics card has stopped spinning (thank god I removed the side panel)! So after a quick power off I check the card and its boiling all over, oh crap I think and leave it to cool down. Come back an hour later and try again and the fan seems to work fine. However, as soon as the windows 7 installer starts loading, the fan turns off!?

Luckily I had a spare old gpu lying around that I could plug in and install windows (this was fine now) on, and then swap the other card back in.

Bizarre? =) 
So much for windows 7 improved power management. 
Anyone Else 
been to japan and seen Himeji-Jo?

Astounding stuff! 
i take it your video card was still functional afterwards? still, that's creepy... 
Improved Power Management 
= not compatible with current hardware. 
Oh, you mean Himeji castle where I just was a few weeks ago?

Crappy weather that day, hope you're doing better. 
yeah went there 2 days ago, loved it.

weather was good for me. 
Good name colour choice. 
I hate you cause you're in Japan and I'm not. =(
Eat a nice fat okonomiyaki for me please, with some umeshu. 
going to hiroshima tomorrow which I hear specialises in okonomiyaki. Will oblige :) 
Go buy some awesome loli manga and beat off to pictures of pre-pubescent girls ok? 
I hope you're stopping at Miyajima only the way, it's near Hiroshima, and such an awesome spot. 
Tomorrow Bal 
btw, still havent eaten that okinomiyaki yet but for dinner tonight. 
If you like hiking, there's an alternate route to Mount Misen on Miyajima island called Omoto pass. Cool hiking route through an old forest, and passes over another peak with awesome views. Bring some water, there are apparently nothing to drink on top, except at the ropeway station.

And speaking of Miyajima... 
Thanks For The Tip 
any idea how long that route takes on the y=way up? 
I'm a little hiked out having been to Kamikochi and also Tsumago-Magome about a week ago.

But tomorrow is another day :) 
It took us about two hours from the park where the trail begins, but that was with pretty frequent shooting stops. It's very well taken care of with proper steps all the way to the top. We timed it so we could see the sunset. You can catch a ferry to the mainland until about 10PM.

Exiting the Itsukushima shrine (another excellent spot to visit), you should be able to spot a large map of the island, and the Omoto trail will be mentioned on that.

How's the seasonal color there? It was just barely beginnig when I was there, which was a slight disappointment, to be honest. 
News Threads 
if we were about to release a second alpha or maybe a first beta of quakeinjector, should we post a new news post or just use the old one? 
Definitely new! 
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